I've been looking into some of these online nation simulation games trying to find the best one, and they all seem pretty interesting. There was a KSP thread on NationStates a while back (actually, I just did a search and found three threads), so I'm clearly not alone. That got me wondering which other nation-related games the KSP community plays. Poll time! Stop reading now if you don't care about my pointless opinion-speech-rant-thing Personally, NationStates is the oldest one but it seems like the most interesting one. It gets boring fast though. If you don't like RP, and I don't particularly like it, then the only thing to do is vote on resolutions and enjoy the burning satire in the daily issues. CyberNations is a newer game that I briefly checked out to see if it was any better (Reddit seems to prefer it), and it did seem interesting at first, but then I actually looked into some of the community game guides... and got disappointed fast. The only way to grow your nation is to grind, do math, and wait. Everything involves number-tweaking, and everything has a percentage attached to it. Successful players are the ones that switch out their buildings on a regular basis, and honestly, the whole thing feels way too artificial. So, there's my opinion. What about you guys?