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Everything posted by EpicSpaceTroll139

  1. Hmmm... maybe set it to shut down at WHEN ROUND(SHIP:WATER,0) = 144? All I know is that sometimes things don't work when the script is expecting to get some exact value (apparently numbers often end up actually being something like 143.9999991 or something oddball like that.
  2. I'm not an expert, but from my limited experience I would suggest changing the trigger from "WHEN SHIP:WATER=144 THEN..." to "WHEN SHIP:WATER<144 THEN..." (or >, whatever works best for you). Or is it throwing some kind of error message? In that case I probably don't know what to do.
  3. I'm pretty sure dihedral effect is already a thing. I definitely think wing shape should have effects on the flight characteristics though. Even more than just the effects of wing sweep. Swept wigs should act like swept wings. Straight wings should act like straight wings. Delta wings should act like delta wings. LERX should provide realistic benefits. Etc.
  4. This plane is a great stunt plane, not too fast, but maneuverable, which you can test your skills with by flying under bridges and stuff. Kerbal Sport Plane And now for aomething completely different! A game inside a game, perfect for testing joystick skills! 3D-Labyrinth-Game You'll probably do better than me, seeing as I'm stuck with a clunky keyboard.
  5. Unless you are transmitting some unholy amount of data using your antenna, there is no way you need that much electricity for it. AFAIK an antenna doesn't actually use the rated power except when transmitting data. You can use it to control your probe/as a relay nearly free of charge.
  6. I thought that at first too, but nope. The explosive limits of methane are 4.4% at the leanest and 17% at richest. Actually, maybe that assumes regular air for the rest and not pure oxygen? I don't know I need to do some more research. I'll get back to you on that!
  7. As far as I know you could have an atmosphere of 79% methane and 21% oxygen and a human would be fine. But that's just it, I know how it affects people, not Kerbals. I'd say it's entirely up to you whether you think Laythe should have a 3.5% methane.
  8. Back in the days of KMP, I spent about a week assembling a massive interplanetary vessel to set up a methane base on Vall. I had put a lot of work into it, including a major repair (replacing a large 2.5m grey tank and some other doodads from the propulsion + primary power module) with KAS after a tanker smacked into it due to a 0m closest approach intercept. I hauled the thing all the way out to the Jool system, and then during the Vall insertion burn: "BOOOOMMM POW POW THUD BOOM* The thing disentigrated into a cloud of hundreds of parts, with the message "Another player is controlling a docked vessel" while of course nothing of the kind was happening, given the status menu. KMP did not allow quickloads. RIP my hard work and 20+Kerbals
  9. Last night I worked some on a Boeing 707 replica. It's still not much to look at. I had a... Uh... "Structural failure followed by fuel-air mix detonation" while flying an A-380. I also discovered the hard way that Monoliths now have a collision mesh. Also found I have accumulated 113 crash logs in my KSP directory...
  10. Don't know if they really count as WIPs or rather as future projects, but I put together the "spatial dimension frames" for a 707 727 And 757 They may not look like much, but I build my planes on top of these to get the right shape, and remove them just before flight testing. Anyways, I finished that Blackbird from earlier. There's also.. uh... this...this... thing
  11. @Gman_builder it's a 3d labyrinth game. The goal is to tilt the whole thing around using reaction wheels to roll a ball from a starting point, along an obstacle course to a basket at the end. In the pictures I first failed and had the ball fall out, then the whole thing fell and broke the runway.
  12. I'd seen the 10g plane challenge, and I decided to give it a go, with a twist. I'm trying it, with a helicopter. So far I've worked up to about 7.8g.
  13. Progress... Easy does it Dangit Well... Wasn't expecting that... Needs more struts
  14. You mention FAR. Why would a longer runway be added to stock to deal with the difficulties that a mod introduces? If you're using mods you might as well use KerbinSide for its longer runways. And on the runway length: Lets not forget that Earth has real aerodynamics (similar to but more complex than FAR), which (usually) require higher speeds for flight, and Earth is 10x the size of Kerbin (Kerbal stuff in general is smaller too). If you scaled up the Kerbal runway to equivalent size on Earth, it would be enormous. While making the KSC runway longer couldn't hurt, I'm inclined to think that if a stock plane in stock physics can't take off from the current one, there is something flawed in its design. The only things I haven't managed to get off the runway are things that... well... they weren't gonna fly anyways. Actually there is one exception, that being a prototype for my Yumbo Yet 6000.
  15. I believe that is actually from a stock parts revamp mod. I'd have to look it up. But yah, iirc the forward COM is to simulate the compressor stages and stuff forward of the nozzel. To be honest, I'd be fine with them just making the entire engine be there, and the thing being more tube shaped and bulky, but ah well. Not to mention that having the COM outside the part can lead to exploits (untipable rovers) and bizarre behaviors (light craft or separated engines rotating about a point in space outside of them).
  16. While I doubt anything that will be here will be any higher than #1025 on the priorities list, I thought this would be a fun thread to create. Basically, this thread is for the minor annoying things in the game. So, one nuisance/bug/weird thing I've found in the game is that the COM of the sepratron is not where it would visibly be expected to be. It's as if the support struts have osmium weights at their tips. It is very annoying when trying to make something light (like a small probe) fly straight under the power of one sepratron, and makes for... weird effects if a sepratron breaks off a rocket. I mean, I get the COM not being perfectly aligned with the COT, but really? By this much?. It also seems like it would be something very easy to fix. To be clear, the ONLY part in the above picture is a sepratron. I copied it from subassemblies to crafts to make sure the COM wasn't moved by some other part. What quirky things in the game annoy you?
  17. I tried it out, and it's a great biz jet. I found that isolating the control surfaces to their respective axis (using the actuation toggles in the right click menus), most especially the rudder to yaw, improve the flight characteristics however. (In the case of the rudder, it prevents the wild swing when rolling). Nice work!
  18. I'm not opposed to the idea of part welding entirely, (though at a certain point, it becomes kinda cheaty due to infinite stiffness). Not having it didn't stop me from making this absurdity. Now part count reduction would be awesome, but this is just to point out with sufficient autostruts, regular struts, and rigid attachment, you can make some pretty big structures.
  19. While I do see where you're coming from on some of the parts (it really is unnecessary for rocket tanks to have barrel rims), I think the Hitchhiker is alright as is. I think the foil is just supposed to be part of a structure that surrounds the pressure vessel (as evidenced by the IVA showing "ceilings" and "floors" that are flat and definitely not foil. The handles contribute to the spacey look. As forusing on a plane, well, doesn't that mean you'd have to rework the IVA too? Otherwise the Kerbals are hanging/lying on the walls with a giant empty space in a very odd configuration for an aircraft. Perhaps simply a different part would be good for planes?
  20. Looks neat! I'll try it out in the morning! Also: How would a tailstrike damage only the horizontal stabilizer on version 1? It's at the very top! Wouldn't the tail fairing and the vertical stabilizer be taken out before it?
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