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Everything posted by voicey99

  1. Those would be the Orbital Shipyard and Mobile Launch Platform. Also, what do you mean by 'EPL-No More Production'? Can't say I've ever heard of it.
  2. You might want to watch out if you're planning to use the two special EPL-compatible parts in MKS over the default EPL methods, since a) the form factor they were designed for has long since been depreciated out of the mod and b) they too will be depreciated and removed in the future (thus breaking saves).
  3. You can still use EPL to make MKS parts, as the community keeps the legacy EPL patch reasonably up to date. Manufacturing DIYKits offworld is being worked on but won't appear for some time. OSE would work as well, if you can navigate container volume limits and the cumbersome nature of installing large parts using KIS.
  4. I made a test setup in 0.50.18 (the final 1.2 release) and everything is in order there, giving me the expected massive bonuses. Maybe something changed between my version and yours? Check the table. FundsBoost means they accrue funds in the Pioneer and increase the geo rating, ScienceBoost means they generate science points and biology rating and RepBoost means they amass rep points and kolonisation rating. That article is on my todo list with regards to clarification and updating, after Manufacturing. Kerbals on-orbit either don't generate points or do so extremely slowly (the dashboard applet is broken so I have to tell by the production of modules increasing). Skill does not affect growth rate. The point of the kolonist classes is to give you hordes of cheap (currently bugged, prices will be fixed soonTM), single-purpose kerbals to pack off to your kolonies as each one increases ratings at the same pace as their more expensive multiskilled counterparts. They are basically filler kerbals to pack out your bases and generate points while still being able to collectively perform the functions of the main classes (each kolonist has one skill) while leaving them free for your main missions. The search button is at the top of the page, use it.
  5. Why would you need one? Ranger parts are no different to any others, except that they look silly in space.
  6. They have FillAmount = 0.95, so they fill to 95%. You can apply this to stock fuel cells if you want them to leave some headroom too.
  7. Check the flow priority on them (enabled advanced tweakables if you can't see it). Higher priority batteries discharge last and recharge first. The reactors will only fill a vessel's overall EC storage up to 95% full so if they form under 5% of the overall storage and have the highest priority number they won't fill.
  8. This is a known bug, it does this after switching away from and then switching to the rover as well. It was brought up here a while back but nothing came of it.
  9. You can't. You can get v0.33.8 and 0.33.9 (and then nothing until 0.40) on Spacedock, though.
  10. It's a slightly retextured reactor. EDIT: @techgamer17 They look like these:
  11. Eh, check around for it. It might even be in the starting node if it has no cfg. Note that I think Janitor's Closet stops parts from showing in the VAB if you haven't paid the unlock fee (if you have it enabled).
  12. You get it with vanilla Advanced Construction. They don't appear to have a CTT cfg, unless adv. con. is in CTT?
  13. It will get quite laggy if you do that (though Kopernicus is a worse offender). It's still fine to put them out of range, you just have to check on them every so often-as I said, these intervals will increase to years as the surplus builds up a bigger buffer every time. You will have to visit these places to complete contracts, perform maintenance, add/change bits on them etc. anyway, so you can trigger catchup at the same time.
  14. Yep. If your production is higher than your consumption then the interval in which you have to go and check on the outposts will decrease over time as the surplus accumulates.
  15. By the MPL working unattended, he means that it doesn't use the crew multiplier (0.05 + (0.2 * highest lvl engineer/other relevant spec + 1)), so it doesn't take a massive production hit when unmanned. It cal also participate in PL while unmanned, although the logistics modules can do that too. It still relies on the catchup mechanic.
  16. (bit late) This is a stock bug and has been around for a while, there is no workaround I know of. You have to dock in 1x speed unless you want weirdness-not sure if rails warp screws around as well. If you can't find a report of it in any of the 1,461 active tickets, file one to add to the list.
  17. The forum software isn't bad but the search errors are indeed annoying, though it's sufficient for most people. I'd rather they sorted the (allegedly) official wiki out first before touching the forum software/servers.
  18. You actually need 12h+ since the game gives you your backlogged production in 6h chunks but kontainers only empty down to half full when pushing to PL. All you need is a warehouse-enabled kontainer (any MKS kontainer, check it's enabled in the part itself) and a local logistics-enabled module (Tundra Pioneer-Logistics Module, Duna Logistics Module and any of the Mobile Processing Units), and when the kontainer fills up to 75% or more it will empty down to half full and push the excess into planetary storage. If you want to pull back out of it at the other end, you will need one of the two logistics modules and a pilot or quartermaster on the vessel, and when the kontainer empties to below 25% it will pull enough from PL to refill itself to 50%.
  19. Do you mean their capacity as well as consumption changed (and what is the standard rate)? I also noted that the MPU ore:fuel mass ratio is 10:1 while in the stock ISRUs it is 1:1-should the ore input be lowered to bring it further into line or left as it is?
  20. So it seems neither me or @damerell would be wrong, since he(?) was referring to the orbital sharpnosed version and I was looking at the linked rover bubblecab version. It just so happens that the design that they quoted and said was different was actually the same, but the other configuration (presumably the intended target) does indeed look different to the Karibou.
  21. I was looking at what Wyzard linked and called the SEV. Is that not the SEV?
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