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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. I think you need to try the proprietary driver, the open source driver can be slow for some players
  2. Please see the sticky threads and post your image URL's and game logs
  3. It may not be possible unfortunately, though players seem to suffer varied stutter or none at all. All I can really suggest is lowering the delta timer, and closing unnecessary programs.
  4. Hi jinks (lol). What you're seeing is actually caused by a bug in the proprietary Nvidia Linux driver, the gizmos display perfectly fine when using the open source nouveau driver on Nvidia hardware, or using non-Nvidia hardware and drivers. I've notified the devs so hopefully they can render this differently, but really Nvidia need to patch their driver.
  5. Unity3D seems to have changed their fullscreen behaviour prior to 0.90.0, fullscreen mode does not take over the graphics adapter any more and instead we get a "fullscreen window", this is better when alt+tabbing between Unity3D applications such as KSP and other applications. You can find the Unity3D command line arguments here by the way.
  6. This post reminded me of the LAN parties I used to go to when both I and the internet were younger and dedicated gaming servers were not a thing. At the time, gaming wasn't seen as a very social activity by non-gamers, but it was, and groups from a few friends to enough to fill a conference hall would gather with their hardware and play games, hang out, chip in for take-away food and beverages (!soda) and enjoy a unique gaming experience. We'd play Starcraft, Total Annihilation and Warcraft III, we'd play Quake Arena, Unreal Tournament and Half-life. It was a lot of fun. These days, console companies push 'casual social gaming' where overly bright and shiny people wave strange looking controllers in front of giant screens in rooms too brightly lit to play games, or gamers play against strangers on the other side of the world via online servers, their only real contact being a text chat box (VOIP being hit and miss, if on Xbox live, miss). Much of the social aspect which gamers used not to be known for but did occur has been lost, our actual real-life get togethers are replaced with a plastic and distant version, backed and controlled and monetized by the gaming industry. LAN parties still happen though, if you've never been to one, I highly recommend you go
  7. Out of interest, where is Linux officially recommended over Windows? If you're referring to a pop-up window in KSP, you have the compatibility checker addon installed. Also, as KSP is made with the Unity3D game engine it's only possible to support platforms that Unity3D supports, so if you want Unity games such as KSP on BSD, you need to ask the Unity3D developers for it. While I agree BSD needs more games, there's ways to run games on BSD, but asking Squad to add BSD support to an engine they don't make isn't going to get any results, sorry.
  8. Yeah, it's a bug, Arsonide knows, for now though all we can do is use the debug menu to complete the contract, sorry.
  9. Oh hey another extra planets suggestion, not seen one of those in days, sometimes I feel we need a megathread on each WNTS topic rather than this
  10. I'm not sure what Maxmaps actually meant by that comment to be honest, reaction wheels should rotate your vessel, whether they saturate or not doesn't change their basic function of providing rotational control. Maybe he was thinking of reaction wheels adding other abilities? I'd not think that'd be a good idea.
  11. I got over 9000 posts twice and all I got was this lousy T-shirt...
  12. Probably not the earliest, but relevant That bug is pretty common though...
  13. I decided to submit this now for your next round, feel free to try making it fly in the meantime though Craft on Dropbox. This is as close as I can get in stock to the Wainfan Facetmobile, a hand-made lifting body propeller-driven prototype that unfortunately crashed after many successful flights and is still being slowly repaired. It's mostly stable, but is easier to fly with SAS, don't forget to retract the nosegear before going EVA, you can use the front as a ramp to get back in
  14. Jokes you're not supposed to be making r4pt0r, these whitetext threads always go bad as people start using them to attack other members, while whitetext isn't against the rules, the attacks are. Sorry guys, think of a better game
  15. There's a few K-words in-game, Kerman, Kerbin, Kerbal... Fans added Kerbol for the Sun, then the Mun was added, it's hard to put a "K" in Moon. Unfortunately the "K = Kerbal" thing had already started so K-words kept kropping up in fanworKs. (ahem) I'm pretty sure Squad find it amusing but don't want to Kerbalise everything, there were a lot of K-names suggested for new planets but only Ike even contains a K. I doubt KSP will ever escape K-words, it's grown up around the game and is part of the mythos around Kerbals for a lot of players Even banning the letter K won't stop it, sorry Nova I tried.
  16. To be fair, the personalities of Jeb, Bob and Bill have mostly been expanded upon by the fans, all that's really "official" about Jeb is that he's hard to scare. So I'm sure the community will help define Val's personality too
  17. Hi Waterlubber, does it only crash with the proprietary driver or both, and have you tried the driver from the AMD website? Can you delete the settings.cfg from the KSP folder and the prefs file from "/home/user/Games/Kerbal Space Program/player logs/Kerbal Space Program/" and move your saves somewhere safe, restore the default saves older with scenarios and training from the KSP zip and run the game to get some new logs please? Also try keeping a system monitor open while this happens so you can look for abnormal memory and cpu use. Ideally we need a way to watch what your computer is doing when this occurs.
  18. This depends on the contract, if it asks you to activate a part via staging or the rightclick menu you'll need to do that while the contract items are still green
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