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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. Maybe it's just a habit, if they're old players from when the SAS system was different, and you had to disable it to move? Personally I keep it always activated.
  2. I'm still a bit disappointed that we have that node on the front of the cockpit. Hopefully we'll get some kind of nose cone that will fit nicely on there? But who cares, now I can make an airliner that looks good!
  3. Yeah, it always has seemed too big. You know what really bugs me? The decoupler is huge, the separator is short, and the separator weighs more than the decoupler. (!?)
  4. It should also spawn some structural parts, to really make it look fake
  5. Surprisingly... no *entire community gasps* I'm scared of space for some reason. And yet I still play KSP... Weird, right?
  6. 2/10 No idea who you are, but I know I've seen you somewhere​ before...
  7. Agreed, I would like to see Tylo have a thin atmosphere. I want to see that sinister grey glow on the horizon
  8. Just a few minutes ago: Launching the new Mun exploration ship. Wow, the boosters run out of fuel at exactly 10,000 meters! What a great design! Time to jettison them. *presses space* boosters come off and shred half the ship to pieces Oh come on! Eh, might as well land the final stage. Coming in to a gentle touchdown... bam! smash! explode! DESTROY EVERYTHING- At least the capsule survived. *recover vessel* ... nothing's happening. *recover vessel* ... the heck? *space center* Nothing. *revert flight* Nothing. *kill process* There we go.
  9. Really? I've never had problems with wheels breaking, but then again I haven't done much rover stuff.
  10. Cool... can you turn it or is it frozen in position?
  11. Mk1 cockpit is pretty good, and it's mostly the only one I use for planes. Mk2 cockpit looks pretty good, but I can't fit it into many places and the IVA sucks. Mk3 cockpit is very useful (space shuttles and airliners) but it looks like junk.
  12. Actually, wait a second. This is new. Look at the background... what the heck is going on with Kerbin?​
  13. Blizzy, could you please add in a delayed pop-up box saying, "this was my joke, now please don't make any forum posts about it"
  14. I actually took it seriously. Who could possibly like Dres? Dres sucks! I'm so biased
  15. Rating: E *someone sends them a Danny video* Rating: M
  16. I want to know what the Administration Building does
  17. Kerbol: Kerbal god of fire Moho: New Kerbal god of fire (Because Kerbol was fired) (Get it, fired) (I'll shut up now) Eve: Kerbal goddess of purple stuff Gilly: A fish. Nobody really knows what it has to do with the moon, but whatever... Kerbin: Just take a guess, would you. Mun: Just take a guess, would you. Minmus: It's so tiny and cute Duna: Kerbal goddess of... sand Ike: What you said Dres: This planet is so depressing that this was the best name we had Jool: In Kerbal mythology, the Kraken's best friend Laythe: Great vacation spot. Vall: Name of a popular Kerbal popsicle company Tylo: Kerbal god of trolling. Bop: It seemed so perfect. Somehow. Pol: Hopefully nobody finds out that we also thought every other moon was a pollen grain, or similar Eeloo: This planet was so spooky that none of the astronomers could sleep. The name resembles a ghost noise.
  18. There wouldn't be much of a difference. What if I went back in time and deleted this thread?
  19. Kerbin. It feels so... home-ish Moho, Eve, and Duna are pretty unique Jool is fun to... "land on". So is Kerbol. Jool's moons are cool, especially Laythe. Eeloo is far away, so that's neat. Dres sucks.​
  20. The world's governments would slowly fall in the wake of the penguin army, and flightless chaos would dominate the universe. What if we used HyperEdit to switch the Earth and the Sun?
  21. 8/10 I've seen you around, but not that much
  22. It's the other way around, a friend in school got me addicted to KSP.
  23. Nice! Wait, on a semi-related topic... "Kerberos" is a real dwarf planet?
  24. You've opened up some kind of black hole inside Kerbin.
  25. "Kerbin is perfectly round, not an oblate spheroid as some lunatics suggest" Seriously though, we all miss Robin Williams, but he has nothing to do with KSP.
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