Former admin Walter has been demoted to the role of KSP Clippy. Excellent. noplz How on Earth did you guys come to this conclusion? Forum ≠Twitter What? What happened to the "don't reveal your age" rule? Actually, don't we already have a location field? Okay, I'm not a hater and I usually like SQUAD for the great stuff they do, but this is just insane. Ten bucks to use similes and signatures!? You mean we won't have these anymore!? ;.; Please tell me the fifteen bucks are to add your OWN avatar, not just to view them. And the search engine restriction is ridiculous, BTW. Here comes Google Site Search. And the last one. My god, the last one. Kerbalizer makes sense, but twenty-five bucks to view threads over three months old? For god's sake, this isn't snapchat! Nope. Sorry, SQUAD, but at the moment this does not sound good at all. Honestly, this sounds pretty terrible at the moment... I'm not even sure if I'll keep using the KSP Forums with these character limits and restrictions. Time to protest! Remember the time of smilies! Woooo! :cool::cool: EDIT: But I agree this sounds exactly like an April Fool's joke. If it was anytime near April, it would be so obvious.