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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. You know, the Strategies seemed like a pretty small addition, but they're helpful. I'm getting a lot more science now...
  2. I just started a new career mode. My second orbital rocket worked like a charm... until it exploded on the ground, destroying all the science. Luckily, I had quicksaved right before impact! ... but the parachutes were gone when I reloaded it. Aaaaand I was hurtling into a mountain. So now Jeb is dead, and my science is gone. Yippee.
  3. I think (hope) they'll add more strategies later on, perhaps some more complex ones that involve launch costs and certain parts or experiments. But for now, the current ones are usually enough, even if it does look underwhelming.
  4. Yes. We really need bigger landing gear, girders look ridiculous.
  5. It's been like that for a while now. When did you last visit?
  6. I'm trying to build a bomber with the new parts... let's just say I've been seeing a lot of unintentional explosion effects.
  7. Yeah, game settings got reset. It's weird.
  8. Ok... but I just restarted KSP a second ago and the window size is weird now. I should uninstall these mods before I kill the game...
  9. I'm getting NullReferenceExceptions and a ton of bugs. What's going on!? D:
  10. What the heck!? When I load the space center screen the camera is sideways and I can't click on anything! Noooo!
  11. *sees cargobays in the loading screen* Haven't even loaded the game yet and I know this must be 0.25
  12. You can skip "Update Queued" by right clicking KSP, going to Manage Downloads, and clicking the download icon. Is this old news or... ?
  13. Maybe I should just wait a while for everything to get fixed. Waiting. Still waiting... it hurts aaaaa
  14. Game loaded, but it's 0.24.5999 and no admin building or difficulty settings
  15. It all happened so quickly this time. In the 0.24 HypeTrain we were all monitoring SteamDB and watching it build up, this time it just... came
  16. HypeSuperluminalDrive activated! Wooohooo, 0.25 is here!
  17. Jedi! Gregrox! They need to prepare the HypeSuperluminalDrive! It can only be activated at the moment of release... and then it drains all the Hype and the HypeVehicle comes to a stop
  18. Or maybe it's Half Life 3 being downloaded. It'll still happen before the 0.25 release, according to NightBot on the Twitch streams.
  19. The HypeTrain! She is accelerating! Seriously guys, it's been weeks and now we begin to match up to the 0.24 HypeTrain?
  20. I'm betting on tomorrow. If we're wrong, though... By the way, Jedi, the HypeSuperluminalDrive requires so much Hype that it can only be activated at the moment of release. When 0.25 comes out, the community will hype so much that the very universe is destabilized, allowing superluminal speeds
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