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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. Send a nuclear ship and tell them to get into it, it'll take them home safely. Then take them to Minmus.
  2. And of course I had to read this right before I went to bed. Thanks for the nightmares. It was probably just a tree though.
  3. I agree, this should be changed back, or maybe just allow the camera to clip through buildings/tunnels.. You can't even climb stairs at the KSC anymore
  4. I wave a giant magnet over your supercomputer. (Giant magnet > EMP) My hill with a fried supercomputer inside.
  5. He didn't say which planet it had to be on. He just said "orbit". Quick! To Gilly!
  6. Gravity has been completely eradicated! (kind of)
  7. 1) Kerbals are immortal. They respawn. 2) Kerbals don't need air or food. 3) Kerbals are in infinite supply (astronaut complex). 4) Kerbals have an unlimited supply of boosters (sandbox). 5) Kerbals. 'Nuff said.
  8. Phew. I thought there would be another forum-explosion.
  9. All the trans-universal travel destabilizes everything and opens a portal to the Final Root Universe of the KSP Forums. I jump through the portal, delete the thread and restart it. My hill.
  10. In 1.0, there should be a warp drive and aliens.
  11. They're attached to him. The "scientists" are actually just Kerbals that were born with glasses.
  12. I'm assuming the key word is "sober". *downloads KSP alcoholic beverages mod*
  13. I always can't wait to unlock the nuke nuclear thermal rocket propulsion motor. Honorable mentions: - Probe cores - Solar panels - Science equipment - Kerbodyne parts
  14. Well. Ok then. Still, I agree it could use some work. I know it's WIP but it doesn't fit very well.
  15. I think we're taking all this too far, after all, the original purpose was just to add one icon Seriously though, some of these are good ideas, but we're taking it a bit too far.
  16. I like the idea of making it a plane, get it, since the update is about planes, ok, I'll shut up now
  17. Personally I think manned vs unmanned is OK. Moving vs stationary isn't a bad idea. Aerodynamic lift seems like overkill, as does "in water". We can keep it at "landed".
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