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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. 90% of my crafts were built specifically to destroy the KSC.
  2. There's one thing I'm confused about. If the Shuttles can SSTO from any Earth-like planet, then... why did they need a massive rocket to launch them?​
  3. Yeah, I think there's an option for UI Size in the menu somewhere.
  4. I purchased KSP in 0.23.5... I'm such a noob... does the demo count, though? Limited parts meant you had to construct massive booster stages This might just be me, but EVA was deadly for some reason Only one crew member per ship. I spent a ton of time trying to land off the launch pad and EVA another Kerbal into the same ship for fun The old space center. You could walk under buildings. No SPH, so the closest thing I had to a "plane" was a booster with winglets Sucking at every part of the game- Oh wait, that was just me.
  5. I build nuclear bombers planes. Planes are great for when you want to make something, but you're too lazy to do the whole launch-orbit-transfer-maneuver thing...
  6. !? How did you get the camera view from that angle?
  7. If you don't have a mouse wheel, Home and End buttons will work
  8. Yep. I saw that and assumed it was normal Then I walked away to look at the skies, wondered where the rocket was, and overheard them talking about "damage limited to the facility"
  9. Alright, so here's my best guess at what building tiers would look like... We would start out with an amateur program We would develop into a booming company We would eventually get to the current KSC Upgrades would need some reputation (maybe?), but mostly funds "Custom upgrades" would take over after the last tier, they would just allow you to improve the building's function, etc. They would cost more and more as you go on [TABLE=class: grid, width: 1500, align: left] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD]Tier 1 - Amateurs[/TD] [TD]Tier 2 - Rising Up [/TD] [TD]Tier 3 - Monopoly? [/TD] [TD]Afterwards...[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]VAB [/TD] [TD]A large vertical garage. Does not allow rockets over a certain height Possibly a limit based on part count or cost?[/TD] [TD]Something closer to the current VAB, but not quite. Allows larger rockets, etc.[/TD] [TD]What we have now.[/TD] [TD]Custom upgrades to add height[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Launchpad [/TD] [TD]A slab of concrete with fuel tanks nearby. Explodes if rocket is over a certain weight?[/TD] [TD]Added blast shields and water tower, but still not much. Allows heavier rockets, etc.[/TD] [TD]What we have now.[/TD] [TD]Custom upgrades to add weight[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]SPH [/TD] [TD]A horizontal garage, smaller than VAB. Again, limits on size and possibly part-count or cost[/TD] [TD]Something closer to the current SPH, but not quite. Allows larger planes, etc.[/TD] [TD]What we have now.[/TD] [TD]Custom upgrades to add length[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Runway [/TD] [TD]A dirt runway. Explodes if plane is over a certain weight?[/TD] [TD]A concrete runway, but with no markings Allows heavier planes, etc. (copy pasting ftw)[/TD] [TD]What we have now. [/TD] [TD]Custom upgrades to add weight[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Astronaut Complex [/TD] [TD]A flashy-looking building with a flag. Less applicants per day? Limited space for astronauts?[/TD] [TD]A more professional-looking building. More applicants per day and more astronaut space[/TD] [TD]What we have now. [/TD] [TD]Custom upgrades to add astronaut space Maybe Kerbal Training will implement into this[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]R&D [/TD] [TD]A small group of factory-like buildings. Costs more science and funds to unlock stuff.[/TD] [TD]Slightly more advanced buildings, visible science stuff. Costs less science and funds to unlock parts[/TD] [TD]What we have now. [/TD] [TD]Custom upgrades to reduce science costs[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Mission Control [/TD] [TD]A building with offices. Contracts come around less often and reward less[/TD] [TD]Larger, and more windows on the front. More contracts and better rewards[/TD] [TD]What we have now.[/TD] [TD]Custom upgrades to bring in more contracts[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Tracking Station [/TD] [TD]A shack with a radio tower. Honestly not sure. Maybe less asteroids?[/TD] [TD]A building with a satellite dish. Again, honestly not sure... hmm...[/TD] [TD]What we have now.[/TD] [TD]I dunno[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Admin Building [/TD] [TD]A little house with a sewer (heehee) next to it. Less strategies available at once.[/TD] [TD]A more professional-looking building. More and better strategies available at once.[/TD] [TD]What we have now.[/TD] [TD]Custom upgrades to add more strategy slots[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  10. I bet you 20 Funds the movie ends with them coming back to Earth, saying "nope sorry there's no other planets we're screwed", and then a recital of Pale Blue Dot as the camera fades to black.
  11. There will probably just be different "tiers" of buildings. For example, you start out with a garage VAB and SPH, a concrete launchpad, a radio tower tracking station, and a shack R&D.
  12. Ah, so this is why the admin building pool has a different color. Walt needs a HAZMAT suit because he runs the Wastewater Treatment Facility located in the admin building. KSC Sewers Confirmed!
  13. Nah, part of the fun is seeing what nodes will pop up after you research a certain area. Maybe it should be increased to two tiers in advance, where the next one is grayed out and the one after that is blurred out (they have some idea of what technologies are on the way, but not much)
  14. But... could we create Hype-powered weaponry? Mwuahahahahahaaaa!
  15. And then you can do a Jool-5 with a tiny rocket, because there's no interplanetary transfer
  16. Credit to XKCD Clearly, this is all a scam by NASA to easily train new scientists and then recruit them. The only problem is that half of the top players end up being people like Danny, and then we know what happens...
  17. I'm with sal_vager. Interstellar spaaaaaaace and ending credits!
  18. This sounds like a pretty cool idea. Perhaps we could implement Courage and Stupidity like this: Stupidity affects how accurate the maneuver is (more stupid = less accurate) and alters the Kerbal's chance of "bailing out" by refusing to do the maneuver (more stupid = lower chance). Bailing out is also affected by the direction of the maneuver (are you trying to crash them into the ground or increase speed?) and the altitude or something. Courage just affects the chance of bailing out. Pretty obvious how that would work.
  19. It is because the pool is actually full of admin water, water that has been blessed by the admins. The admin building is the main Kerbal place of worship, because they control the funding for boosters.
  20. pause logic This discussion is invalid, Kerbals are just giant single-celled creatures. resume logic
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