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Everything posted by jenettedowning@gmail.com

  1. Will do next time I'm at the computer with Kerbal installed and have a spare min.
  2. I'm receiving this bug too with the latest build, also with RCS thrusters after they break, after saving and reloading a game with the thrusters broken I'm unable to select the repair option for them any longer? (Repairing them initially seems fine, but loading after the game is saved with one in a broken state makes that one no longer repairable.)
  3. Not sure is this is the correct USI mod thread to post this question in, (if not feel free to move this to the proper location mods) But back in June of 2016 when I last played Kerbal and used the mods from USI, the UmbraSpaceIndustries folder had a "UKS" folder? Inside were some USI mods such as the Mk3 Akademy, MKS Antenna, MK fuelrefinery and others that were pretty neat. Since coming back to the game recently I seem to be unable to find the UKS download any longer? (I downloaded every mod from the https://bobpalmer.github.io/UmbraSpaceIndustries/ page and the mods weren't there.) Can someone kindly direct me to where to download that mod? (I have a lot of ships from back then along with my save they were using these pieces so I really need them.)
  4. I too would appreciate having a notice in the engineering report when making a lander, since it can be rather time consuming otherwise having to adjust, load/test the lander, readjust, etc.
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