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Everything posted by voicey99

  1. Local Logistics is not for long-distance transport, it's intended for shuttling resources between close-by bases without needing to link them all together physically or with PL. LL means a processor or a nearby vessel can pull resources from nearby containers into its own, process them and push resources from its container into others nearby if they are needed for/produced by a LL-enabled (i.e. MKS) processor. Rovers aren't needed for LL, they merely extend its sending range from 150m to 2km. The key advantage over PL it has it that it doesn't require a logistics-enabled module to push or one with a pilot or quartermaster (who can also pilot the rover) to operate-since what I've said so far is probably gibberish, I'll draw some diagrams if you give me a few mins.
  2. I can't test that, because I'm still on 1.2.2. Will probably be updating soon though.
  3. That or a Medic. How does it determine 'enough'? The desc of the colonisation module states it supports 12 kerbals, is it something to do with this (or is the desc false)?
  4. For example, if I have a refinery with 3 metals bays, no specialists on board and no kolonisation bonuses, it has 15% efficiency (as predicted). On activating a 2.5m MPU with both bays set to smelter efficiency mode, Explainer predicts the load of the refinery as 20.79%, consistent with one of the two bays being set to efficiency. However, the real load is 26.57% as it does not count the second bay's effect.
  5. Got something for you to add. Since the addition of MPUs into the mod, there are now parts that have multiple efficiency part slots per part (which add), but MKSE only treats it as it it were a single-slot efficiency part and so does not model the 2.5m and 3.75m MPUs' efficiency part modes correctly.
  6. I'll write some when I've finished adding more detailed mechanics to the MKS wiki.
  7. Not even needed. The video is only a quick google away and even comes with a link to the spreadsheet (if only they had bothered).
  8. Try out this patch I wrote, it should let you pull in EU from nearby kontainers with the EVA maintenance function. P.S. When you first said EU I though you meant EC as EU was the abbreviation for the power system in a Minecraft mod I used to use and spent longer than I should have to see whether it was possible.
  9. EPL-MKS support isn't dead yet. It's likely the patch will be maintained by the community into the future and the parts be spun off into a separate download once depreciated so you can continue to use MKS' manufacturing process with it. GC (Ground Construction) doesn't offer orbital construction yet, but some day it will. How long the wait will be isn't known.
  10. Were they the old MkWhatever parts from the pre-0.50 era? I don't remember any. If you're just in it for the in-space construction. what do you need MKS for? EPL does that on its own.
  11. Because EPL support is being depreciated in favour of GC. I believe they will still be available as a separate download after this, though.
  12. Looking like a pretty good basic base. I might point out that an LS recycler would be a good thing to have to reduce supplies consumption, unless there's one out of shot. (YMMV, but you're going to need more than a few PV panels eventually and diddly rovers liable to flipping could always do with a flywheel in case of sharp turns).
  13. In that case @nhnifong they were asking about USI reactors, not NFE reactors. The only way to extend a reactor core life (i.e. time between refuels) is to add more reactors or an alternate power source to take some of the load e.g. solar.
  14. Is this 'context menu' a 1.3 feature? Regardless, jacking down the governor (as I'm assuming it is) means you need more reactors and so you have to add more reactors anyway, which would reduce the load, limited or not.
  15. Whatever the reasons, GC is here to stay and EPL support will be depreciated. I did see somewhere a looooong way back in the thread that EPL support was getting increasingly difficult thanks to poor cooperation with taniwha, and Allista's much better communication and common approaches made GC a significantly better and easier mod to shift support to (as far as RD is concerned, anyway). When the integration is complete (many months down the line), GC should offer pretty much all of the functionality EPL does at current.
  16. GC in this context is for manufacturing base parts in situ from a compact, lightweight and easy-to-transport initial package rather than building random ships in space, which likely falls beyond the scope of MKS. It also happens that GC is simpler and easier to patch for than EPL.
  17. GC cannot built in space at the moment (coming soonTM). You also have to ship the DIYKit boxes from Kerbin in order to assemble their contents (DIYKit manufacturing also coming soonTM)-however, unless there's been some major changes, the bundled-but-no-longer-developed EPL/MKS patch should still be functional and the EPL parts are still in MKS (for now, anyway).
  18. @Loren Pechtel Before you ask: no, Kerbalism is NOT compatible with MKS.
  19. The basic supplies chain is (gypsum/minerals→)fertiliser+mulch→supplies with no water or substrate in sight. You can make supplies with dirt/substrate and water, but the other method gives you so much more (it's less efficient in terms of fertiliser, but it's so easy to make who cares?). You will need them for organics production, but that's further down the line than you have to worry about right now. Water would be much better used at this stage for fuelling the superecycler in the kerbitats (which reduces supply usage by half again on the standard kerbitat recycler). You can make it from hydrates in the ASM as well, given that water tends to be vanishingly rare.
  20. It's a stock limitation, otherwise KSP would melt your computer into slag even more thoroughly then it does now if it had to simulate dozens of vessels. Just make sure you have surplus production and you can built up enough of a buffer in PL to go a very long time between checkins.
  21. Well, you would have to go back from time to time since it does not actively produce anything nor contribute to planetary logistics when unloaded. To that end make sure it has >12h of storage for what its producing since resource catchup on loading the vessel gives you your backlogged production in 6h batches and tanks only empty down to half full each time they push to PL (max once per 'cycle')
  22. It's basically impossible if you want to do it legit. If you do want to make it maintenance-free, you will have to export the raw resources to PL and run the autodrills off solar power (the MPU doesn't need to run to provide push capability). If you do that, you must not visit the base during the night or be still there when the sun goes down, since it will only give you your backlogged production if it is running to begin with. Just stick some autodrills and solar panel big enough to provide for them in the daytime (plus resource storage and a heat dissipator) onto an MPU or logistics module and only have it loaded during the day.
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