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Everything posted by Leopardmadcat

  1. Looking for a mod I saw once that added an extension to the 2.5m Command Pod, making it 3.75m diameter and having several versions (crew carrier, science, cargo, etc). Can anyone point me in the right direction please?
  2. My Wish list for SantaKerbbal. -Multi-Core Support (with Hyperthreading) and Pure x64 Code! -Better Physics (with N-body orbital dynamics and lagrange points?) -Better/More control over parts placement in VAB. (Would be nice to have multiples of 5-7-9, and perhaps an indicator of part angle, with snap control variability of up to about 1/10 a degree.) -Better parts sorting. (Maybe use sliders like Tweekscale does to control size/length/volume/color etc on a single part rather than have separate parts for each, with different variables unlocking as you progress?) -Integrated Mechjeb for us fumble fingered id10ts? -More terrain features. (More trees, rocks, rivers, streams etc. Maybe add some more Biomes like jungles, swamps, wetlands, corals etc?) -More missions for aircraft. (Search and Rescue, Medivac, Intercept, Survey, Military/Police assistance, Prisoner transport, etc?) -More purposes for Land and Orbital bases. (Refueling, Science, Medical, etc.) -Integrated Resources. (For refueling, exploration/survey, exploitation for money, etc.) -Customizable Kerbals? (Height, weight, hair and colors, uniforms?) Thanks for listening Santa-Kerbal! See you in Kristmas! (EDIT: Almost forgot! WEATHER! (Clouds, fog, storms, rain, waves, etc!))
  3. I have this mod "sorta" working on my install (KSP v1.7.2). It does strange things with modded parts, but most of the stock items work with no problem. Can't use the 'Database AutoReload' as it always misses something. However, if used carefully it can save tremendously on part counts! (My habitat ring went from 259 parts down to 85! (Would have been even less but it's twitchy when welding Planetary Base Modules.)
  4. I found a workaround... sorta. After timewarping go to the space center and on to the tracking station and move your focus to another vessel, wait a few moments, then again to the space center and to the tracking station and back to your vessel. This forces the game to flush the vessel and reload it, thereby resetting the radiators so they function normally. It's important to go to the space center rather than directly to the tracking station otherwise it may not work... why, I don't know, but that extra step appears to be important.
  5. I appear to be experiencing a bug with my radiators. They work fine until I use timewarp, there they seem to lose a bit of heat, but when I drop back to normal (1x timescale) they jump up in heat and continue to climb until their PartTemp hits max and shuts them down, causing the reactor to scram, and meanwhile the WasteHeat sits at near nothing. I know I have sufficient radiators (10x the minimum requirement based on the thermal calculator), so what is going on? I unfortunately have literally 50 mods installed so tracking this down could be a real chore...
  6. If you are using KerbalJointReinforcement (comes included with KSPIe) it will display the exact behavior you have described; simply remove that mod and all will be well again (except for your rockets falling apart mid-flight again...). Cheers!
  7. I have a couple of questions about IR telescopes. Rather than generating 0.17 science/day when in survey mode (in Kerbin orbit) hey seem to be treating their observation data as a limited resource and producing diminishing returns over time. Also they do not seem to be consuming liquid Helium, though they do need an occasional EVA for maintenance. Is this by design? Also I cannot seem to transfer more than one piece of data to the Science Lab or Mobile Processing Lab; it either won't transfer, or the data just disappears without producing data. I have verified this with a clean install of KSP 1.1.2 and the latest KSPIe, so I know it's not conflicting mods doing this. Also the nuclear reactors (both molten salt and pebble bed) don't upgrade in performance with increased tech... they always sit at the Mk1, even in the VAB. Halp...!? :/
  8. Ah no... I was under the impression that it was more like the 'Scanning' feature. Is there any documentation on how to use this other than the old KSPI reference manual? Because the research feature is undocumented. Does it work the same way as the mobile processing lab, where you get an increased fraction for transmittal? And is the scanning feature upgrade available under "Scientific Outposts"... I have nothing listed there? Also is there a way to scroll down in the VAB item descriptions? Because now everything just scrolls to the next item rather than the description. Thanks for the help BTW. I have a million dinero science station in orbit of Minmus, and at the moment it's useless.
  9. Just to be clear, this is the Science Lab (found under Specialized Science Tech in the tech tree) we are talking about, not the stock Mobile Processing Lab? There is no 'Scan' option available, and no upgrades are listed in my tech tree. :/
  10. I cannot get the labs to generate science via research. I've tried everything I can think of; they have more than sufficient power, two scientists (with minimal stupidity), and are in low orbit:. zip, nada... zero sci/day. I even tried a clean install with nothing added except this mod to make certain there were no conflicts. Can anyone offer any suggestions other than bang my head against the desk... the latter hasn't helped any. :/
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