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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. Your signature is either evil or awesome. Probably both. And by the way, I agree with Tw1. While I haven't used NEAR or FAR yet, and the idea of new aero makes me nervous, when you think about it, there's really nothing much to miss. Infiniglide is fun but gets boring...
  2. Choose a starting strategy/mission statement for your Space Agency Sounds cool. Nicknaming Kerbals - Ie. Bill "Reckless" Kerman This would be nice as well. Customisable space suit colour for new recruited Kerbals While I support spacesuit colors, I'm not really into being able to change them... Paint rockets....or choose a RGB value which hues all fuel tank parts (more simple to implement) Don't think this is really that necessary Choose your Launch window through the launch screen (for example morning, noon, evening, night launches) This would be freaking awesome Add a "Mission" value to ships which can be viewed in Map view (Pathfinder 2 Mission: to land a probe on Duna) Not sure I understand completely but it sounds neat. Programmable lift off and reentry sequences based on altitude? Going a bit too far IMO, but we could definitely have timers or altitude triggers for action groups
  3. Come on though, guys. Most of the time, the ads aren't even that noticeable, and if they give SQUAD extra funding to improve the game, who cares about a bunch of ads? As long as they don't do stuff like this.
  4. I always revert flight and do my best to keep them alive on long, non-revertable missions... that is, if it's a Kerbal I care about. Mwuahahahahaa. Mwuahaaahaahahahahaaaaa!
  5. Suddenly, HDTV pops up and everyone buys it instead of pixels
  6. 244: While messing with helium tanks, one of the engine-nears is somehow able to put together an O2 tank. He is later unable to remember how he did it, due to inhaling too much helium. However, the O2 tank survives and is reverse-engineered, allowing the space program to mass-produce them. 245: One of Crazy Uncle Jeb's brothers discovers that if you put Jeb's coffee together with a tank of O2 and ignite it, you can make fire that looks almost as good as the fire that comes out of boosters!
  7. cough COUGH ahem cough poke poke WINK wink AHEM cough COUGH cough Anyways... I like the idea. Lighting definitely needs some kind of improvement and this would help a ton with testing.
  8. Bub becoz hez 3smrt5u nob hez almos as smrt as mi!!!111 [/sarcasm] Seriously though, Bob rules!
  9. I love all the trailer ideas. Some soft KSP music plays in the background as the VAB doors dramatically open, then we get a montage of all the versions with some player creations cutting in every few frames. The music builds and builds and then stops, to switch to some sort of flight scene as the video fades to black. And then the theme music comes on as a massive rocket lifts off, and we get a shot of orbit and decoupling. Cue obligatory montage of camera flying over all the planets, and then a Kerbal hitting a button as Michael Bay is called in and we get explosion videos. From there it's just a ton of epic shots of the final game, and as the music and video fade out, we get one last picture of the KSC flag fluttering in the sunset. *rising finale whoosh thing you know what I mean* KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM: 1.0 *cut to black*
  10. Definitely just Kerbal Space Program. Minimalism is the best choice here, I think. And we need Nassault to do an epic trailer for it!
  11. But the whole point of KSP is for it to be... infinite, isn't it? Interstellar would be a cool endgame though.
  12. I fully support NASA doing an April Fool's Day "launch" live on TV, where the entire hour-long video is recorded in KSP.
  13. Yes, hinges would be awesome. We could also use some more space station parts... maybe some sort of giant habitat that gives extra science for crew reports?
  14. Minmus is actually pretty easy to see. It tends to... "vibrate" a bit?
  15. Windows would be nice, but could we handle 7 or would we stick to XP? wait no what i don't even
  16. Yes, this would be pretty cool. Maybe as a "reputation report" under Walt in the Admin Building? Linus and Mortimer could have a graphs and things for their reports.
  17. It could probably work well on Gilly. Use a large decoupler to shoot up another decoupler + probe, and then decouple that to get into orbit. RCS could smooth out any problems.
  18. Thank you so much for doing this! I'm way too lazy to watch videos MY AUDIO DOESN'T WORK.
  19. THIS IS NOT A DRILL - FORUM LOCKDOWN INITIATED Give rep to everyone! Kill it with water!
  20. I have, like, a thousand Steam hours but that's because I left KSP on overnight several times (2lazy2exit) In the first several weeks of owning KSP I got addicted and played it a lot, but that was short-lived. Now I rarely play... this does not include forum time
  21. I assume that the "rogue" Kerbals are either launched into orbit by R&D accidents or drunk administrators playing with their companies' SRBs. NEW KSP UPDATE: Rescue contracts replaced with hitlist contracts! Take out the enemy Kerman in orbit!
  22. 1. Yes, I've always wanted to view launches from the ground! We need something like this. 2. This would look pretty freaking epic 3. You mean first person? Sure, I guess. Would be nice. 4. Yes please! Cameras should be a science tool as well!
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