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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Building that rocket as shown resulted in a nice stable design for me on an unmodified 1.0.2 install, all I did was gently pitch over once I had exceeded 100m/s, and kept the G forces below 2 by throttling back the Mammoth. I assume that's a Skipper under that fairing, and one change I did make to the design though was the addition of two struts to those boosters, if they are allowed to flex on those radial decouplers (looks like you're using the small ones btw) you will have off-axis thrust and you will have trouble compensating.
  2. This is suggested from time to time, and there is an addon that offers this feature, but I believe it has been expressly ruled out by Squad themselves as undesirable, the majority of players do not want random arbitrary failures, especially if they mount up in timewarp, to scupper their carefully planned flights.
  3. Seeing as this is in S&DD, I take it you want Squad to implement an in-game memory warning, I'd suggest making the game not require any such thing.
  4. And this is so old, while there's plenty of food for discussion regarding Eve's purple atmosphere it is best done in a new thread, so feel free to start one.
  5. How to delete a partition in Windows. Seeing as you want to format it anyway you may as well completely remake the file allocation table, this will usually get around any corruption in the old FAT and remove that last folder you can't delete. But if your drive has an actual hardware problem you'll find you won't be able format it, but then it shouldn't be trusted with data anyway.
  6. Don't forget rescue from craft with no chutes or heatshield (sloppy engineering), and I wonder if decent derelicts could be made using a parts table (truly random craft would be strange).
  7. Red Iron Crown and myself calculated that the fairing panels alone are equivalent to 14.4mm thick aluminium sheet, Kerbals are serious about protecting their payloads (and it explains why fairings are such good heat shields).
  8. Radio buttons do seem common, though they may not always be called that, for example the Godot engine has one node called ButtonGroup that only allows one child button to be in a pressed state. "Yay, a radio button" you might say, but sedativechunk is right, everything has to be set including the unpressed state otherwise even when not pressed, the button won't turn off whatever it activated, so just having that "radio button" ability is not enough on its own.
  9. This is nice Samlow, but turning off the PPFX edge highlighting will stop the leak too, and leaves you with a visual indication that you're getting hot before you blow up Also, -force-opengl is an unsupported Unity3D game engine command which many players have found to be broken in the latest Unity4x release, so it is not recommended. Some players have more luck with -force-d3d11 but expect weirdness.
  10. KSP won't have stock weapons, it's addons only, moved to addon affairs.
  11. Mapoko, don't use your PC any more than absolutely necessary, every time your OS or any program writes to your hard drive you risk overwriting the lost files. See here for Microsofts help on data recovery. You will need file recovery software, I can't recommend any, and even installing it can cause you to lose the files you want to recover. Good luck.
  12. Hmm it should have worked, when you next try it can you post your player.log and ksp.log here, though I think you will have to try the proprietary driver to really fix this (AA will still be broken though).
  13. I can tell you this isn't caused by addons, it has plagued the Linux and OSX versions of KSP for ages and there's still a few areas where we get uneven text. The cause is Unity's sub-pixel rendering of fonts, it works fine on D3D9 but needs to be corrected for on OpenGL, and it looks like it needs it on D3D11 too. You could try another screen resolution to see if that helps, or accept it as how Kerbals type, I don't know of any fixes outside the Unity editor.
  14. This is where all the -force-whatever comes from [Link] They are Unity3D game engine commands, generally a Unity game will support D3D9 on Windows and OpenGL on OS X and Linux by default, I'm not sure if Unity has export options for D3D11, maybe in U5.
  15. Your log only shows that just after trying to focus on Minmus KSP is unable to find references to any assets, this suggests a bad install, a permissions problem or maybe even a hard drive access problem. I'd re-install KSP, permissions should be handled by Steam but maybe an anti-virus update is preventing KSP from accessing files, so try disabling that, also check your powersave options, make sure your hard drives are not being powered down.
  16. Can you contact your internet service provider with the issue? I find that they are usually the ones behind any shenanigans and your download will mysteriously work again a few hours after a call.
  17. Posts breaking rules 2.2D, 2.2H and 2.3B were removed
  18. Folder size has no correlation with the games memory use, as many assets are generated while playing such as the terrain, ocean, craters etc. Also there is a known memory issue with the PPFX edge highlighting while in flight, as parts get hot they start to glow, and this glow rapidly uses extra RAM, turn off PPFX and you will see a deduction in RAM used.
  19. Steam achievements are very unlikely, for the same reasons that Workshop support is unlikely. Too many players have KSP from places other than Steam. KSP is now available on the Squad store, Good old Games and Amazon, all these players would be locked out of Steam achievements and Workshop. Not only that, but achievements are a poor way to add longevity and are often considered to make games less fun, as the games become more about getting all the achievements rather than gameplay. Also, achievements that are too easy to get are valueless, there's nothing "achieved" by such basic things as getting wood in Minecraft for example, while achievements that are too hard leave players dissatisfied with their < 100% completion statistic, and turn games into a grindfest just to max out a number. KSP instead gives players a real feeling of accomplishment when they reach personal milestones such as getting to orbit, landing on the Mun and getting their Kerbals back alive, these can be shared with other players using pics and forum posts, or excited talk in the schoolyard or office, instead of being cheapened by just being another icon on a stats screen. I personally think KSP is a better game for not jumping on the achievement bandwagon, and instead actually letting players set their own goals.
  20. Yeah we know, the only explanation I can think of is that Unity3D must default to allowing click-through of UI elements, as every time this comes up Squad has to explicitly block the UI from clicking through, most have been but the new ones still show this behaviour. Maybe a modder can show us a screenshot of Unity's button options. On the one hand, it's unwanted behaviour, on the other hand, it's doing exactly what it was told to do, marking as a bug anyway...
  21. cicatrix, can you share your system info (dxdiag, hardinfo) save/craft file and settings.cfg
  22. Not all contracts can be declined, such as the first four contracts or the first contracts to other planets. The first contract should complete the moment you launch your first vessel, or be removed from the list if you launched without accepting the contract. You may have a corrupted save, does this issue occur on a new save? If it does reoccur please see the support stickies and upload your game logs.
  23. Hi Srpadget, your link to the persistent is broken, if you fix it I can try to load your save, sometimes loading a broken Windows save on Linux fixes it. Also I have edited your thread title, this is a family friendly site so some language is not permitted.
  24. Hi Irvin, your sepratrons are destroying the TR-38-D while you are trying to stage, you need to angle the sepratrons away from the rocket.
  25. Please turn off the PPFX edge highlighting in the KSP settings screen
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