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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. Definitely being able to move around, but only when the ship is stable. Like in space stations.
  2. Is this the Illuminator Mk3? WAIT Mk3, three is illuminati And it's called "illuminator" DOUBLE LOOMINARTY PLANET DOOMSDAY ALIEN GEORGE BUSH OBAMA SPOTLIGHT AREA 51 MIND CONTROL ANTI-GUN RIGHTS PLOT.
  3. Conventional rockets are safer then regular tanning beds True story.
  4. 1/10 I guess need to get in more, I've never seen you!
  5. 1/10 I've personally never seen you but you look experienced (1,000 posts and I've never seen you? wat)
  6. This. My god, yes, this. I'm sure we can get rid of the nuclear arsenal if we have a robotic nuclear war on the moon, and show it as reality TV. Would certainly win public support, anways
  7. Clearly the KSP community acts all nice and friendly, but is actually a serial killer. *cue crime drama music*
  8. What's wrong with this thread? I know some people made insulting replies but the OP was just doing a survey. I think I'm really lost here.
  9. I purchased his book a month ago. When did I say the movie didn't have science? Anyways, from what I've seen most people complain about the plot, not the science. But it was still better than Gravity's "astronaut crashes into stuff and makes big mess" plot. And Gravity had a bunch of errors, and- Geez, I really hate Gravity, don't I
  10. I'm really surprised that it didn't get any awards considering all the ones that Gravity got. I mean, the movie had some flaws, but it was a lot better than Gravity! At least Interstellar had some plot to it, and if you're going to argue that Gravity had better visual effects, then... http://www.wired.com/2014/10/astrophysics-interstellar-black-hole/
  11. I wonder if a female Kerbal will be added to the "default" group. I hope not... it's not discrimination, I just want to keep the "classic" group and I don't see how we could do that with four Kerbals.
  12. People actually read the other ones? I'll occasionally check what's on Mondays, but we all know devnotes are fuel for the hypetrain.
  13. I can't imagine SQUAD giving up on video games once KSP is done. They've got a what, ten-man team (where it's usually a LOT more) giving them hundreds of purchases, and KSP isn't some cheap mobile game, either. I'd love to see them expand the space/flight genre. To be honest, it would be a shame if they DID switch to cheap mobile games or Call of Duty once KSP was finished. I don't think they will... hopefully they won't
  14. I agree that 1.0 should just be "Kerbal Space Program". This is a big release and we've already gone through a thread of name/trailer suggestions... most agreed that simplicity was the best choice.
  15. Stack of coins is quick and easy, but nothing could possibly beat this method for the sheer awesomeness.
  16. When your 1000-kerbal interstellar craft reaches the Kerbol escape point, the game cuts to black and you get an epic trailer and credits. And then the craft blows up.
  17. Er. I think I'm lost here, but... what exactly is the purpose of "reserving" a first post? You can just edit the OP?
  18. While reputation does feel more... analog then the others, and I think it needs some sort of scale, I agree that the contract numbers and especially the admin building numbers do not fit with this system at all. There must be a better way!
  19. So, I was going to make an intelligent comment regarding moderation and human society, but I can't get over the freaking vibrating penguin. Please send help, I can't look away from it.
  20. This question was once considered impossible, but officials at the Crash Assessment Facility have finally completed their report, and are ready to announce the total number of cra- *assistant frantically whispers into ear* Right. I've just been informed that the Crash Assessment Facility was hit by a stray rocke- *assistant whispers again* An unknown projectile. Apologies.
  21. Is there a tesseract at the center? cough Sorry, couldn't resist. Anyways, it seems cool but you do know that SQUAD probably isn't adding planets anytime soon, and if they do, it will most likely be GP2?
  22. When your first stage makes it all the way to the destination, and you have to decouple your last set of asparagus boosters before you land
  23. It was awesome. While I was a bit disappointed at first, it's the kind of movie that you really need to think about. And yes, the feeling you get when you actually understand the physics is amazing. Is it bad that, being the sort of person who reads XKCD What-If a lot, I got really excited when he fell into the black hole because I really wanted to see what was inside? By the way, I later purchased Kip Thorne's book on the movie. It revealed a lot and was surprisingly easy to understand. I recommend it.
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