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Everything posted by voicey99

  1. I will try to make it easier to understand this time-allow me to rephrase. For a module to be able to retrieve things from the planetary stockpile, it must have the following module: MODULE { name = ModulePlanetaryLogistics } If the part has this module, it must also have a pilot or quartermaster anywhere on board, as well as a container of the relevant resource (one that has 'ModuleResourceWarehouse'). If those requirements are met, it will pull things from the stockpile into the container when the level of the resource in the container drops to below a certain level. At present only the designated Logistics Modules are able to do this. The Mobile Processing Units have the tag 'PushOnly = true' in the module which means that, while they can push to the stockpile, they cannot pull even with all the above requirements satisfied. Note that all modules can push to the stockpile while unmanned.
  2. Ground Construction. It's one of MKS' dependency mods (the version shipped with MKS is updated for 1.3, the main version is not). If it comes with a mod, it's probably a good idea to keep it in your gamedata.
  3. Even if MKS isn't the sole mod, it would be a conflict worthy of attention by RD or whoever makes the conflicting mod. @Linker If you do that, remeber some of the mods are dependencies. Speaking of dependencies, are you using the version if GC that comes with MKS or an independently downloaded one?
  4. That's pretty typical of access violation crashes. I'm no expert, but try it without mods to see if it is a mod thing-if it still crashes, bring it up in the tech support forum, if it doesn't crash re-add the mods one by one until it does (if it's MKS, open an issue on github with the output log attached).
  5. The log cuts off without showing anything out of the ordinary-is it still giving an access violation? I'm not well versed in this stuff, so I can't say much beyond go through all your mods one by one. If it persists with no mods, this is one for the unmodded tech support forum.
  6. I'm going to be Captain Obvious and say 'well, there's your problem' (maybe). Reinstall that.
  7. Forgot 7-ZIP could open RARs. Well, it's an access violation by mono, which is pretty common and not limited to MKS. I'm inclined to think it's not MKS's fault. It might also be worth mentioning that your memory usage appears dangerously high, how significant this is I don't know. It's usually easier if you include the standard ksp.log, which is a lot easier to read than the technical stuff in the other files.
  8. If s/he doesn't speak English and relies on a trainwreck translator, I'm not sure what I can do for them. @mejdrich Open the 'Properties' panel for KSP, go into 'updates' and select 'only update this game when I launch it' from the 'automatic updates' dropdown. When an update comes out, go into the 'betas' tab of the same panel and select the version you want to use from the dropdown. What am I supposed to do with a .rar? All that's needed is the ksp.log text file.
  9. Are they your only mods? What version of MM are you running? Are you running KSP in 64-bit mode or 32? A log would also be useful. I also assume you aren't using CKAN?
  10. Sorry, I misunderstood. You have to have a pilot/QM (and a module without the 'PullOnly = true' tag i.e. a logistics module) to pull from PL, you cannot do it unmanned. And, for the record, I don't need a translator.
  11. I believe that adds a button to make attached parts physicsless (so their weight and drag are applied to the parent) or something similar-correct me if wrong. As of 0.50.9, ALL logistics-enabled modules can push to PL without a crew (this includes the manned LogMod and unmanned MPUs) and pull with a pilot or quartermaster on board. To enable PL participation, add this: MODULE { name = ModulePlanetaryLogistics } Add PushOnly = true under 'name' to disable pulling even when the relevant crew are on board.
  12. This has been brought up so many times in the past few days, come people just can't be bothered to flick back even one page. P.S. one of the images in your sig is broken.
  13. That's not very useful for large bases or module delivery. My modules are all on wheels so they can be wheeled into horizontal position for joining with konstruction, hence I land and then deliberately tip the rocket over so they land on the wheels-I'm now left with one tipped-over rocket that is useful for nothing other than disassembling (if it's especially expensive, I will design it to be capable of returning to Kerbin for recovery). I don't disassemble the wheels though, since they provide stability (unlike the jiggling cradles) and help soften the physics hop.
  14. If you're using 1.2 there isn't much point to update notifications since pretty much all future updates will be for 1.3. I do check CKAN every so often, and find it's usually pretty good (when it isn't throwing krakens constantly), but MKS is the only mod of mine that updates frequently(ish).
  15. It doesn't, as has been said time and time again. Some people just can't be bothered to search the thread or scroll back a few pages I hate AVC, since it continually bugs you to update stuff even if you don't want to/can't (i.e. the newest mod version is for 1.3 but you want to keep using 1.2). I even installed ZeroMiniAVC it was so annoying.
  16. WMG=Wild Mass Guessing. The patch doesn't modify the OSE workshop beyond configuring it to run off MKTs-no need to, really.
  17. If my WMG is correct and it simply places these parts in a nearby KIS container, what you can print would be limited by the size of the container.
  18. I've never used OSE so this is all based on stuff I've heard and WMG on my part. Are you saying that all parts have OSE modules by default, and the patch just adds another, better module on top of the first?
  19. Part disassembly is simply a good way to recycle your booster stages after delivering modules, it's not intended to be a long-term source. I don't know how many MKTs you need to make a part with OSE, but agreed, it should be more than you get from disassembling it. What I meant was that I think parts need to have the OSE printer cfg module added to be able to print parts, and this has to be added manually so without that patch MKS parts will not print stuff. I don't know about the limits but I would guess that the parts are placed in a KIS container once printed for placement with KIS so yes, you could probably assemble bases that way. GC is much better for this though, as it makes whole ships at once.
  20. Offworld making of DIYKits is on the roadmap No duplicate printer modules though, since I don't think OSE defines printer modules in the MKS parts by default. Can also be turned into recyclables.
  21. MKT is materialkits, yes. OSE is not required for MKS or vice versa, but there is a patch that adds whatever functionality OSE needs to several of the workshoppy parts. I've never uses OSE so I have no idea what this does. I'm also not entirely sure about what in MKS needs GC, but the bundled GC is tailored to MKS (i.e. it doesn't have some patches that are already covered by MKS)-it's probably something to do with the fact that it's much quicker, easier and cheaper to build base components onsite with advanced bases than ship everything in from Kerbin. This is since EPL support was discontinued.
  22. MKS is fully integrated with OSE (it has custom configs for some parts) and GC (it has custom workshop efficiency cfgs for every part and MKTs are used to build ships-heck, it's a dependency). EPL support it also there, but is no longer officially supported so its current status with respects to 'does it work' is unknown.
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