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Everything posted by Tyko

  1. Can you please give specific examples so we can verify? which engines? Are you just running ReStock or do you have RealPlume installed?
  2. TWP will give you the departure angle. The DV budget calculation assumes you're starting from an equatorial / 0 degree orbit. Dres has a really small SOI, so getting an encounter is tough. Here are a couple of suggestions Use one of the maneuver node mods - Precise Maneuver or Precise Node let you type in the values TWP provides allowing you to be accurate to at least one decimal place. Once you have the values typed in you can tweak you maneuver by very small increments to get as close as possible You'll likely still have to account for slight errors in the burn because the SOI is so small. Just get it really really close then plan a mid-course correction change. After you complete your initial maneuver drop another maneuver node about halfway to Dres and fine tune it there. Typically these mid-course changes use very little DV and doing it halfway will give you the optimal place to adjust inclination.
  3. Petals and other mechanisms like probes help RL docking ports align. In KSP we already have the magnetism effect that assists alignment. How are you envisioning petal would work or improve the game?
  4. will the game delete on-rails craft that close to the mun or does the 25km limit only apply to bodies with an atmosphere?
  5. It increases the max pressure of all parts so they don't get crushed from atmospheric pressure. I don't recall how high it goes. I thought there were notes with it - either as a separate txt file or as part of the cfg file itself.
  6. Send some clear screen shots of your craft too..
  7. I thought it looked odd, but was gonna check anyway. Thanks for confirming
  8. If you're just in low Kerbin orbit my trick is to do my de-orbit burn right over that giant crater about a 3rd of the way West around the planet. Drop your PE to about 35km when you're right over that and it'll put you close to the KSC.
  9. Ugh...I thought we fixed all those! I'll take a look at it tonight. Thanks for the note
  10. Yep, I tried them a few times and they're neat, but there are other options. In a way I wish the big MP engines were flipped back to LFO because I'd get more use out of them. If you added a Saturn V texture for 5m tanks and a new engine mount you could take a whack at another big chunk of MH. Just saying
  11. It's also worth considering where you place your fueling station. If you're really good at transfers the moons can be a good starting point. On the other hand, it's more difficult to plan your transfers because you're limited to times when the moon is in the correct position with respect to Kerbin AND Kerbin is in the optimal position as well. I end up putting my fueling stations in Kerbin orbit instead. It gives me a lot more flexibility in planning my transfer burns. If you're mining a moon a nuclear tug makes a great fuel tanker. Another option is to capture a nice juicy asteroid and mine that for fuel.
  12. There are many KSP parts that are inspired by real life parts, but there's certainly not a 1:1 comparison for each. The engines are a great example. Many of them are roughly modeled off of RL engines, but the stats are tweaked (or changed entirely) for game balance. Another is scaling. RL parts use a huge variety of diameters. KSP converts everything into it's 1.25/2.5/3.75m Lego style format for game play reasons. The result is that you can't just take the RL part and scale it to a given value to get the Kerbal version.
  13. I agree with @Magzimum in that it's a great tool to use to run simulations and tests. I'll often use it to test a lander or confirm a station will have enough power. This type of simulation is done extensively in RL and I just see the cheat menu as a way to do the same thing in my game.
  14. Hmmm..not sure. I haven't noticed that. AFAIK the atmosphere properties might be a bit different than stock, but I wouldn't expect half the drag.
  15. Tweakscale works on all the RS parts I've tried. ReStock adds new Textures/models to Stock parts, but they keep the same names and stock behaviors. TweakScale already has patches to allow (most) Stock parts to be scaled so it works just the same.
  16. Near Future Launch Vehicles has a 5m Probe Core Near Future Electrical has another RTG You can find them in other Nertea mods for now. Not sure if they'll ever be added here because it's redundant
  17. Thanks! There is one glamour shot in the ReStock thread, but I cheated the lander there for that one pic and feel bad about it I'll do an actual landing soon (hopefully this weekend) and post more pix That's Kronal Vessel Viewer. Works fine in 1.6.x and has some great visualization tools
  18. Thanks for the note. I see it too and I'll log an issue
  19. Unzip the ReStock_0_1_1.zip file - inside you'll find GameData Open GameData - inside you'll find a folder named ReStock and ModuleManager.4.0.2.dll (see pic below) Copy both of those into your game's GameData folder Here's a pic of what you'll find in the ReStock_0_1_1.zip/GameData folder: Do the same with ReStock+ if you want that too.
  20. sure thing I guess...but they're not plane parts and people (like me) who have zero interest in planes have to buy nodes we don't want and clog up our parts drawer with plane parts that we don't need - just a thought
  21. Interesting...just wondering, why are rocket fairings in the aviation track?
  22. Tyko hands @Vahnskir a towel....on second thought...Tyko throws a towel from a safe distance and runs
  23. There's not an option for "no change" - that kinda skews your results...
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