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Posts posted by RealGecko

  1. Version 0.11.1:

    • Fixes for KSP 1.2.2
    • Added "Close" button to main window
    • Toolbar button won't appear in editors
    On 09.12.2016 at 7:57 PM, TeaOtter said:

    I've just tried it on my career save using a rover with an Interstellar Extended reactor+generator for power generation.

    Try latest version.

    23 hours ago, Tochas said:

    Input is null for field 'landedAt' in config node ''
    at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
    at ConfigNode.AddValue(System.String name, System.String value)
    at ProtoVessel.Save(.ConfigNode node)

    When you launch your rover it's ProtoVessel field landedAt is null, and it causes error at this two methods, nothing I can do about it as it is a part of KSP core, however this error is not critical.

  2. 9 hours ago, Elix said:

    Tried to "upgrade" but got a CKAN error.

    There were some issues with CKAN due to version numbering clash, I fixed them with series of pull requests to CKAN-meta and NetKAN repos:




    In future no trouble must occur, but yes, upgrading to 3.4.1 better be done with reinstalling.

    12 hours ago, goldenpsp said:

    One option would leave the EL DLL in its original location.  That way at least if people do install both mods they wouldn't completely break due to a double DLL issue.  It may not have fully intended results as you would have both EL and stock parts capable of doing the same things.  Actually I could see some people liking that.

    If you're installing with CKAN it won't let you install both, if you're installing manually, then KSP won't load both assemblies with the same name. OTOH current layout allows for other mods to detect which one is currently installed and provide differrent MM patches for both, like it's done by @Eleusis La Arwall in his KDVA mod:

    // Definition is only used when SC is NOT installed
        name = Metal
        density = 0.039
        unitCost = 9.36
        flowMode = ALL_VESSEL
        transfer = PUMP
        isTweakable = true


  3. 13 minutes ago, schlosrat said:

    Hey, I'm having an issue with my bases where some of the parts of the base keep sliding around slowly.

    I have this issue all the time with my Mun base. I have eight different ships that are not connected to each other (I use Simple Logistics), but nevertheless some of my ships rotate, slide, move all around the place. The most ineteresting is that KPBS based shp is not sliding, meanwhile ships with stock landing legs do all they want. I think it's stock problem that has nothing to do with EL. I even had to install Vessel Mover to fix things from time to time, not the best solution, but until bug exists I'll use it.

  4. 4 hours ago, BrutalRIP said:

    when using scansat its impossible to change the large maps to a different planet

    Hmmmm, something similar was in another mod, Celestial Body Science Editor as far as I can remember. Will check that.

    3 hours ago, DMagic said:

    In any event, SCANsat will be changed over to the new UI sometime soon, so it won't be affected by this mod.

    Are you planning to switch to Unity 4.6 UI? I presume it does not have trouble with clickthroughs and all other things. Intriguing why mod developers still stick with OnGUI() and GUILayout...

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