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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Hold the control key and rightclick a building, you will see the option to demolish the building, demolish it then control+rightclick it again, you will see the option to rebuild it to the tier below.
  2. Welcome to the forums Mike You can change your avatar after your third post, just in case you're a spambot or you frequent shock sites, it happens... Images can be uploaded to imgur.com and the url posted here. There's a load of people who'd be willing to help with your plane, take pics in KSP with F1 for us
  3. Well if you delete a folder the shortcut stops working too, that's the nature of trees in computers, KSP's craft are just like a file system.
  4. That's probably why we have struts, in a tree system the struts act like shortcuts or symbolic links, linking one folder to another.
  5. This is pretty old and I'm also sure LD's piloting has moved on since this was posted, I think I should put this thread back to sleep
  6. Hi Yabos, I'd try the "Max physics delta time by frame" slider in general settings, reducing it can really help
  7. Moved to Addons for your comfort and convenience
  8. Sorry condraj2, I don't know why it's so slow for you, I assume it's just the driver. I'm using the Nvidia 331 driver from the X-swat repo on a GTX650, I can force AA globally in Nvidia-settings but it has a tendency to make text look smeary. Edit: Does anyone else see this?
  9. The size of diesels has come up a few times but they are pretty small these, here's a diesel generator adapted for a slightly faster role
  10. Actually the original asparagus design makes no mention of transferring fuel, though it did use liquid kerosene rockets Source, an image of the textbook page showing where the first known use of the term "asparagus" for rocket boosters comes from.
  11. This may help you, don't forget to reboot afterwards How to install proprietary drivers in Ubuntu.
  12. Sorry but only versions up to and including 0.13.3 and version 0.18.3 are free to download and share, all the rest are updates up to the current release 0.90.0 and the previous stable release of 0.25.0, which have to be paid for. Players who own KSP can get the last stable release via the store or Steam. 0.24.2 is deprecated and no longer available or supported.
  13. Only four posts in and already off topic and onto accusations... @Zetax deleted post.
  14. Another reason may be that you can't pump solid fuel from one SRB to another To be asparagus, the SRB's in each pair would need to have lower thrust or more fuel than the pair that precedes them and this can be difficult to get right, as has been mentioned they cannot be throttled so if your pair of SRB's has too much or too little thrust or fuel for their portion of the flight envelope you can find yourself not reaching space today.
  15. It's my favourite engine as well, but in all this time I never thought of a nickname for it.
  16. Necro posting is not a big issue when a member adds sufficiently to a thread, which Radcliffe136a did. Necro-moaning is an issue however, please use the "Report Post" button if you feel a thread requires moderator attention instead of derailing in future with an off-topic, contentless post, thank you
  17. Welcome to the forums James We have a lot of good people here, and our complainers at least provide constructive criticism and contribute to the community, so I think you'll like it here as an active member. Have fun and fly safe!
  18. More info in 22ø halos here at Wikipedia. Beautiful things, you might see moon dogs as well if you're lucky
  19. It's floating points I'm afraid, you can reduce the jitter a bit though by turning SAS off and by adjusting the delta timer in Settings, more to the left is more accurate but more CPU intensive, I wouldn't increase it too much.
  20. Great thread Segaprophet, it stands to reason that people interested in space flight would also be interested in aircraft, so I've stickied this for Feb
  21. This is just brilliant, cardboard R/C planes are fun especially when you see the faces of the "serious" fliers Stickied for February!
  22. I really think more people should try this, I'm going to have to download KAS... Stickied for Feb
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