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Everything posted by EpicSpaceTroll139

  1. I was actually thinking of something similar, on the lines of having some option to put a tag on a satellite that says "I do not want this moved." But @5thHorseman is right, this would just be a minor convenience thing. You aren't being forced to accept the contract.
  2. It's definitely a bug. Sometimes I can even trigger it at low speed, bring the car to a complete stop, and it will still proceed to jitter until it either breaks or flips upside-down. I'm currently experimenting with suspension set to zero, and that seems to have gotten rid reduced the destructiveness of the spazzing, but I'm guessing the lack of cushioning will mess me up if I hit a bump at speed. BTW, how's 20G for handling? Edit: Yep! Zero suspension is horrible for those ramps
  3. Yep, I definitely find space stations useful. I use them as fuel depots for reusable landers, temporary crew drop-offs, and for labs, on the occasions that I use them. Which I usually don't do (at least inside the Kerbin system), because by the time a lab has processed what I put in it, that Duna/Eve/whatever launch window I wanted the newly researchable parts for has passed. Meanwhile I could have gotten it back much quicker by sending a science container back home. Of course I'll probably use it when I go to other planets this time around.
  4. I've been working on a lightweight car for this challenge, but I've been running into a bug in which the suspension on my wheels spazzes out after a hard turn, eventually flipping my car.
  5. I forgot to mention I sometimes attach auxiliary fuel tanks inside the cargo bay of some of my planes when I want them to go farther. Since these usually need to be near the COM and I don't want to block rovers from driving out, these usually end up attached to the sides near the ceiling. You are right though, stuff usually gets attached at the ends.
  6. But what's the bug? I haven't noticed anything remotely buggy since they fixed its planet-destroying tendencies. On topic: I often attach antennas, batteries, and other doodads to the inside of cargo bays. I've also seen people attach mining equipment so the doors open on the bottom and the drill down into the ground. But I never use angle snap for these purposes, and see no reason to, so it works fine.
  7. Except that doesn't make sense because the shuttle used the hypergolic propellants MMH and N2O4, not a monopropellant.
  8. I was bored one day so I looked up "rocket game" in search of some arcade game or the like. I found something much better and have been playing since .14.
  9. What's going wrong with the resource flow of the claw? Is it that it exists? If so I think that's not so much a bug as a very unrealistic feature. I must admit I still use it though. Edit: @Azimech check your pm
  10. Wait...what? Could you elaborate? If you're talking about rotating your ship, your can just click on the root part and rotate the whole ship by rotating it.
  11. Not that I'm against this, but is it that hard to remember to turn your lights off when closing your gear? Seems kind of like remembering to turn the headlights off on my car when I park it. It is weird that they shine through the casing though.
  12. Lots of words do things like that if you put them into another language. For example "gift" means poison or toxic in German. If a German guy heard that people in some other country "gave gifts to each other on x holiday," would he think "Oh no! They have a holiday on which they commit mass murder/suicide?!"? No, more likely (at least if he's a reasonable person) he'd understand that it was written by people who didn't speak German, and he might take a brief look at google translate and find out that gift in that other country does not mean poison, but rather what in German is "geschenk." I second @ninebands on this. Things should be considered for the language they were written in. Edit: Though considering how many people in this world aren't reasonable, I guess it makes sense... kind of.
  13. *I am Nomad! I am Nomad! Your part is faulty! I am perfect! Sterilize! Sterilize! Sterilize!* In all seriousness though, why? I mean, I didn't see anybody complaining about it. It's just a bit of humor.
  14. Yes! Now I have a financial excuse to perform the submarine visit I wanted to take to some debris that is lying on the sea floor west of the KSC continent. (The debris is the result of a spaceplane mishap caused by me not pausing the game while watching youtube. I posted about it a while back. The kerbals survived). Anyways, I've mostly finished my North American X-15 replica, so now I need to get back to work on that B-52. I'm too lazy to get a better picture right now
  15. I love legos and I wish I could find the KerbalX set, or at least the instructions for it. I've got hoards of legos sitting around in my basement... Unfortunately KSP addiction means I don't have time to make cool stuff with them like I used to.
  16. I could definitely second the first one at least. That would be very useful, and I don't see how it would be confusing (unless you're that kind of person who gets confused by the minimize button on your internet window). As for the second one: It doesn't take much fuel vapor to get a boom, so I'm fine with empty tanks going boom. Maybe they should have a somewhat smaller explosion, but they should still explode.
  17. I would have taken that as a challenge to make a deep sea mining rig lol On Topic: I find anything above 5% to be acceptable, but if I can find better I go for it.
  18. Ah yah I forgot about that. Anyways it turned out that the messed up save was one that I didn't even need. It was the one in the save that I use to test my replica planes, and in which I don't even have any flights.
  19. Lol looks like you've got the same problems I've got on mobile! Well my computer froze up last night, so I was forced to restart it. Apparently that corrupted my game or something. I'm currently experimenting with reusing quicksave.sfs files as the persistent.sfs in my saves (I quicksave often). Wish me luck!
  20. I fixed the problem of it not moving back to cruise/park position by using wheel gear placed on top pushing down on a lever instead of using legs pushing forward at the bottom edge. Turns out I was right to suspect that aerodynamic forces would rip off my Concorde's nose. It took a lot longer than I expected though. It would probably stay on there if I could get the docking ports to connect. *Thunk* *BANG* Guess I need to reinforce the hinge. I think the problem is it wants to slide sideways a bit, which borks it and allows it to turn backwards. Note: the canards are just there to help with testing until I can figure out a way to move the COM backwards, since the new nose is heavier than the old one.
  21. @AlanP I don't think Dres has a deep enough gravity well to make it work, but you could always try!
  22. It might be advisable to wait for a launch window to Jool such that it will be crossing the plane of the particular polar orbit when you arrive, and use its gravity to throw you into a polar orbit. Then it would be a relatively low Delta-V maneuver to adjust your periapsis and apoapsis to the proper altitudes.
  23. I must second this. I really want sonic booms and proper sound propagation. I'm guessing the reason squad hasn't added it is because of making it work realistically would require an overhaul to the way sound works in the game, and you wouldn't actually hear the sonic boom that often. A sonic boom is only heard when the observer is passed by the shock cone of an object/plane traveling faster than sound. In front of the shock cone, you can't hear the plane*, at the shock cone, you here the loud noises due to the pressure. Behind the shock cone, you can hear the plane. Considering that your camera is fixed relative to the plane, you would likely either be in front of the shock cone or behind it, so it's a matter of chance (or searching) as to whether you'll hear the boom at all. Of course the shock cone narrows as your Mach number increases, but if your camera is sufficiently forward or backward, it might not even cross your POV, so you wouldn't hear it. In IVA you wouldn't hear it at all. *imagine all the newbs posting the question "Why can't I hear my fast plane???" lol
  24. In my experience the signals can go through the atmosphere so I think you can take that out of the equation.
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