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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. That'd be a shame Mulbin, seeing as this is kinda the very definition of fan made hardware, can't exactly install this to Gamedata... Oh I thought I'd help on the visibility side, your stickied in Fanworks for February
  2. Lots of useful info here Claw, stickied for Feb
  3. Great plane gGATORr, stickied for February
  4. Welcome back to the KSP forums Threads Of The Month, it has been a busy month for discussion on 1.0 that's for sure and most of it surrounding the aero changes, so this TOTM will be looking at aircraft... -------------------- Anyone can put a basic jet on the back of a few tanks, slap some wings on and call it a plane, but jets lack the elegance of old propeller airplanes. Unfortunately we don't have any propellers in stock KSP, but that didn't stop gGATORr from building a propeller driven warbird! If that's too big for you, honorary mention goes to Pourpaya, with what is possibly the smallest propeller plane in stock KSP yet -------------------- So what if you want to build your own plane? While he can't help with making the engine from the above, Claw returns this month with a basic aircraft tutorial to help you make a plane that is balanced will fly, though how well it flies may vary -------------------- So now you have a fancy flier, you can just tap at your keyboard to fly her, right? Or maybe see if that joystick you bought 10 years ago still works under all that dust? Or maybe you can get your soldering iron, your serious face, and a bag of bits from the hardware store and treat yourself to a real controller for a change, and thanks to Mulbin you can do just that and put together a flight controller fit for the aces of Kerbins skies... Chocs away! -------------------- Powered flight is fine and all but sometimes you just want to relax and fly something a lot less noisy, so how about flying a kite with Fengist? After all, heavier than air flight didn't start with engines -------------------- Simulated flight is fun, but real flight is better, though few of us will ever be more than a passenger and real flying is expensive. But flying by proxy is fun and can be cheap, especially if you built your own, you should already be in a building mood thanks to Mulbins simpit so why not take it a step further and make your own R/C planes from scratch and scrap with Neil1993? Bonus points if you make your simpit control the R/C plane... -------------------- And after all that, while our soldering irons are cooling and our cardboard plane is in the shed awaiting another repair, and our cats refuse to let us use their warm nap-place to play KSP on, we can take a look at some real planes with Segaprophet and dream of being a real pilot. Maybe one day...
  5. Lol yeah I'm here way too much to be healthy
  6. You need a minimum of three posts, so one more and you're good, welcome to the forums
  7. On some keyboards the F11 and F12 keys are doubled up with other functions, and as there is no Alt+F11 function built into KSP that I know of I suspect your use of Alt+F11 is activating something external to the game, and your Alt+F12 is not being passed to KSP at all...
  8. Hello everyone There are no plans to restrict members to non-animated avatars, and it is not likely that any such plans will be considered in the future, there already exist avatar and profile image limits and as long as an avatar is within those limits and within the forum rules it is perfectly fine. So if you would like to use an animated avatar you are welcome to do so. For anyone who does not like animated avatars there are a number of options they can take, one being the disabling of the display of avatars in their general account settings. Another option is the selective blocking of offending avatars using advertisement blocking software. Those members suffering from medical reasons why they are affected by animated images are reminded to take frequent breaks away from any computer screen or similar device. So please continue to enjoy animated forum avatars Thread closed for reaching the end of its utility.
  9. What did you call me!?! Now for MegaUZI!
  10. Sippyfrog, your issue seems to be related to the tech tree, your KSP.log contains this at the end: [LOG 21:00:47.288] ------------------- initializing editor mode... ------------------ [LOG 21:00:47.288] editor started [WRN 21:00:47.386] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called [WRN 21:00:47.386] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called [WRN 21:00:47.386] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called Unresearcheable [WRN 21:00:47.387] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called [WRN 21:00:47.387] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called [WRN 21:00:47.387] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called Unresearcheable [WRN 21:00:47.388] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called [WRN 21:00:47.388] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called [WRN 21:00:47.388] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called [WRN 21:00:47.389] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called [WRN 21:00:47.389] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called [WRN 21:00:47.389] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called [WRN 21:00:47.390] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called [WRN 21:00:47.390] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called [WRN 21:00:47.390] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called Unresearcheable [WRN 21:00:47.391] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called [WRN 21:00:47.391] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called [WRN 21:00:47.391] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called Unresearcheable [WRN 21:00:47.392] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called [WRN 21:00:47.392] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called [WRN 21:00:47.392] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called Unresearcheable Have you removed any addons from your game, and have you tested a new save?
