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Everything posted by Wildcat111

  1. Granted. The school comes back with you. After all, it is a board... I wish I could com up with a wish.
  2. Granted. HOI4 is nonexistent. You can't say a game is bad if it doesn't exist at all. I wish the UK would not leave the EU.
  3. Right, I forgot the pad... *Mails a DIY Pad 39A to your doorstep*
  4. Extremely Real Realistic Realized Realism Overhaul Mails a couple of full-sized rockets to your doorstep. Time to find out how to fit a Saturn V through your door.
  5. Banned for having the same rep count as my address
  6. Wildcat111

    Grid War

    Sorry, I've never seen an Excel spreadsheet before. Forgive me for my stupidity. 1A
  7. Wildcat111

    Grid War

    I'll be on the Red team. Tell me if I did this correctly @DAL59: Capital Coordinates: 1A, 1AX @Barzon Kerman you want to be on my team?
  8. @Daniel Prates Is this still compatible with 1.6.1?
  9. For me, I used http://ksp.olex.biz/ when trying to figure out transfer windows, but once you send enough things there, it starts to come to you from memory.
  10. Banned for banning a Big Big Diggy Boi with Many Gravity.
  11. From one Delta II to another. @Lo Var Lachland
  12. Asteroid 101955 Bennu
  13. Hairy messes up in Mumbai.
  14. Opportunity.exe has stopped responding. Therefore, we will never know if it's in a parking space or not. What's 2+2?
  15. The rules are simple: list as many dumb ways, no matter how big or small, your KSP missions have failed I'll start it off... Confusing retrograde with prograde. You can probably guess what happened next...
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