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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Well, the opposite to part clipping is quite good, yes I agree on disabling the limits. Craft file
  2. Wow, great way to welcome someone guys :/ DavidBowman, welcome, and it would be a pleasure to visit one day Stay off the politics guys.
  3. Reminds me of the turrets in Portal, firing 35% more bullet per bullet
  4. If only there was a way to go to a specific line in a post. Oh look, there is, lets try that again!
  5. Hmm, I think because of this bit. And the sheer gamut of craft, there's not just rockets in rocket builders, there's even boats in there
  6. Unfortunately the person doing that risks banning for sockpuppetry...
  7. Reporting posts is not very reliable unfortunately, most of the time a single report is duplicated in the bowels of vBulletin and we receive three or four identical copies. As for reserving posts, sorry but no, people used it to post squat, and to bump threads, and could often post many times in a row in a thread which just annoys people, and merging these posts is a drain on moderator time. But don't fret, you can easily manage your threads using the Goto and Line tags, you can see them in action in the Linux thread
  8. Unaerodynamic and spindly legs, they look LEM'ish to me Not sure about the landing/dock to asteroids thing though:
  9. Wow, that poll totally isn't biased in any way, no sir, no one looking at that poll could possibly determine the OP's opinion on the debug menu It's a bunch of tools, one of which even enables more part clipping! Oh and it lets you edit your difficulty, and whack-a-kerbal is fun. It's not really something to have an opinion on, it's like asking what people think of the console in Quake.
  10. The Apollo Lunar excursion module, humanities first ever crewed vessel designed purely for use in space, some consider it beautiful, others terrifying, it has a unique elegance even if it as acquired taste. Just as NASA and others return to Apollo style craft for orbital operations, you can see a clear inspiration in the Dragon capsule for example, the design of the LEM could give an idea of what the craft that will return to the Moon will look like. One day, similar bug-like craft may visit the airless moons of Jupiter, or carry people to the surface of asteroids...
  11. They tend to go down hill quickly, we're only on page 7 of this one.
  12. Interestingly, the early designs for the Lunar lander included five legs, as this was thought to be safer if one leg should break. But it was too heavy so they went with four
  13. Reminds me of something I found earlier today when dealing with that "zero is dangerous" thread.
  14. Okay how large is the text? If you hold Control and scroll your mousewheel does it help?
  15. It looks fine here, can you post a screenshot of what you are seeing please.
  16. I don't think this thread will survive much longer.
  17. It is possible to measure gravity from orbit GRACE, Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment.
  18. Foxster, all you have managed to accomplish is to prove to the ladies that you are rather insensitive, and I have no doubt they consider you intellectually inferior to even those of average intelligence. I'll be editing your posts, you should really think a bit more carefully about what you say when discussing women in future, though something tells me that might not help
  19. This is like trying to define something like this is bad, it's like you're trying to define a "wrong" and a "right" way to think about the game, maybe to try to discourage its use? You might not think so but that is what something like this would end up doing. Part clipping is already defined, if you put parts inside other parts, you are part clipping. Should players be faced with "community rules" on this? No, they really should not, no one should be pressured, no matter how passively, to build their craft in a certain way because one group doesn't agree with it. If it's for a challenge then sure the challenger can define their challenge as they see fit, the participants can agree to the rules or refuse to play, but they should not feel they are doing something "wrong" when they use part clipping in their own designs. If you personally don't want to clip parts that's fine, but that's your choice.
  20. Usually Easter eggs are hidden things... And usually reference something outside the game, like the Kraken
  21. It's easy enough to rotate a part so it clips inside of another even without trying, the gizmos just make it more controllable
  22. Talk about out of context quote... We'll see threads on whether it's right to use procedural fairings in non-realistic ways, just as we already see threads on part clipping. There are people who will want others to play their way, it helps them justify their play style
  23. Cap is an interesting term for them, other words have also been used such as shroud
  24. No one thinks fairings were found by the side of the road Regex, that would be silly But you say it yourself, the Delta II has three sizes of fairing available, all three are tested, rated and certified for space use on the Delta II, when a new fairing is needed the companies involved make another to the specifications of those three sizes. The same is currently true for Soyuz, and while the rules were a bit more lax in the Apollo days they still built to plan for each rocket design. But fixed fairing sizes limits the player in an unfair way, so procedural fairings are necessary, we will however see players who build their fairings in what they deem a realistic way, and those who make stuff like this. We currently see threads discussing the appropriateness of part clipping, in 1.0 and beyond I fully expect threads discussing the appropriateness of fairing abuse
  25. Well, KSP is clearly a Gameulator, or maybe a Simugame ?
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