  11. Double posting, and even triple or quadruple posting by overeager members has been reported many times, often the poster is unaware of the edit button, or they feel that their words would be noticed more easily as a new post directly below their existing one (or 3), this annoys many members and often results in warnings or infractions. Moderators had to select all offending posts and merge them, and when a member does this repeatedly in the same thread this can become a problem. Post squatting below the OP can also be annoying, as a number of empty posts below the OP doesn't only look bad, most of the time these squatted posts are never used and it's against the rules to post contentless messages. Moderators remove squatted posts when they find them, and it is mentioned in the Good Conduct Guide that the practice of post squatting is something we'd rather not see here. Thankfully for moderator sanity and forum presentation, vBulletin can check for and handle double posts automatically, so members aren't bothered by 3 or 4 posts in a row by the same person, it also stops the [Reserved for X] post spamming. I don't want to say "Well, we're stopping this, you'll have no recourse if you want to organise your posts" so with help I set up the tags so members would still be able to have sections for leaderboards, downloads, whatever. Without having to spam up the forums with empty post after empty post, just in case they wanted to have a subsection "for later". Post spamming and squatting was never something expressly permitted on these forums, and it took a not inconsiderable amount of moderator time dealing with it, multiposting especially was a drain and frequently flagged by members as a problem. So now what was once done manually is automated, and rather than leave you stuck, you have options to make your posts better without annoying other members.
  12. Have you changed your delta time setting? KSP could be trying to do too many physics calculations and causing the stutter that way.
  13. Well, it's not floating in space, but it is out there
  14. It's always a problem with a game in development, "But where is X ?" "Um, but we're only at J..." Also, girls tend to keep a low profile precisely due to the way they find themselves treated by male gamers, attitudes towards them change, expectations change, while the person has not changed anything other than make their gender known.
  15. Hmm lets see now... Link to post #2 Link to your post. Link to another post. Looks like I know it to be true because I just did it three times in this very post, you can link to any post from an OP so those posts can be anywhere. Nope, you're misrepresenting the truth there. You have options for formatting your opening post, you have the ability to link to other posts you make in a thread, it looks like you're trying to make this seem like some kind of attack on your rights to post here and you're getting upset over nothing, frankly this is making you look bad. The Yemo asked how to doublepost, the answer is you don't, you have other means to format your posts. If you had hoped to change anyone's mind on this then I'm sorry to say all you have done is the reverse.
  16. vBulletin doesn't allow that, but also your post leaves a question unanswered, why does the next post have to be consecutive? A member would still be forced to scroll down the OP to post #2 or click a link in the OP to get to post #2, but if there is a link, that next post can be anywhere. So there is still no real need or reason for camping the second post of a thread that cannot be met by regular URL links to normal posts or by the tags, what we have here is a person wanting a consecutive second post "just because", but is not taking into account how this inconveniences other contributors to a thread, if an OP decides they need five posts in a row they have pushed other members who's post would have been seen onto page 2.
  17. It works with anything you define as a line, even a whole line of text
  18. It's still civil Woody so it's fine at the present time, thank you for your concern and please remember not to backseat moderate
  19. Yes absolutely, I should have posted it in a forum that allows reputation, but that is the only forum where it fit I could have sworn there was no rep button in there... It also allows a modder or anyone else to add sections to their posts later, which is not possible via post squatting, plus the tags are accessible by URL, all these extra features come free with the base Goto tags at no additional cost to you!
  20. Addons will be fine, it's better to reinstall the mods instead of copying them over though due to permissions and case sensitivity
  21. It's not like there isn't some way to organise a post into easy to select sections either...
  22. I hope everyone can learn something from this thread and these words, and remember to both treat others better no matter their gender or race, and to actually stop and think about our words and our posts before making a fool of ourselves.
  23. Why thank you Regex Pellinor, it's a little tricky to get parts even that far out, it involves rotating, then translating, then rotating again to trick the editor.
  24. Discussions on part clipping invariably turn to the limits of the offset tool, and I believe those limits should be disabled, as it'd make things easier to build For your enjoyment and horror, here's a little plane I made using the rotate and offset gizmos, the Exploded View... It flies pretty well, and I like disabling the limits Craft file
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