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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. Ghosts are the Fifth-Dimensional Beings from Interstellar. Ooooooh. This thread is officially 2spooky4me! someone had to say it
  2. I agree this needs to be fixed, but... you do know they show the same thing on the forums, right?
  3. Infiniglide is being fixed with the new aero, but I agree anyway. That freaking decoupler bug.
  4. I have to say it. The comments on that article are the best part.
  5. Oh, nice! I didn't make the cut, but I don't blame Epsilon... I'll bet it's quite a challenge thinking up all those comments next to the names. I don't know half these people
  6. My theory is that Kerbals are aliens from another planet. Their only base is the KSC, which has a runway and launch pad because they used to receive shipments from the homeworld there. However, a catastrophe cut off all communication with the home planet, and now they're just using the KSC to explore this strange new system. This also explains why they need spacesuits all the time - the buildings are airtight and they can't breathe outside air. They're aliens! *insert Aliens meme here*
  7. This. I don't have enough patience to do long launches and this is half the reason, right here
  8. I've never understood why people hate touchpads so much. I play KSP with a touchpad and it's fine. Actually, I never use a separate mouse. I really, honestly don't get what's wrong with a regular old touchpad.
  9. When is Upsilon going to update the list? Actually, how does he even get the list?
  10. Looks like hypetrain.net is open. Let's do this.
  11. You could probably use the small SRBs to tweak your landing. Considering the suspension on the landing legs, you wouldn't need to decelerate too much.
  12. Maybe check the thread discussing it in Kerbal network. It's been rant-quoted so many times, I'm sure you'll get the gist of it
  13. You guys have different styles. Basic.Syntax seems to prefer direct quotes, while you (OWK) generally use written summaries. Clearly, the best solution is... (why don't you both do it? )
  14. Awesome! Thanks for posting this! Glad to hear that they've been listening to the community when it comes to moar testing. And as far as the April Fools joke goes, the problem wasn't the joke. It was pretty dang funny. The problem was that, first of all, it wasn't released near April 1st, and second of all, lots of companies actually do do that stuff... but not SQUAD, never One thing that bugs me however is the "tagline" for 1.0. We had a forum thread on this a while back and pretty much everyone ended up agreeing that it was a special version, and "Kerbal Space Program" was the best fit. Nothing more, nothing less. Just "Kerbal Space Program: 1.0".
  15. It's not a bug, it's a "feature"! You see, it's really the probe taking the crew report. The only reason it needs a lander can is because the lander can has the clipboards inside. Yeeeeaaaahhh.
  16. It was a good joke, but you guys should have done it a day or two before April 1st. Or at least put an "April Fools" note in the first time you did it.
  17. Oh my god, those are amazing! Great work, dude!
  18. It actually was pretty funny when you think about it, but it seriously needed either an "April Fools!" note at the bottom, or a release closer to April. I did like the humor though, once I thought about it. The paid subscriptions should have tipped us off. Face it, the mods got us. The mods got us good. But it REALLY needed an indication that it was a joke
  19. Goddangit, the mods really got us with this one. Announce your joke closer to April next time, mkay? I didn't even realize what month was coming up.
  20. Former admin Walter has been demoted to the role of KSP Clippy. Excellent. noplz How on Earth did you guys come to this conclusion? Forum ≠Twitter What? What happened to the "don't reveal your age" rule? Actually, don't we already have a location field? Okay, I'm not a hater and I usually like SQUAD for the great stuff they do, but this is just insane. Ten bucks to use similes and signatures!? You mean we won't have these anymore!? ;.; Please tell me the fifteen bucks are to add your OWN avatar, not just to view them. And the search engine restriction is ridiculous, BTW. Here comes Google Site Search. And the last one. My god, the last one. Kerbalizer makes sense, but twenty-five bucks to view threads over three months old? For god's sake, this isn't snapchat! Nope. Sorry, SQUAD, but at the moment this does not sound good at all. Honestly, this sounds pretty terrible at the moment... I'm not even sure if I'll keep using the KSP Forums with these character limits and restrictions. Time to protest! Remember the time of smilies! Woooo! :cool::cool: EDIT: But I agree this sounds exactly like an April Fool's joke. If it was anytime near April, it would be so obvious.
  21. This, but Kerbals could never breathe the atmosphere. Why do you think they always wear spacesuits, and the doors are always closed? Plottwist.
  22. But what if they're... spaaaaace police?
  23. I won't choose Potatoes. I won't choose Potatoes. I won't choose Potatoes. EUUUGGGHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAHHHHH ... I chose Potatoes. Leave me to my shame.
  24. I'm sorry, guys, but if this is going to be the revolutionary event that proves the existence of past life on Mars, I need to do this. I just need to. First.
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