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Everything posted by EpicSpaceTroll139

  1. @Vanamonde iirc it had something to do with the changes to SAS made to fix WR SSS (Wobbly Space Station Syndrome) but other than that I don't know.
  2. Yesterday in KSP 1.2 pre career mode, I decided to take on my own miniature mission: put a flag on K2. Now at the time I didn't have any engines powerful enough to land VTOL style on it, so I landed Jeb in a bush plane in the flatish plateau a bit south, southeast of the mountain. Jeb climbed the first ridge and was heading north with one more climb before the big one,a and then he tripped. Sadly he will not be going to space anymore (in this save).
  3. I'll find my screenies and specifics as soon as I finish dinner. My point wasn't that this new SAS mode would fix it, but rather that not all slow drifts are due to motion relative to the planet; that the SAS does (sometimes) have problems keeping craft straight. Edit: Turns out I can't find a craft that the drift problem right now, but that's because whenever I encounter this I fiddle with the craft until I can get it to stop. IIRC the last one I had that did the slow roll turned out to have its vertical stabilizer on slightly crooked. I find it understandable that this would make the plane want to roll. What I don't get is why the SAS let it roll even though just a touch of trim was enough to fix it when I flew manually.
  4. Actually, it in fact can lose bearing over time for reasons unrelated to moving around the planet. In a bit I'll get some screenie for you of a plane I have that I can hold straight on my own. When SAS handles it however, it waggles its tail up and down and slowly goes into a nosedive. This particular case is more of an instance of it constantly overcorrecting, but I've had other planes that would slowly change direction without waggling (like another one that would slowly roll).
  5. I feel like a way to fix this would be some kind of function to "paint" sides of a part with thermal tiles and have that affect a sort of heating cube (similar to the drag cubes used for the aero now, except changing the multiplier by which the part is heated). They would of course have a mass penalty. That way we don't have to add a whole bunch of parts, but still get the nice heatshield tiles.
  6. Made a stupid decision in career mode: try to climb K2 on foot. http://imgur.com/a/hBvf2
  7. Exactly how fast would you want them to open? They seem to move pretty fast to me, considering that there are no obvious motors/jacks that make them do so. Also: I see you haven't tried going to Eeloo
  8. Actually I wasn't having problems with the heat blowing me up. My plane just didn't want to keep going that fast for whatever reason... I'll investigate it. I think it might have something to do with the heat making the engines produce less thrust or something...
  9. I don't know if it's still possible, but while back there was a mod (might not have ever been finished for all I remember) which some guy made which allowed the creation of craters when you crashed stuff. I might see if I can find it in the morning, but it's 12:35 at night where I am, so I should probably go to sleep now
  10. I've got to reverse engineer this... This sounds amazingly practical as a propulsion system (considering it for what it is).
  11. I think there at least once was a mod that gave mk1 docking ports airlock functionality. I don't know if it still exists or what it was/is called... I'll take a quick look around Edit: Or rather, I would, if the search function didn't keep giving me errors *goes on rant about how the old forum site didn't throw these fits and that if it ain't broke don't fix it*
  12. I know business jets usually have a door like that, I just figured it would look odd to have several evenly spaced doors on a tiny biz jet. 1 would look more normal, possibly 2, but 3 would be a lot for just 3 fuselage links... idk that's all imho. I think it would be awesome to have a part with an airlock or door like that though. (maybe the part itself could be an airlock, with its outer door like the clamshell so it could be multi-purpose, working for both biz jets and spacecraft
  13. You don't need mods to reach 1700m/s with jet power. RAPIERs in air-breathing mode can do this. It's hard to design a plane with low enough drag and high enough temperature to do this, but it is possible. So far I haven't made one that can sustain it though.
  14. I always thought that the reason it doesn't have a hatch on the side or roof was because it was primarily intended for planes, and it would just kind of look weird to have a whole bunch of hatches on the top of/on the side a small plane that uses a few of these. (I know there are multiple doors on airliners, but 1 door for every 2 passengers seems a bit much). It is kind of limiting though... would be cool to have a toggle to add a hatch for a small weight penalty or something like that
  15. I'm out of likes today apparently but that is pretty awesome. Once I get some decent antennas I am definitely using this technique. Anyways, this actually happened last night, but I started working on a B-52 replica. And then I realized:
  16. Just curious, what's the highest speed you've tested that at? So far my ejector seats seem to cause instant death at speeds of over 200m/s (it tells me that it collided with something that doesn't even make sense, like the ground, even though I ejected at decent altitude), even if I use mod high twr sep motors
  17. I've found that having something with a high impact tolerance (for example, an I-beam) helps with damage. That or having a high mass. How full are the fuel tanks on your missiles?
  18. I don't know whether this should go here, but it seemed like the best place. So yesterday in 1.2 prerelease I completed a contract to take 2 tourists to orbit (and land them back on Kerbin). I got my money and was happy. Later I was preparing to launch a rocket-plane to rescue some stranded Kerbonauts, so I went to the crew tab to make sure my crew cabin would be available to the waiting Kerbonauts. I fou nd that the tourists hadn't left, they wanted to go again. I figured that I had probably done something weird when launching them the first time and perhaps launching them again (my rocket-plane launches aren't very expensive, and I had a lot of kerbucks in the bank) would fix it. I launched them to orbit and brought them back. Once again they were still in the available crew. http://imgur.com/a/a8NLp This is probably a bug but I'm not even going to complain Does anyone know if something happens when a tourist gets 5 stars of EXP? (Does it mean I've given them an experience worthy of a rating? lol
  19. Ok so here's my current entry, The Carrier Challenger I. It landed with its nosewheel slightly past the center of the 4th line so I guess that's 115-(5)5 = 90 points. I actually had this idea earlier, but I found it not to be worth the trouble. Pics
  20. There is a much more definitive way to determine the mach number you're getting, even at higher altitudes at which these effects don't show themselves at reasonable speeds. Open the Alt-F12 menu, click the physics button, and then check "display aero data in action menus." Now you can right click on a part (for example, your nosecone) and determine your mach number down to the hundredths place.
  21. This was a fun little challenge. My current entry is the Ascendor I. It achieved 161,889m. It however destroyed 9 of its 13 parts on landing so that's 161,889 - 9(15) = 161,754 points Pics
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