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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. It is useful at times, and easy to "fix" by shift+X'ing until you go below 8x symmetry, it's no reliably triggered though, at least not for me.
  2. It's most likely craftname.craft.txt or just craftname.txt, if you simpley rename it as craftname.craft it'll work. Don't forget to put it in either the VAB or SPH folders of your save though or KSP just won't see it
  3. Hi Guys, I say Vanamonde will be next
  4. Hi MinimalFantazy, welcome to the forums. The lift indicator can be confusing at times, as airflow and wings are not modelled in a realistic fashion, they are just "good enough" but that's changing for the 1.0 release. The cause of your issue is the center of mass (CoM) moving as fuel is consumed, causing it to move behind the center (CoL) of lift, this unbalances the aeroplane and makes it want to fly backwards. Try right clicking the booster and tweaking out the fuel, see how the CoM changes and move your wings a bit to keep it in front of the CoL. Don't forget to put the fuel back in
  5. Guys, the only thing we can learn from these images is that we need better images, which will only happen as Dawn gets closer and NASA releases them. As pretty as processed images can be they are exactly that, processed, neighbouring pixels blended together, their original values lost. I recommend everyone sticks to material from NASA on this one, and avoids any 3rd party edited images
  6. Wait, you didn't explain this issue very well, is this about parts moving slightly when you try shifting them with the translation gizmo? There's a hidden global grid that parts snap to, and while turning off anglesnap does help that's no help if you want anglesnap. While messing with the gizmo, press F to swap from Absolute to Relative mode, the part will translate relative to its starting position and not the grid. I thought you were talking about how the part was mirrored...
  7. Hi ColKlonk The option to disable KSP from sending data to Squad and to disable the sending of your IP only effects KSP itself, addons that send data will only abide by those settings if the modder adds that functionality to their plugin. There are already addon rules that govern what addons are allowed to do and to give the player control over what is sent: So to disable Blizzy's toolbar from phoning home you'll need to check the forum thread for details or the addon documentation. Alternatively, remove the plugin
  8. Also, how many of these threads do you really need? Closing!
  9. This is unlikely to happen unfortunately, as KSP is dependent on the Unity3D game engine for control assignments, the brakes (or any other control the player might want) would have to be explicitly setup in the Unity editor to accept an analogue axis as a valid input, while not a big issue for a console game this becomes an issue with the large number of controls typical of a PC game. However, game controllers can have their buttons and axis reassigned in other software to reproduce a keyboard key, in your case you'd want to change the xbox trigger axis to send a "b" to KSP to operate the brakes. JoyToKey is a small freeware application that can do this for you on Windows, Linux users can install joy2key from their distribution package manager, and OS X users can try the version found here. Hope this helps
  10. Oh man, running KSP from the desktop is a bad thing due to this. I recommend you copy KSP to a folder you create, such as C:\Games, and delete the original.
  11. Actually we do, the radius is in the Wiki and is 600km. So the circumference is 1885km
  12. Pav, this thread is over two years old, please start a new one instead if you want to discuss this
  13. Why would they? Squad would reuse the existing assets, all that might change is the shaders used. Unity3D is capable of looking good, and UE4 is just as capable of looking like junk.
  14. Hmmm, if it's not heat then this may be really hard to figure out, has it crashed at any other time?
  15. KSP isn't even getting time to write an error to the log, which suggests something more serious than a programming bug. What you describe sounds like a heat induced shut-down of the PC, you mention it's old, so I'd check that air is able to enter and leave the case, that the fans are turning fast enough if at all, and look for dried flakes of thermal paste around the cpu and gpu.
  16. sal_vager


    Annnnd no, not with that in your blog.
  17. Closed at One-Way Gaming's request.
  18. It's been a varied month for the Community forums, there's been high moments with many of us contributing, as with the Valentina competition. And there's been moments of quiet introspection, of sadness and loss. Before I talk a little more about that, let's see what else has been going on... -------------------- We're starting in Gameplay Questions and Tutorials this month, and UnusualAttitude challenges the the adage "Moar Boosters!" "One does not simply... add moar boosters. Or maybe one does..." We've had Asparagus, we've had Apollo staging, but it's hard to beat just sticking moar boosters on your craft -------------------- In the Spacecraft Exchange we see something rather different to the usual "here's my craft" thread, inigma ask us to show our cargobays. Just how did you fit that in there? -------------------- Two from fanworks this month, first we have Voyager55 and his excellent art titled "The Birth of a Dream". Maybe it'll inspire you... -------------------- Second we have Maximus97 with his mission report, A Spacetime Oddity, follow the Kerbals as they start out on a seemingly normal space program. -------------------- In Challenges we see something we've not had before, and while it's closed the poster is still taking craft submissions and so far has managed to make all of them fly, tetryds claims it's "FAR from impossible" to make stock planes work in "real" aerodynamics, can you make a plane that even he can't fly? -------------------- Something more thoughtful now, it's easy to forget that the text we see on the screen has a real live person behind it, and it's hard to express thoughts and feelings via writing alone, for this reason it's easy to misread others and to be misread in turn, and real feelings can be hurt. Rarely is any actual harm intended though, so Deddly gives us a few pointers on helping keep the forums a positive place. Too many threads turn sour because we forget to emphasize with others, so please give his post a read, and treat others how you'd like to be treated in return. -------------------- "And there's been moments of quiet introspection, of sadness and loss." Few of us were lucky enough to have met Lenoard Nimoy, but all of us are saddened by his passing, I think it's fair to say that very few other human beings are as well known and regarded as the men and women who served aboard the Enterprise. Leonard Nimoy joins DeForest Kelley, James Doohan and Majel Barrett beyond the final frontier... The thread started by r4pt0r in the Space Lounge gives us a place to pay our respects. Live long and prosper.
  19. Yeah I can do this but it'll change how you login, so I'll wait till you're online
  20. I've heard of this but wasn't able to find the cause, it may be only occurring with box pads though, possibly due to their triggers being analogue. xboxdrv is supposed to be pretty good at handling the xbox pads on Linux, I suspect Unity changed something in how they handle these pads, but there's sparse documentation on controllers in Unity as a whole. There's some stuff here on using xbox pads in Ubuntu that may help, but as it's already working in jstest I don't think you'll need it.
  21. The metre/meter was based on Earth to begin with, but redefined later. 1/299,792,458 of a second was chosen to fit the metre, rather then the metre chosen to fit the speed of light.
  22. The Kerbal who invented the concept of zero had forgotten to take his mittens off
  23. Lets see if I understand this.... Rule one, threads should stay on topic (as long as no ones derailing them) Rule two, the longer a thread the more it should stay on topic. Rule three, if a threads goes off-topic it'll be pushed back on-topic by an outside force (moderators) Yeah that sounds right
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