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Everything posted by EpicSpaceTroll139

  1. @ThatHomelessGuy and @JadeOfMaar: Don't worry about my COL and COM, they were (at first appearance) in the correct locations. My plane wasn't flipping nose over tail, but ratherdoing a flatspin, indicating it was unstable in the yaw axis. Sure enough, by tiliting my plane sideways in the SPH, I found that the horizontal COL was pretty much on the nose. Far from ideal. It turned out that a couple of vertical wing pieces near the front, which were acting as structural elements, were what was causing this problem, so I replaced them with non-wing components and it does not have this problem anymore. Pics in the morning... Maybe... I have two exams (math and engineering) I need to study for.
  2. So I put a lot of effort into making my Concorde replica look nicer today by taking it apart so I could replace its ugly grey fuselage tanks with a nice shiny fairing. Two problems: It breaks if you don't use unbreakable joints during physics load, and this:
  3. Ok, I'm not sure if this belongs here, since it doesn't exactly fall in with normal game play, nor do I know whether many people will know how to answer this, but I figured I'd give it a shot. So it started out that I wanted to use a fairing to give a Concorde replica a nice, smooth, white fuselage. The orange lines were slightly annoying, so I figured that perhaps I could edit the fairing to have notches in which the orange bits of the texture would be hidden. So I changed it from which looked like this to It came out looking like this Now, having some limited coding experience and knowing math and whatnot, I figured this was a result of me making the notch be a sharp, flat thing, and that was resulting in some kind of divide by zero, NaN, or something else weird in whatever calculations it uses. So I decided to try testing using another fairing to create a near-flat end to a fairing. So I took a changed this cylinder + cone shaped fairing with this panel coding which looked like this to which looked like this I had been expecting something that looked almost like a cylinder, but nope. I've been able to make regular-looking cylinder + cone shapes of different lengths and even made a reasonable nose for an X-15 I'm working on, but this has left me puzzled. Does anyone understand the fairing properties more than I do? As I said, I'm not sure whether this belongs here (if it should be somewhere else, someone please point me in the right direction ), nor if there are many/anybody here who knows what exactly is going on. This is mostly just a question of curiosity.
  4. I just took a short break from career mode to do a little fixing up of replica planes in sandbox, as well as just shenanigans. I edited a sepratron to act more like a tube of C4 by increasing its thrust limiter by 10 orders of magnitude. Activating it predictably blew everything up. Instantly. I had no idea the altimeter numbers could turn red.
  5. I've found them to be useful on 2.5m reusable rockets, allowing them to have good control authority in the lower atmosphere (where I need it to have a reasonable safety margin against flipping) on the way up without making them into lawn darts on the way back down (like fins do).
  6. I can see both of the sides on this. I personally was fine with the original sorting and was able to get stuff done quite efficiently with it. I was a little annoyed by the change in the categories, but considering the rate at which I've been learning them, I feel like by the time the option for classic sorting was added, I'd have no reason to go back to it, since I've already learned the new method nearly as well as I had the old one down. However, it sounds like a simple thing to add, and therefore I see no objection for having the option.
  7. I'm also planning an Eve mission in the future of my career save. My plan is to use a reaction wheel powered plane to explore biomes far from my lander though. Eve ascent vehicles are expensive
  8. Encountered a very strange bug, which may have come from my computer itself, the game, or both for all I know. So to start off I made some upgrades to my F-22 Raptor Replica, and having saved it I figured I would upload it to KerbalX. It told me "the name is blank. Yep, that's not a craft file!" or something thereabouts. This left me sitting there thinking ??? So, for lack of better ideas, I renamed it as "Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor 2", and then tried to delete the old one. When I clicked delete on the "are you sure you want to delete" box, the box didn't go away. I clicked it several times, and still nothing happened, so I clicked "cancel" and exited the craft menu, and clicked "new" so I wouldn't have any files open. I then went to my KSP directory, then to the save and the spaceplane hanger, and tried deleting the original "Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor 2" from there. Apparently my computer had decided that I needed to have permission from the administrative account. This left me thoroughly confused. After a bit of fiddling I gave up and entered the administrative password, and... then it asked me again... and again. I gave up and went back in the game, resigning to just uploading the copy. And then I found that apparently these shenanigans broke my SPH : I'm going to restart my computer now. Edit: Well, the file is gone now apparently.
