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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Goodluck Romfarar, it sounds complicated, maybe Tosh can help you as he has already found a way to aim his laser, I think he uses physics_raytrace, as the beam only needs to know if it\'s hit something and what. His other targeting method seems to just step through the craft entry in the persistence file (or in memory)
  2. Coming along nicely Romfarar, having those angle and rotation boxes make aiming the beam much faster Have you decided what effect you will work on first? Also, it should be simple to alter that turret I made for you, perhaps if you delete all but one lens, you could have your code rotate the ball with the lens attached so it is always has the beam coming out of it. Or if you\'d like, sketch something out and I\'ll see if I can model it, I need the practice anyway.
  3. Aww bad luck Salda, I was reluctant to take my craft there as well due to the slopes but I\'ll make sure my next one goes there, as like you say, something light can handle the dangerous terrain at LZ3 (I think it\'s Charlie?)
  4. No need to formally enter, just download the persistence file and go for it, don\'t forget screenshots and when you\'re done post it here, don\'t worry too much about your time, it\'ll just be cool to have more pilots on the leaderboard
  5. Thanks for that, I knew it already, we are not looking for explanations or bugfixes here, if you happen to have anything weird happen to you while playing, hit F1 and show us. Or even better, if you can actually video some strange goings on in the Kerbol system, we\'d love to see it.
  6. You are more than welcome to try it, I think I made it .5 meters wide It has simple node_colliders and is as low poly as I could make it without it starting to look weird, maybe it\'ll be useful as a multi lazor system on a single mount like you say.
  7. Your Lazor beam would sometimes be between lenses on this but It shouldn\'t look too bad when it happens.
  8. I really should learn to code again, it seemed easy enough at the time but like always I got distracted, anyway what do you think of this?
  9. Yup this thread is for showing off your oddities and weirdness within the world of KSP so on that note here is something that just happened... The Langoliers come for the KSC Or are far darker, more ancient forces at work?
  10. I\'m looking forwards to seeing you go NeoHoltsky, don\'t forget to PM me when you\'re done just in case I don\'t see your entry here
  11. Getting the cart to the Mun isn\'t too hard, but it did take me a while to figure out a good method, I balanced mine with some landing legs. I should make an entry for the spaceship exchange, but for now I\'ll let you guys have a go with mine, maybe for the story I\'ll have Kanley and Kodger knock a rocket onto the factories cart?
  12. It seems Disperse already resets the Lazor\'s angle to it\'s starting position, but pointing side mounted Lazor\'s directly ahead of the ship would be useful as thats the first place most people will be looking. Maybe start with single beams with basic effects, and have multiple beams increase effects? For example one yellow laser would scan slowly but three would scan much faster. Also you have 7 basic colours if you add white I suggest you try not to let the project get too complex too soon, as it\'ll become hard to handle, work on some basic effects first and then see what ideas come to mind about how those effects can be expanded. One other thing to keep in mind, if you make it so other people can make their mods use the Lazor you\'ll soon see new exciting uses for it you never thought of.
  13. Everyone should try the cart, it\'s brilliant
  14. Your task if you choose to accept it, is to recreate that weirdness for us
  15. Wow well done PakledHostage, I\'m impressed and I\'m really glad to see you made it. All stock pilots so far as well, I think it adds to the challenge but I\'d like to see someone like NovaSilisko try this with one of his designs, you\'d have thought someone would have used Mechjeb by now too. Your system is probably too complex for me to follow, I took a risk by swinging round Kerbin at 100km after Checkpoint 2 and got lucky with my orbit at the Mun, so if you try dropping back as well I think you could easily make it in less than 24 hours. Most important thing though is did you enjoy it? And do you have any pointers on how I could improve the next race?
  16. Okay, the things I know lasers can be used for are these : Weapon (dump heat into target) (red) Cutting / Welding of metal (not sure of use in KSP, similar to weapon) (violet) Range finder / Pointer / Designator (green) Communications (can possibly be used for remote control of craft in range) (blue) Scanning (either by spectral analysis of reflected light, interferometry or by scanning a barcode) (yellow) Holograms (maybe can make images of ships?) (white) (colours are just a guess, you can use any colour i think) I\'ll try to do a pic of what I mean in Gimp, won\'t be long. Edit: Here is what I mean with the controls, you could adjust as normal or type in the box and press enter, the boxes would show Azimuth and Rotation of the Lazor.
  17. Aren\'t you having to deal with the exact same potential energy in the rocket and the same energy from the Muns gravity either way? Seeing as there is no drag or lift available. I would not be surprised if Mechjeb returned almost identical results both ways, with any type of rocket.
  18. Well traditionally red has been for weapon lasers in movies, but then again I always preferred the green lasers of the TIE fighters, maybe a rangefinder can be blue or possibly yellow, it\'s your choice Something that might be useful though would be a degree readout next to the direction buttons, especially if those degree readouts could be typed into for quick changes of direction. The use I\'d have for the degree readouts would be that I could then set the Lazor directly forwards easily from a side mounted position, as then I could use it to see where I was pointing when making a rendezvous.
  19. Am I wrong in thinking there is not enough in it to choose one landing over another? Personally I do low PE landings as I prefer them, but after seeing this I may do some Direct Descents just for fun. Kosmo-not, your tireless pursuit of efficiency is impressive.
  20. I hope it wasn\'t the ringship being way out there that caused the crash, I can load it up fine with no explosions or lockups, but KSP does crash for me too at random times. I have to keep clearing out the crash reports. Good luck on your times, maybe you can beat me
  21. Cool video togfox, if you have to clean up, you might as well have a blast doing it
  22. Thanks Cykyrios, this may help others with the course, I\'ll put a link to it, and to yours Kosmo-not, in the original post. Tools like this are great, as you can still get that sense of achievement that is lost when relying on Mechjeb and Rincomp.
  23. I think the Able needs one very simple change to be perfect, remove the quad engines and place a a pair of T30\'s and a pair of T45\'s one at a time like so: oO Oo With this change the Able becomes a very nice rocket to fly, even with the loss of 50 newtons of thrust, also I found the fuel lines on the Baker were faulty on my copy, and I had to reseat them. Edit: Almost forgot, with the weight now on only two engines, they need a strut from the tank or the solids to the engine to reinforce them. If you want I have done the change for my rockets, here are my .crafts, plus a version I made for the Baker standard.
  24. It\'s okay Tiberion, I didn\'t assume you wanted to dictate a best way to play, it\'s like you say, KSP is open to many different play styles, I think that is helping draw in such a wide variety of players, I also add mods that add functionality to the game and I know the stock parts will change, actually I\'m looking forwards to it as it\'ll provide a new challenge. There is a lot of fun to be had trying to land on the Mun and return with a ship that\'s often smaller than most peoples lander stage, and there\'s just as much fun in blasting debris with Tosh\'s laser or learning to land your shuttles
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