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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. dryer_lint


    Ah, ROBLOX. Yeah, it's really gone downhill. The well-built games with dedicated developers (no, I'm not patting myself on the back here. I personally sucked) go unnoticed and forgotten while "roleplay in the copied, built in two hours, pay-to-win [insert overused theme here]" dominates the front page for months. I honestly don't know what happened. Too many five-year-olds playing it now?
  2. I always thought timewarp was just the player (administrator) going on vacation while the space program is idle... But this sounds a lot better.
  3. Fuel and Oxidizer are enough for me. Jets use Liquid Fuel and rockets require oxidizer as well, that's it. The part list is already cluttered. Do we really need more fuel types?
  4. I'll miss good old pancake rockets. What will happen to the old system of "MOAR ASPARAGUS BOOSTERS" now?
  5. Around the middle of that album, where he's walking on the Mun, it shows a Kerbal with its context menu open... and there's a "remove EVA suit" option. WOT!?
  6. The appearance is fine, but physics needs a ton of improvement. Yes.
  7. I consider that the start of the game.This
  8. Kerbal Conspiracy Theory: They actually are aliens. They came to Kerbin (which is future, dead Earth) from their home planet but then a disaster cut off all communications before they could really colonize Kerbin. Now the KSC (which was supposed to be used as a spaceport to receive supplies) is their only base, so they're using it to explore the rest of the system and hopefully find some way to return home. P.S. This is why they always wear spacesuits. Kerbin's outside air is toxic to them P.P.S. Oh, and remember NovaSilisko's old concept for an advanced "before the Kerbals" race that placed all the Easter Eggs? Yeah... those were humans. DUN DUN DUN PLOT TWIST CONFIRMED
  9. Maybe we're looking at this the wrong way. Perhaps it's a Unity setting that other games leave enabled, and then it shows up in KSP?
  10. 7/10 ba dum tsss Note: Mine hasn't been changed since the hypetrain/hypeplane drove through town. Dang, that was a long time ago...
  11. That fits so well, though! It could have been stock, and I wouldn't have noticed it for years, probably
  12. No picture, so... I hire this guy to make propaganda and rule the world.
  13. Does it really matter? As long as there's no guy in a cubicle literally sorting through my information, I honestly don't care that much.
  14. The point where the line of ships crosses behind the planet's surface ruins it. ... I'm really grumpy, aren't I?
  15. If they're advanced enough to invent time travel, then they're probably able to rain down AK-47s from the sky.
  16. How about a KSP 2? An entire sequel? Interstellar Kerbals ftw.
  17. VAB > Crew Tab > Remove Jeb and add your own favorite That, and you can fire them now.
  18. I really couldn't care less about debris The chances of crashing into it are insanely small.
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