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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. All I know is, someone had better make a mod that re-enables old aerodynamics. VERYCLOSE Aerospace Research Mod
  2. Holy cow guys. This wasn't meant as a request for reputation... but thanks! I got about 20 rep from this one post! ... and this is probably how I got most of my rep in the first place
  3. So close. Come on come on come on - - - Updated - - - On an unrelated note, I have no idea how I got to this level. I hardly even play KSP anymore.
  4. This. And besides, it just feels logical to colonize the moon first. I mean, it's right there, less than a week away. Think like a KSP player. Why go for an interplanetary trip when the Moon is right there?
  5. In the Mk2 cockpit IVA, double-clicking on the space in the middle, between the two windows, will give you a backwards view of the pilots. Once you're in this view, you can also double-click on certain places behind the pilots to get more cool views.
  6. I'll spend it on bigger numbers. Next poster, I humbly award you my... two cents.
  7. Weird. I've been browsing a couple of sites and it's only happened twice today when I opened the KSP forums. I'll let the scan finish. Thanks guys! - - - Updated - - - Hmm. I re-enabled AdBlock (I forget why I ever disabled it) and now, where the popup used to be displayed, it shows "one ad on this page blocked". Interesting.
  8. Well, first you would go to the VAB and load up your KSP craft. Then you would pull the engine off the bottom, delete it, and add a new one from the parts list. Simple! Which engine do you guys think we should use? The Mainsail isn't bad, but maybe we could use SRBs... okay I'll shut up now
  9. I noticed that the forum's been opening popups today to random websites in new tabs. I know, I know... "run a virus scan". It's running as I type, but this is only happening on the KSP forum. What's going on? Another malicious advertisement?
  10. Oh god, I'm an idiot. What I just did was an extreme sin, on the KSP forums Anyways... gets a rubber ducky. Inserts a suspicious red candle.
  11. Gets a dead plant. Inserts the entire planet of Europa! While we're on the topic, how big is this coin slot?
  12. *pulls out popcorn and prepares for Michael Bay* It's an interesting idea, especially losing all tech (and probably, I assume, going back to farm buildings), but it would work better as a very rare event. Otherwise players would start going, "an asteroid? AGAIN!?" and get bored of having to intercept it every time. Problem is, it would start to feel weird if it was the only rare event...
  13. Get plastic bag. Inserts vending machine.
  14. That's amazing. Using wings as both staging devices and landing legs!
  15. I always thought KSP was nothing like this. Usually, failures aren't moments of rage and desperation. The explosions just make you giggle happily. And of course, there's the magical magic of Reverting
  16. Interesting. Anyone see that other white spot on the left edge? It's easier to see in the GIF Aethon posted.
  17. +1. Reverting literally cuts the wait time in half and we need a way to do it... well... without reverting.
  18. Originally, I just wanted to give the art team something to do. But this is a great idea!
  19. It's getting sketchy in here... The app is going to send Kerbal agents to my location to hold me for ransom, isn't it!?
  20. Well, they've been following #2. They've been following it a bit too much.
  21. I think this thread is getting a bit too... politically correct or something. Shouldn't we just be glad they added an Armstrong memorial at all?
  22. This was originally my reply to a different suggestion, but that thread died out and I felt like the idea warranted its own post. Currently, during loading scenes, all we have is a black screen with a little planet icon in the corner. People have suggested cutscenes (in the original thread) to fill in this space, but that would get boring fast and probably just extend the loading process. But what if we had an artistic, styled image displayed during loading scenes? When I say "artistic", I just mean something like this or this instead of a regular old screenshot. Here are some ideas: because like I said, Nik loves nothing more than pointless speculation Loading the KSC from main menu shows a sunrise with the flag waving or something Entering the VAB shows Kerbals with clipboards and trucks walking/driving down a hallway toward the building area Launching shows the VAB doors opening and trucks driving out with a tarp-covered rocket just barely visible under the door Entering the SPH shows something similar to the VAB entry Launching from the SPH shows that good old ground-crew Kerbal eating his glowstick, as always Reloading an active vessel shows the Tracking Station dishes pointing towards the sky To clarify... none of these would be animated, they would be static pictures. In fact, here's a good example I just found with the magical magic of Google Images: But with Kerbals. And GLaDOS would be a rocket, of course. EDIT: Also found this picture that would be a good fit for SPH loading. Remove the text, add in a "loading..." banner, and you're set!
  23. If reincarnation is true, then eventually you will be reincarnated as every person who ever existed. So you're just me, at some point in the past or future. And I'm you. Hi there, me! Wazzuuupppp- ogod we're all hitlers
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