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    dying in school
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    Snowball Minmus

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  1. I think I found a bug where the game doesn't save your graphics settings. Has anyone else had this issue?
  2. Nevermind I learned that the camera controls are different now from KSP 1, there is no issue
  3. I'm playing on medium graphics with an RTX 2070, but the KSC just looks blurred. The environment also looks blurred during launch. It's not lagging much, and my fps seems to be fine, it just looks kinda blurry. What do?
  4. My camera seems centered on a point that isn't the craft, so when a rotate the camera around it doesn't stay on the craft. Also, is there a way to change the keybinds for camera controls? I use the arrow keys to pan the camera, and in ksp 1 I could use up and down to go up and down, and the left and right arrows to rotate either left or right. In this game it's just up and down, left and right, and they don't rotate.
  5. Question, Can we use the orbital station as a return vehicle? Also, are BetterBurnTime and Transfer Window Planner "Cheat-y?"
  6. Ok, I'll just wait until the next update to play with this mod. Probably a good thing anyway, I've been playing KSP a lot lately and need some time to drown myself in Stellaris. Can't wait for the next update!
  7. I was taking about mods like DMagic Orbital Science or SCANSat. Sorry, I should have been more clear.
  8. I need some help. When I switch to Wallops in RSS, the Launchpad and part of the runway are underground. Anyway to solve this?
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