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Everything posted by voicey99

  1. There are also two turbofans listed (KA_Jet_Turbofan_01 and Radial_01). Which is the right one to remove (I'm guessing the one with the smoother mach curve)?
  2. Renaming the file and ingame display name shouldn't break it. EDIT: For the file names to match the part names, I'll have to shuffle the other two down one (this won't cause an issue)-but why are there two config files for exactly the same part? The fwd mount inline propfan is configed for by both KA_Jet_Propfan_02 and 03, with the only visible difference being sightly different pressure/vel curves. Can I safely remove 03 as a duplicate?
  3. It's interesting, because the cfg file is titled 'Jet_Turboprop_01', but the cfg name name of it is 'Jet_Propfan_01' and the ingame name is 'Radial Turboprop Engine' again.
  4. If Karbonite is now covered here as well, I might make the observation that the 750-series prop engines are referred to ingame as turboprops but their design is that of a propfan, like the others.
  5. Can you even look back a couple of pages to see why? Failing that, there is a search button. Use it.
  6. No parts in those lines have been removed as of late, my guess would be the install screwed up.
  7. The 750-series propellers from Karbonite are referred to ingame as 'turboprops' but, judging from their design, I'm almost certain they're propfans instead. Could someone clarify? (@RoverDude Still waiting on a replacement Ka thread)
  8. Not sure why you wouldn't want TRP (since the old AC was hopelessly cluttered by all the types) but if you want to disable it I believe it can be toggled under settings->difficulty->kolonisation.
  9. RD probably just made a typo when writing/copypasting the AC code, put that lot into an issue ticket on github. Also, you shouldn't be overwriting with any mod. EVER. Always delete the old mod folders. I don't know think the order makes any difference, they're probably all sorted alphabetically in your folder anyway.
  10. Wikipedia sums this up: 'After the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, the term "White Russia" caused some confusion, as it was also the name of the military force that opposed the red Bolsheviks'. I was assuming the latter. Common? It's got nothing on Springfield. Real original place names are hard come by in America, since they always seem to be either ripoffs of european cities or somethingtown/ville/city etc. We should probably stop talking about this before the thread gets any more derailed.
  11. Not sure whether it would be better to leave MKS on CKAN and put up with people who can't be bothered to search the thread for their problems or pull MKS from CKAN while the GC issue is being dealt with and put up with the floods of people who can't be bothered to search the thread for why MKS isn't on CKAN.
  12. kerbal cannoning is this week's Reddit challenge, so go submit this there!
  13. Having not used the 1.3 version, I have to go off what other people are saying. Maybe I'm not sceptical enough.
  14. I ended up walking down to the local garage to pick up a Sinclair C5 (which would be crazy in its own right, I've also never even seen one) and, while walking, looked up to see a red-liveried aircraft resembling an IL-76 fly upside-down overhead before righting itself. While returning home in the C5, I looked back to see the same aircraft attempt to pull off an aerial loop in the distance, but failed to pull up and crashed (Shoreham resemblance?) into a mystery city I can't help but call Brighton (which is >60km away). All the while with me recording it on a mobile phone like any good bystander should. Fin.
  15. There's been a few with crashes (whether they are MKS I don't know-inc. that person on sunday).
  16. Absolutely not. Tech support is full of people with crashes after they tried to use 1.2.2 mods on 1.3. MKS is out for 1.3 but it seems to be a bit dodgy.
  17. Is the second album broken, or is that just my internet?
  18. So some kind of 'jack-of-all-trades, master of none' linguistic stew? If this is how you learn english, may I take the liberty of corrections (bold and underlined characters are additions or replacements, underscores_ are deletions-see the quote)?
  19. Your English isn't that bad, but some mistakes make a sentence gibberish. If your native language is German, I can read it well enough for what you say to make more sense in that sometimes
  20. Probably because you haven't really described very much. Is your craft out of power? Are the panels broken? What panels are they? etc.
  21. You are using CTT, in which case flexotubes are sited under Meta-Materials instead of Adv Construction. You don't need any additional mods to load them in, but MKS has some custom configurations for those parts (i.e. a config to tell CLS that the flexotubes are passable parts and custom temperature values for DRE) that it's harmlessly skipping over because you don't have them installed. Even without KAS, the parts still appear (but do nothing). For a more prompt answer next time, try asking in the designated MKS thread.
  22. Regular drills can be operated without an engineer on board, at a relative efficiency multiplier of 0.05 plus 0.2 per engineer level (0 star=level 1). Automated drills do not use this mechanic, meaning their multiplier is always 1, so they are slightly less efficient than a standard drill with a 4-star engineer. MKS has the kerbitats that increase habtime, including some that have a multiplier. The HHSC only adds raw time (one kerbalmonth = 30 days), and the cupola adds a multiplier to this-the inline kerbitats provide a lot more habtime than a HHSC as well as some powerful (stackable!) multiplier bonuses-raw habtime does not have a limit on how many kerbals it applies to, instead simply being divided by the number of kerbals on board. For hab multipliers, the hab multiplier is (if you are over the stated kerbal limit) divided by the number of kerbals divided by the kerbal capacity (e.g. the 2.5m kerbitat has a 2.35 multiplier with a cap of 4 kerbs, having 5 kerbs will reduce this to 2.35/(5/4)=1.88 times mult). Your end result will be ((total kerbalmonths*the multiplier)/number of kerbals)+0.25K-M per seat. The 3.75m kerbitats are the best (IMO, YMMV), since they fit well and inline and are pretty mass-effective-the inflatable habs also all require machinery to run (for some reason). Experiment with (multiple!) kerbitats set to hab-quarters (raw time) and hab-common (multiplier) to find the best balance between raw time and multiplier to use. I recently patched USI-LS support into Stock Extension (SXT) if you want a larger choice of hab parts (including a habring 'lite'). You might also want to note that if your habtime is over 50 years kerbals on board gain permanent hab. You can also just launch the big habring into space pre-inflated, or simply give your ships some extra DV so you can burn a bit more fuel to drastically cut down travel times.
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