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Everything posted by voicey99

  1. Sorry, that section lists the mod DLLs and the top-level folders. It lists the DLLs according to the alphabetic order of their folders, so KolonyTools should be listed near the end.
  2. That section of the log only deals in top-level GameData folders, but it looks like MM also searches the subfolders as well. I guess both work, though whether one has an advantage (load time etc.) we don't know.
  3. KSP.log only lists the top-level folders, so the only one that shows up is UmbraSpaceIndustries. @TheRagingIrishman The NRE spam is back with a vengeance, but I didn't manage to catch it before the log ran over 500GB. I'll start checking the log regularly now. On a side note, this topic is now classed as HOT! on the threads index.
  4. What I am saying is you don't need to treat the mod it comes with as a requirement (since it is already loaded) if it is to be included with one or the other. If it is going to stay a standalone patch then yes, you would need both. @RoverDude?
  5. I think DStaal is saying that 'MKS' isn't a top-level folder (i.e. it is inside a mod folder) so MM will have issues finding it. If this is going to be packaged with Karbonite (as is the new plan) then it only NEEDS:[KolonyTools].
  6. The resource scanner is cluttered with all the resources from the CRP as well, so what's a bit more clutter? Nobody has to use it tf they don't want but yes, both this and the ASM water converter (which just so happens to be ever so slightly slower than you need for the 3.75m kerbitat purifier) could be under a patch included with Karbonite rather than MKS. A 2.5m kerbitat on H-Q mode gives 2 kerbals 284d of hab on Kerbin. However, on Minmus, this only increases to 548d despite my geology and kolonisation bonuses being 201.4% and 192.8% respectively. They are clearly not being multiplied together.
  7. I don't think Karborundum should be on the MKS drills since this actually gives the Karbonite drills an advantage over the MKS ones. You could say that Ka+ is so rare and elusive that you need a specialised apparatus for it rather than the comparatively crude multipurpose drilling machines. If it is on the multidrills, it should be extremely low efficiency. Karbonite is also designed as a fully standalone mod (though its always better with the full USI set), so it's always going to need its own set of drills for users who don't have MKS.
  8. If it's good, then RD is always open to new additions to MKS. I've submitted five so far.
  9. When you've finished making your patch, I'll possibly edit it a bit more and then pull it into the main mod for you (the fewer detached patches lying around the better, since they increase load time and clutter the folder). ...where has this MM handbook been all my life?
  10. I'm not sure this needs to target anything, as it should be part of the main MKS set of cfgs. As I said, Karbonite is always defined in the CRP so the drills can safely have a Karbonite mode (it does have a use in MKS) even when Karbonite isn't installed.
  11. Hm. Could be a possible point of any possible far-future Strategia integration.
  12. MKS comes with the Community Resource Pack, which includes definitions for Karbonite, meaning Karbonite is always defined even when the mod that uses it is not so the drills can have that mode built in by default. No need for a patch, but more of an addition to the main configuration file. Some observations: Is that the right NEEDS syntax? You ***might*** need a comma in between them with no spaces like this NEEDS[MKS,Karbonite]. Not sure what the 'mod' name of MKS is or whether that syntax is correct. You might want to lower the power usage slightly and efficiency on the drills significantly to keep the dedicated Karbonite drills relevant (I would say to 3/10 of their default-remember each drill has multiple drillheads, and all the production figures are per head so for the MEU-500 that adds up to 0.9/s for balance since they weigh less). And no Karborundum either. Leave that to the DRTs. What about the manned drills? @Cucco-Master Nope. You can manually configure the multipliers in UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Settings.cfg if you feel like they are too low/high, though.
  13. I guess it might be because Ka has its own dedicated drills, and allowing MKS drills to mine it might undermine their usefulness. I'll have a go at adding Ka modes to them at some point when I find some time, but at a lower overall efficiency than the dedicated drills for balance (something about having to be careful around Karbonite). Your map also shows that the English-speaking world uses the dot. Just a tip so those here can understand you better-for example, if you say '13,574' most people here will think you mean 'thirteen thousand five hundred and seventy-four' instead of 'thirteen point five-seven-four' . You can use the comma if you really want, but be prepared for misunderstandings.
  14. I've also noticed that under the MKSModule tag in the VAB, it now says what bonuses parts receive-apparently hab modules are supposed to get bonuses now (or did they always-geo*kol, according to the explainer plugin). I tested this and they do, but what is the new formula for this? It seems to be just habtime*kol, but I could be wrong and it also doesn't seem to use any more power than at standard rates. @N3N That's still a very scary number of ISMs. I think, like the vanilla ISRU, it is more intended as a sink all the karbonite you can mine and not really meant to be filled up. You might also want to use a dot instead of a comma as a decimal point, or else you might confuse people.
  15. The MPUs have inbuilt PL push capability, all you need as a logistics module on the other end to receive it. Still, I guess you are right in that sifting gives you all the resources at once to toy with.
  16. I don't usually bother with sifting since it gives you so little stuff for your effort. It's good if you want to centralise everything, but it's much better to place MPUs with auto drills where the concentrations are decent.
  17. Hm, I can't get it to repro after the crash. I'll let you know if it rears its ugly head again.
  18. You're in luck, it just this second had an access violation and crashed.
  19. It's 300GB long (mostly NRE spam), so it's going to take about 20m to upload-I hope you like waiting for downloads and scrolling. The save also isn't stock/USI, I'll try that out later. [link for when it's finished]
  20. Not sure about the kerbitrails, but the answers to these are easy to find in the thread if you know how to use the search box (top right of the page). As I said two pages ago: As for the KIS bug, it has also been brought up many times and is known, the issue is that the inflatable modules have no defined crew capacity (and so no defined KIS space) at launch and KIS does not take into account the extra crew space created when they are expanded.
  21. Tried out the newest constellation release, and the console is spewing one of these errors every few ms: Know anything about that?
  22. The only thing those two stats do is affect how they look in their IVA portraits.
  23. What @Kobymaru said, but to use the Nvidia inbuilt one (ShadowPlay) log in and (ingame or elsewhere) either press alt-Z to bring up the sharing menu (this will tab you out) and manually start recording under the 'record' dropdown or assign a hotkey. I did try using OBS, and found it only takes really cruddy footage. Or maybe that was during the conversion from .flv (which OBS saves recordings as), not sure.
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