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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. Partnership with the guys who made Interstellar, to introduce tesseracts into the game.
  3. Hey, that's pretty cool! I guess it was based on that.
  4. I gotta say it. This part of the movie always messes with me. It was supposed to be an epic tale of humanity's first-ever voyage beyond the solar system. Instead it turns out we already sent out 9 whole people, and the Endurance is just checking out who survived?
  5. Moving around in a stable scenario (space station) would be great. It would make stations a bit more fun, because at the moment they're just floating metal... I also can't wait to see the inside of the Lab. And the Mk2 Crew Capsule... it seems weirdly small.
  6. They DO have a door. Kerbin's atmosphere is poisonous so they just painted the door to look like the outside. Why do you think Kerbals always wear helmets outside, anyways? Stupid conspiracies aside... yeah, I support this idea
  7. Exactly! Cameras have always been on spacecraft. And personally, I think photos should be one of the primary (okay, secondary) sources of rep. Nothing inspires the public like a shot of Jeb standing on the Mun, right?
  8. This thread is rapidly turning into BREAKING INTERNATIONAL CRISIS!!! THE FUTURE OF FEMALE KERBALS World leaders met today to discuss the future of female kerbals, which were recently added to the game KSP. This decision has sparked riots throughout many different regions as confusion reigns. Will the names be female? Will Valentina be in the starting three? This is history in the making!
  9. Soonthuary Soonteenth, Two-Thousand-Soon. Seriously though, SQUAD never announces release dates. It'll probably take a while though.
  10. Oh yeah, maybe you could have a "show camera view" on the part, and then it... well... shows the camera view.
  11. 1) Get rocket 2) Propel out of solar system 3) Bring along copy of KSP to entertain myself 4) Wait This is a good plan. I like this plan.
  12. The thing about changing it to "Intelligence" is that, in KSP, higher might not be better. Maybe your main priority is getting a bunch of stupid Kerbals that won't question their leader.
  13. Ugh, I just had to read this thread right before bedtime. Sweet dreams, I guess.
  14. I've been wanting to bring this up for a while. When a new NASA probe lands on Mars, do people want to hear about the revolutionary temperature readings? Or the beautiful results from the materials study? No. While these are important, the most interesting piece of equipment is usually the camera, and it's one of the most useful pieces too! Cameras and telescopes have been a big gap in the science system for a while. They would make science less about clicking and more about getting to a good spot to grab a photo that shows lots of features. Here's how I think it could work because Nik loves nothing more than speculation There would be several different parts. The basic camera (radial-mounted) would take low quality black-and-white pictures. The advanced camera (radial-mounted) would take better, colored pictures. The telescope (about the size of a small fuel tank) would require lots of power, but be able to take pictures from a great distance. Once you get into a good spot and position your ship, you snap a photo. The standard science dialog comes up, but now it's got a picture where the text usually is. You receive science points based on... - What planet or moon the picture shows (Eeloo gives more than Kerbin) - The size of the planet or moon in the picture (farther away = harder to see = less SCIENCE) - Angle of picture (light side of planet is better than dark side) - Altitude where picture is taken (Surface shots are way moar awesomer than orbital ones, say scientists) - Quality of picture (Is it colored? How much static is there? Basically camera quality.) Note: I know some of these would be hard to program. These are only suggestions. In addition, pictures could give different antennas a use... better antennas give higher quality when transmitted? One last thing. Pictures would also grant reputation, because like I said in the beginning, the public only cares about pictures. Taking pictures with your crew in them would greatly inspire the public and give you loads of rep. So what do you guys think?
  15. This. I really only want to hear about the game development (sorry, Max. Don't take it personally) so it makes more sense to just read the summaries.
  16. Yeah, I've seen it used a couple of times. That bottom picture with the space station looks so scary with no sun... or planet... or anything...
  17. The fate worse than death! No, wait, I'm actually curious. What is it? Phone call? FBI summoned to house? Drone strike? Nuclear strike?
  18. Contracts would be pretty awesome. You could give other players contracts, or you could have space races going on for the big exploration contracts. Space races would be especially awesome.
  19. Yeah, remove the eyebrows. The shape is fine. There's a nudging feeling telling me it's weird, but that's just me getting used to the old models
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