  9. Do you need the lander for some reason? If not you could just circularize the Kerbal (takeing any data from the capsule with you). Kerbals have 600m/s of Dv in their jet packs iirc. I somehow managed to blow up both the SPH and the VAB while buzzing around in a F-16 replica. Also found out stock electric planes and water don't mix.
  10. Well I can't read minds, but the way I would do it is use a probe core and thruster, then detach them once I'm on my reentry trajectory.
  11. I had a quicksave from when I landed there and I loaded it several times and got the same results. After restarting the game the issue went away though. The lander is now docked with Mun Station l in LMO, awaiting the arrival of a tanker. Anyways, even if I hadn't had a quicksave to load with the thing upright, the RCS is powerful enough to right it.
  12. I don't know if it works for unknown objects, but often with ships I'll determine my inclination by setting the Mun as my target and looking at the ascending/descending node it gives me,
  13. OOOOHHHH.... lol this whole time I thought you had said -140 degrees, but what you really put was ~140 degrees. *facepalm* So with proper fixes for that, yes, you're right, 227
  14. Well west is also -180 degree inclination. Directly north is also -270 degree inclination. You can measure the angle going either way. KSP just decided to measure it as -137 degrees instead of 223 degrees. You could even go so far as to say any particular angle is = itself + k360 where k = any integer.
  15. Physics can be a *bleep*. Still peanuts compared to what that kind of thing would cost IRL Oops, yes that's right. Derp.
  16. I picked up Mabeth Kerman, and after getting annoyed with a "Find the source of temperature fluctuations" contract for using up the fuel I was going to use to hop to the Mun's Canyons, I discovered some weird kraken that makes my lander tip over. This was after sitting still on the surface for about 2 minutes... it will do this if SAS is on too, it just takes a bit longer because the SAS tries to resist it. I will have to investigate further to see if this was just some one-time bug or if this spot on the Mun is home to some bizarre lander-flip anomaly.
  17. I'd just eyeball it. Wait until the KSC is roughly under the point where the asteroid's trajectory crosses the equator, then launch towards northwest (I think that's right) and check the mapview during the launch to adjust heading as needed to match your inclination. It is much more efficient to launch directly into the inclined orbit than to go into an equatorial retrograde orbit and then change the inclination.
  18. Hmmm... lets see... Most things Hans Zimmer Jurassic Park theme - John Williams Terra Nova main theme and Memorial Field*, and many parts of the soundtrack- Brian Tyler Space Oddity - David Bowie (I usually listen to Chris Hadfield's rendition though) Other stuff that I'm not thinking of right now * Actually I can't seem to find this one on YouTube anymore . Guess I'll have to use my DVD set of the series and see if there's a way to just hear the soundtrack.
  19. It might be that your COL is fine, but you have something draggy near the front, and thus your COP (Center of Pressure) isn't. Edit: Ninja'ed
  20. I actually did this particular thing last night, but I figure I'll put it here anyways. I nabbed that replacement Mun lander which I had disabled through my own stupidity (see earlier post). The following actually did happen today. I did a couple launches of my prototype reusable booster core, Firepillar l. I also designed an unmanned shuttle for a rescue + salvage contract, only to realize that with my current technology, I don't know a good way to get it to orbit. My new Firepillar l could technically lift it (it's rated for about 21 tons when outfitted with the proper set of solid boosters), but I can just see myself steering it a little bit too far from prograde and having the whole thing flip and possibly disintegrate.
  21. What volume do people play their game at that birds become a problem? I feel like if I had volume up loud enough for that to be a thing, my airplanes and rockets would be audible at the other end of my house.
  22. It's a low effort, low res copy/paste flag with some text added in MS paint, but it's served me well for a year or so... I might try to do some reworking though.
  23. I've got around a couple thousand hours logged on KSP, and I still forget stuff. My most recent example is this morning when I forgot to point my unmanned replacement Mun lander in the right direction so it would get power.
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