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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. Rep is generally the biggest measurement of your MagicalInternetPoints on the KSP forum. But on forums where they don't have rep, like... *shudder* the ROBLOX forums, post count is really the only variable distinguishing users. It can, in theory, make for a nice little community since you have to remember people by name or avatar, but it usually just creates post count hoarding.
  2. It's a common glitch. Makes exhaust appear in front of you instead of behind you I'm being serious, though
  3. Everyone knows the VAB door is just a painting to simulate the outside... inside, it's an airlocked environment to prevent Kerbals from breathing outside air. Why do you think they always need spacesuits? yeah I'm kidding
  4. Patience. It looks as if I just lack the patience to do much with KSP. The grindy feeling of getting stuff into orbit is my big hurdle when I'm playing. Yes, you read that correctly: my big hurdle is laziness.
  5. Bump due to new content: check edit at bottom of OP
  6. Laythe. It looks enough like Earth/Kerbin to avoid going crazy from... spaaaace maadneesss!
  7. Darn it! Oh well. I still have no intention to get off my butt and finally find a good image break this chain of uniqueness.
  8. Of course! With the power of Revert, we're all immortal anyways. Unless the player (me) doesn't bother to revert... In that case, not in a million years.
  9. He clearly didn't know what he was doing when he made the thread. Oh snap.
  10. That picture and that video... both are awesome Although even if the guy wasn't a moon landing denier, the "you're a liar and a coward" was probably what pushed it over the line.
  11. If the government ever ships a "greenhouse experiment" to the ISS and suddenly begins sending up lots of crew... Panic.
  12. That explosions are good! Just kidding. Wait... I guess military generals play KSP...
  13. Federation Cruiser is definitely my favorite ship so far, although I still haven't beaten the flagship. Just get shields and Defense Drones, and let the Artillery Beam slice every enemy to pieces!
  14. I just looked at the home page listing top countries, and guess what I see in first place? Serbia. Guess by my name which country I'm from? Yep. Laughed so hard when I saw this. It's awesome
  15. Before the time paradox can consume all of reality, solve the problem by RPGing it. Wagon 79: You find a bunch of people sitting in passenger seats, staring at the SWAT team that just burst in.
  16. But of course, test flights are just simulator flights. And since KSP is a simulator, test flights are a simulation within a simulation? Now I want to see Nassault record Inception, with Kerbals.
  17. I was going to put an option for "offline games", but this was more oriented towards the online ones. And I love the three "I don't care about these, go away" responses UPDATE: Now there's six
  18. 1) Predict zombie apocalypse before it happens 2) Get hired by NASA 3) Get assigned to the ISS 4) When apocalypse happens, laugh at Earth - - - Updated - - - If zombies have no brains, I don't think they'll be smart enough to make their own space program. And besides, they can't threaten us in space! Don't they know that the UN banned space weaponry? Silly zombies. This is a good plan.
  19. I've been looking into some of these online nation simulation games trying to find the best one, and they all seem pretty interesting. There was a KSP thread on NationStates a while back (actually, I just did a search and found three threads), so I'm clearly not alone. That got me wondering which other nation-related games the KSP community plays. Poll time! Stop reading now if you don't care about my pointless opinion-speech-rant-thing Personally, NationStates is the oldest one but it seems like the most interesting one. It gets boring fast though. If you don't like RP, and I don't particularly like it, then the only thing to do is vote on resolutions and enjoy the burning satire in the daily issues. CyberNations is a newer game that I briefly checked out to see if it was any better (Reddit seems to prefer it), and it did seem interesting at first, but then I actually looked into some of the community game guides... and got disappointed fast. The only way to grow your nation is to grind, do math, and wait. Everything involves number-tweaking, and everything has a percentage attached to it. Successful players are the ones that switch out their buildings on a regular basis, and honestly, the whole thing feels way too artificial. So, there's my opinion. What about you guys?
  20. I know it's annoying, but... what mod is that from? Really!
  21. The really annoying part is when you get an awesome ship, upgrade the heck out of it, head into the final sector feeling like you're going to blast the boss to pieces... and then you die on the first stage of the Flagship. And once, the final sector had all the repair bases in a perfect line, as far as possible as they could be from the main base. Gotta love RNGs!
  22. I don't think we really need custom ones, we just need more. People have suggested color-coding them for manned-unmanned, landed-unlanded, but that would look too confusing and weird. Honestly, if we just had a larger selection of icons for things like aircraft or interplanetary ships, that would work fine.
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