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Everything posted by voicey99

  1. Most mods will have updated in the next few weeks, but if it's big, obscure or has a busy creator, it could potentially take months. There's always a few that just don't pull through at all. Be prepared to go without your favourite mods for a while-I arrived on the KSP scene just in time to get screwed over by 1.2. MJ took a month to update that time. Let that be a lesson-always turn off auto-updates (or select an older version to use before starting). CKAN is generally good but if the mod has a daisy-chain of dependencies then install it manually.
  2. From your screenshots, the base looked to bang in the middle of one of the flats. Are there really biome borders there?
  3. It may or may not be relevant, but you don't seem to have the bundled CCK or AT Utils files. They are needed-what for I don't know. This could be CKAN fumbling it again, in which case install it manually.
  4. Whatever the 'old mad' is, don't trust CKAN with any more than standalone mods. Mods with dependencies and complex relationships (some of which are still potentially languishing in 1.2) should be installed by hand, the 1.3-compatible version can be found on github,
  5. I noted that too (notepad is ubiquitous), I believe that refers to the version it was created in rather than the version it was last used in. It could also be possible that the changes made by 1.3 are what is causing the issues with the drills (in which case you will have to update for good now-MKS is out for 1.3, try that. The same probably can't be said for all your other mods though)
  6. Yes, I am using 1.2.2. Until now I had no idea what the betas dropdown did since it had always been broken and unclickable. The latest update seems to have fixed that. Saves should work on any KSP version on par with or above the version they were created in. It's likely your jaunt into 1.3 changed something in the save so it is now marked as 1.3. I'm not willing to risk my own save so could someone who has started on 1.3 downdate and test it out?
  7. Not sure whether updating to 1.3 to use that (considering I have my 1.2.2 dir backed up elsewhere) would work, since it would break loads of the other mods. Try stripping as many mods out of the save as you can to see if something is interfering-do vanilla ore drills work? On a side note, how do you stop Steam forcing you to update to 1.3? I open KSP directly from the .exe, but this disables steam integration-do you have an alternative?
  8. Found it, that'll be Procedural Parts. The experiments don't matter (they will be deleted if the mod isn't found)-I'll let you know what I find (today or tomorrow). EDIT: Your save refuses to load, citing apparent KSP version incompatibility.
  9. Honestly, I don't have anything better to do. It looks like the base is mostly USI, but what are the fuel tanks on the scanner lander and the white cylinders (not flexotubes) with stuff mounted on them on the base?
  10. What part mods other than MKS are in that i.e. what is needed to load everything)?
  11. That would be a bug, then. If you're not using the 1.3 version, give me a save and I'll have a go at looking into it. P.S. you can add additional images to existing pages on imgur with the button under the image so they appear as a slideshow in one box, or rightclick and select 'open in new tab' for the fullscreen pic URL.
  12. Could you show some screenshots elaborating on the problem? (for the efficiency issue, try this mod. It could be out of date, though)
  13. I'm not sure if there is a way to make the DIYKits themselves in the field w/o having to lug a huge box all the way from Kerbin. Still, I ship everything in from Kerbin so it doesn't matter-could somebody else who uses GC fill in?
  14. From what i can tell, MKS parts have custom workshop efficiency configs and DIYKits require MaterialKits to deploy.
  15. Wasn't that one sitting around for months? Good to see it finally made it in. Also in this patch: MKS drills can now harvest Karbonite, the files have been reorganised and the Ka->H20 converter now requires the Karbonite mod.
  16. Is this in a 1.2-compatible version of ARP? if yes, I'll get it. If no, damn.
  17. Oh, the custom icons next to the resource bars? That doesn't look line the stock resource overview, so I'm guessing this is a AlternateResourcePanel (or whatever mod) patch?
  18. Cool showcase, but kinda cryptic . Rock is already included in the latest release. MKS has updated to 1.3, but I'm not sure as to the status of the other USI mods. RD might be updating them first.
  19. Already got it-looks like I might have to wait a while for new features. Oh well. Hop to it, modders!
  20. Is MKS 0.52 backwards compatible with KSP 1.2? I'm not going to be updating until the 1.2->1.3 mod lag subsides, so that would be nice (but nonessential).
  21. I mean the button that opens the Kolonisation Dashboard. It's completely disappeared for me, even after reinstalling MKS. Something to do with the pre?
  22. Initiated catchup, and it still has chems in it. Check PL for them, maybe? I'm assuming your applet still works.
  23. Sigh. I'm assuming you installed through CKAN then-you can open your KSP dir from the File dropdown in CKAN. MKS is several mods, so I wouldn't trust CKAN with this-download it from the github, extract the zipped file and transfer all six folders from the GameData folder in the MKS download folder into the GameData folder in the KSP dir. CKAN will have installed them in your GameData already, delete them first.
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