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Everything posted by Wildcat111

  1. -4 (-) @JoseEduardo @Mycroft hold the line. WE shall hold the line. EDIT: Last valid number is 4, ignore this post
  2. Nice chapter @Kuzzter! Especially the part when the words come out backwards! It got me laughing!
  3. -7 (-) @Mycroft @JoseEduardo @Atlas2342 gimme a hand!
  4. -5 (-) @JoseEduardo @Mycroft @Atlas2342 HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERES JOHNNY AGAIN!
  5. The battles will start as soon as I can on the weekends after Sep. 20. I meant to set the deadline to Sep. 20th.
  6. - 3 (-) HEEEEEEEEEEEERESS JOHNNY AGAIN! @JoseEduardo @Mycroft @Atlas2342
  7. @CliftonM do you have the diagrams for the current launch vehicles and RSAT? If so can you you PM me the diagrams or the Google Slides presentations? I just want to see the launch vehicles.
  8. Ok then. @ZooNamedGames do you have the diagrams for the current launch vehicles and our RSAT? If so can you you PM me the diagrams or the Google Slides presentations?
  9. Or use an engine mounted on the spacecraft. @ZooNamedGames I can design a secondary probe for science experiments if you want.
  10. -2 (-) @Mycroft @Atlas2342 @JoseEduardo HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERES JOHNNY!!!!!!!
  11. For me, even though I have been to the Mun and Minmus, I have never gone interplanetary.
  12. Known for a wonderful spacecraft showcase even though you say it is horrible. Seriously, those crafts are very cool!
  13. 0 (-) Bring it into the negatives @JoseEduardo!
  14. 2 (-) @JoseEduardo @Mycroft @Atlas2342 WE SHALL WIN THIS TIME (like a volleyball match going into the third round)!
  15. @ZooNamedGames I do believe that if we add an extra stage to a Taurus, maybe we could get to the Moon.
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