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Everything posted by EpicSpaceTroll139

  1. Just curious, what's the highest speed you've tested that at? So far my ejector seats seem to cause instant death at speeds of over 200m/s (it tells me that it collided with something that doesn't even make sense, like the ground, even though I ejected at decent altitude), even if I use mod high twr sep motors
  2. I've found that having something with a high impact tolerance (for example, an I-beam) helps with damage. That or having a high mass. How full are the fuel tanks on your missiles?
  3. I don't know whether this should go here, but it seemed like the best place. So yesterday in 1.2 prerelease I completed a contract to take 2 tourists to orbit (and land them back on Kerbin). I got my money and was happy. Later I was preparing to launch a rocket-plane to rescue some stranded Kerbonauts, so I went to the crew tab to make sure my crew cabin would be available to the waiting Kerbonauts. I fou nd that the tourists hadn't left, they wanted to go again. I figured that I had probably done something weird when launching them the first time and perhaps launching them again (my rocket-plane launches aren't very expensive, and I had a lot of kerbucks in the bank) would fix it. I launched them to orbit and brought them back. Once again they were still in the available crew. http://imgur.com/a/a8NLp This is probably a bug but I'm not even going to complain Does anyone know if something happens when a tourist gets 5 stars of EXP? (Does it mean I've given them an experience worthy of a rating? lol
  4. Ok so here's my current entry, The Carrier Challenger I. It landed with its nosewheel slightly past the center of the 4th line so I guess that's 115-(5)5 = 90 points. I actually had this idea earlier, but I found it not to be worth the trouble. Pics
  5. There is a much more definitive way to determine the mach number you're getting, even at higher altitudes at which these effects don't show themselves at reasonable speeds. Open the Alt-F12 menu, click the physics button, and then check "display aero data in action menus." Now you can right click on a part (for example, your nosecone) and determine your mach number down to the hundredths place.
  6. This was a fun little challenge. My current entry is the Ascendor I. It achieved 161,889m. It however destroyed 9 of its 13 parts on landing so that's 161,889 - 9(15) = 161,754 points Pics
  7. Tried to design a compact ejector seat. It worked perfectly when tested on the runway. In the heat of things... not so much. (Ignore the HyperEdit, it's open because I was showing someone how to use it).
  8. Made a 1536 passenger capacity plane fly out of sheer will. And then crashed it due to bugs which prevented me from re-opening my gear bays.
  9. Built a stock tower without launch clamps slightly over ½km tall. Might open up 1.0.4 and see if I can find my old ¾km tower.
  10. Did it! Was pretty easy actually, I just had to add some yaw stabilization boxes on the front of a statically unstable STOL cargo aircraft (Igor C2) I had. (the static instability was already there because it helped keep the nose up at low speeds). Landed it too: At the moment this picture was taken I'm using the engines to slow down because using the brakes at high backwards speed would risk it tipping back and hitting its tailskid. The kraken gets angry when the tailskid gets hit backwards for some reason.
  11. Wreckless driving of a jet boosted Formula car. I suffered the consequences when I ran into someone's block of girders armored van... R.I.P. Bobby Kerman
  12. So I've been trying to see how fast I can make something spin, and I keep seeming to get blocked at 60rad/sec despite having my angular velocity limit at 100rad/sec. Didn't someone say he/she'd had something reliably do 80rad/sec before? Also: http://imgur.com/a/Wznzy
  13. I feel like nerfing the Vector in that way (reducing thrust AND increasing its diameter to size 2) would pretty much negate its point in the first place: EG: be able to stick 3 of them on the back of a mk3 fuselage for use as shuttle engines.
  14. I can confirm as @Azimech mentioned earlier that the rpm limit boost allows turbos (or at least this heli) to work straight out of the box. Until you do this, that is: http://imgur.com/a/SXnX0 Which is interesting because I was expecting the new breakability on the antennas would make the antenna bearings snap.
  15. Do you by any chance have any pics of that in the day? It's hard to make out the details in the dark! Glad to see you're working on these though!
  16. Accidentally loaded one prototype 700m tower into another. If that wasn't enough this happened to another one
  17. Did some more messing with giant unclamped structures in KSP. Badly designed one. It not only had too high of a part/height ratio to hope compete with anything I'd made before, It also toppled off the pad with... interesting results.
  18. Tried to load a 710m tall clampless tower I made back in 1.0.4
  19. That's awesome that you fixed it! I actually suspected those very hinges you talked about. I tried to adjust them but I guess I adjusted them the wrong way because I just made it fall apart faster! PM'd you a good email. Anyways if I can get this working in a heli you will definitely be getting credit.
  20. Ok I can't seem to figure out what the heck is making this thing fall apart... Anyone who can figure this out wins many cookies. Anyone who can figure out how to make it not instantly fall apart wins [many cookies] x 2. Mechanism that really wants to fall apart
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