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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. Well, this is kind of confusing. I think I'm one of those, but I only changed my nickname about twice. Don't know who the other guy is.
  2. I have no idea what just happened, but it looks like I got kicked out of the #steamdb-announce. Erm. Ok then
  3. When 0.24 finally does hit, we need the most epic-ly massive hype-explosion reaction GIF ever
  4. It's happening! We're closing in on 0.24! BUCKLE YOUR SEATBELTS IMPACT IN T MINUS 10 SECONDS- Oh wait, that's space-hobo
  5. I don't think we'll get a release today, since we're nearing the end of the day, but tomorrow is looking good!
  6. I really need to stop reading this thread! Can't resist feeling that 0.24 is about to come out!
  7. The HYPE... car (?) is getting more and more boosters attached! http://imgur.com/a/8K3ie#5 I don't know how to insert an album.
  8. Actually, I usually get bored of career and go back to sandbox. I'm hoping contracts will change this.
  9. All of these ideas seem cool, I agree that science could be improved with this.
  10. It's probably best to go to sleep knowing there's a good chance you'll have a pleasant surprise tomorrow...
  11. The hypetrain is already a SSTIS (Single Stage to Interstellar Space) EDIT: Kind of ninja'd. Kind of
  12. Command pods might get pretty expensive.
  13. The instant 0.24 comes out, change the name of this thread to "The Officially unofficial 0.25-Kerbapalooza Thread"
  14. So, wait, are we going to get an animation like the one for ARM? Maybe with some Kerbals doing money-related stuff, I dunno.
  15. This seems pretty cool, and it looks like the "object tracking feature" (where you see an antenna icon and size class) is going to get used more often. We've seen from the 0.24 videos that the lost Kerbals are tracked like asteroids.
  16. Did you just say... pulling an asteroid? For some reason this feels revolutionary
  17. I'll admit, when I first purchased KSP, one of the things I was most excited about was using a rover to explore the KSC. I'm dead serious. ... yeah sometimes I play games the wrong way
  18. Woohoo! The FAQ is out! Now we just need a really big clock, with a dramatic countdown to the release.
  19. I noticed, and got really surprised that the forums hadn't exploded yet.
  20. Considering my lifter usually gets into orbit with a good amount of fuel left, I might ditch the RCS and use a bunch of Vernor thrusters. The O-10 might be cool for probes, I dunno.
  21. We must reach the 100th page before 0.24 comes out and the thread dies! Wait a minute... does this mean... part of me wants 0.24 to get delayed? *entire community gasps simultaneously*
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