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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Thread 100,000, enjoy (If you know German)
  2. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { float fX = 0.4; float fY = 0.1; cout << "The new number is " << (fX - fY) << endl; return 0; }
  3. Thanks for the enthusiasm Clockwork_werewolf, but we want people to have more choice than a poll can provide, so please feel free to add your thoughts to the stickied thread
  4. Stay on topic please. Styles2304, your challenge sounds interesting, I suggest you post it and let players have some fun
  5. Multiplication is a good idea Tank, and I thought that if cheating were discovered, the score would be divided by a large number Mark, you can edit your signature in your Settings screen
  6. Interestingly, real world off-planet ISRU proposals don't seem to be focusing on huge mining operations or trying to dig for specific materials, and are instead developing methods to extract all the materials they need straight from the surface regolith using a variety of chemical processes. It's no too hard to imagine all these processes being handled by one machine, like the swiss army knife of materials processing. It makes stuff like Kethane and Karbonite a lot less magical
  7. Expansions were what HarvesteR originally intended, no small things like horse armour (looking at you Obilvion) but proper expansions like Brood War or Alien Crossfire, but everyone calls it DLC these days, the term for downloadable content has been hijacked by mini content updates/patches.
  8. Nice probe markothefan1, thanks for taking part
  9. Hmm, one thing that I and I'm sure others do currently that may no longer work in 1.0 is use wings sideways to eliminate their lift, that way they can be used for structure or decoration without effecting a crafts handling in unwanted ways.
  10. Actually, that sounds alright, letting them lose saturation and cool off over time wouldn't leave you spinning or cheesing timewarp to stop your rotation. You still need RCS or an engine to translate, and rather than weaker wheels they should be tweakable. Oh and some of the probes don't even have reaction wheels, I think that's just fine
  11. I like them as they are, they aren't 100% realistic as they don't have the issues that real ones suffer from... I'd rather not find myself in a position where I can't stop rotating due to saturated wheels.
  12. Hmmm, Kerbals speak reversed Spanish, pitch changed to be a bit higher, so you'd have to learn Spanish if you don't know it already. You could then use a program like Audacity to reverse the audio and change the pitch
  13. Heh thanks Raincrafter Starhawk, suspicion removed! Bluejayek, yeah I thought the most a player could reach with a small plane was a lot less than this, next time I'll change things a bit to keep distances within sane levels as I believe retroactive rules changes are a bad thing, actually too many rules is a bad thing which is why I tried doing it as negative points rather than rigid rules. Launch clamps are fine though. Added all the entries
  14. Simple, the value gets missed from the log when building the Linux version so it sees a zero, look for the buildID.txt file to see the build of KSP you have. Alt+tab has been playing up for me as well but not just with KSP, I think it might be due to the change in fullscreen mode in Unity not locking the graphic card anymore but the task switcher doesn't seem to want to work with some programs. To get round that I use control+tab to cycle task bar applications. And it won't yet, 705 uses a Unity build prior to the numpad fix, but it's coming, check your player log for this line
  15. Yep, there's no air in space (inb4 pedants, air is so rarefied it doesn't count as airborne)
  16. What is performance like with the open source driver for you? I hear it's better than the proprietary driver these days.
  17. 705 is the build number RuBisCO, 0.90.0 is the seven hundredth and fith build of KSP The Alt key in *buntu is used by the OS for moving a window by default, which is why it's not used as the Mod key in the Linux builds, and we use another key instead (Right Shift). I don't know why the number keys activate while using Mechjeb, I guess the Mechjeb window does not tell KSP that it is in use so the action groups aren't off while using it, you'll have to talk to Sarbian about that one. Dx9 seems to use more RAM than OpenGL, there's a lot of Windows users who force OpenGL because of this, as for your graphics card, it can only report what it detects, either the driver is misreporting or it's not using all the RAM your card has, you can probably find info on exactly what the fglrx driver supports on your card in the fglrx documentation. Oh by the way in case you missed it the recent Unity release notes say hey fixed the numpad, so you will be able to use that for Mechjeb
  18. Well it looks like polls work for regular members in this section now, thanks everyone
  19. It is a help wally, I can't find where to enable polls in this area, so if anyone knows please say.
  20. Total distance travelled over land is fine and it's what I've used when I could see it on peoples entries, It's a bit surprising that it's possible to circumnavigate Kerbin with so little fuel though, I never got more than a quarter of the way with similar craft myself
  21. Pretty sure Tank isn't cheating, the plane looks legit I do wonder how accurate measurements of distance can be made in future though, but I'm not bothered for now.
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