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Everything posted by tk5800thesecond

  1. Does anyone know if this will be updated for the latest ksp?
  2. oh yeah, NASA and Squad teamed up. how does one access that mission?
  3. I cannot seem to find it again, is it in another part of the website? is lost? was it deleted? HAS THE KRAKEN EXACTED HIS REVENGE?!??!?!
  4. 1. Do like NASA and have redundant systems. e.g. Have 2 solar panels (that are deployable) and that square solar panel that doesnt (if the first two deployable solars fail the last one can still supply power) 2. Always test a craft extensively (dropping the craft to test the landing legs/making sure no parts clip into eachother) 3. when making a pass for Mun and Minmus bring periapsis down to atleast 10000m very basic but it solves a lot of problems later on
  5. I'm 20 and I used to build rockets exactly like the real world ones. My favorite to build was the soyuz before the mods came out for them. But now in version .22 I am making rockets that work because of the limited parts I have.
  6. After hearing something explode. http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQHMR_CExOqIe7kQdeqjCzo6T2adaWTa-oKw8OVGRu0KN82kyH2
  7. "The abort system for the shuttle was too expensive and heavy so we took it out" Oh wait...
  8. I reset to zero. This included deleting all mods (and save files associated with mods) and ending all flights in my main player profile. All in an attempt to focus my rocket building towards landing on the Mun again. (Haven't since around 3 months ago)
  9. you know, looking at them it is a quick and easy way to get a lo-fi looking image, for some reason it looks like the grainy footage form the apollo missions
  10. 0/10 sorry, havnt seen your username before
  11. So I recently uploaded this video and showed my friends They all seem to like it but only because they know its satire, I was just wondering what your opinion of it was, does it go to far? not far enough? or is it a good riff on the "war culture"
  12. Backwards, I know X fuel tank with y engine can get me into orbit, but to get those up there I need z tank and z1 engin, but that isnt enough to lift the capsule so I put boosters on
  13. I believe sentience or having a working mind is for the "thing" to ask a question on its own without any prior stimuli, for example, apes who have been taught sign language don't ask "what is this?" when left alone, but when a human asks "would you like food" the ape says "yes" back, however it doesn't go up to the human and ask "can I have food" on it's own.
  14. So a little while ago there was a screenshot competition where the winner would win a sub orbital flight into space... what happened?
  15. Space Dementia A little left field but I like it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOCZFChafOQ&list=FL36rfpiU7MEEXMSI0n1H0vg&index=2
  16. I like to use the one launcher for a variety of payloads, so I recreated the R7 and have used it to recreate almost all of the soviet and russian missions that used the R7
  17. I cant seem to be able to take a screenshot, its F12 isnt it? and if so where does the picture get saved to?
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