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Everything posted by voicey99

  1. If you insist on credit for the Minmus trip, a gatecrasher (don't worry it's not really) I guess it's a space-launched spaceplane?
  2. As long as everything that goes up comes back down again intact, it should be ok. However, you won't get the credit for the Minmus trip because in order for that the entire vessel has to go there and back.
  3. Well. That or check the part descriptions in the VAB. Machinery is made from Materialkits and Spec Parts in the Ranger Inflatable Workshop and the Tundra Assembly Plant. EPL support is also being depreciated in favour of Ground Construction, but you should be able to make rockets out of Spec Parts and MatKits with MKS installed for the time being (I don't use EPL so I'm not sure on the current state of this integration). Try reading this page.
  4. The Tracking Station GUI hasn't changed since v0.20 and, at the moment, it sorts craft exclusively by MET. While this does give it some kind of order, it does mean that once your list of active vessels starts to stretch into the dozens and beyond it becomes very hard to keep track of all the different craft-a system for sorting how vessels are displayed in the UI would go a long way to easing problems relating to vessel overload. You would have the default MET sorter, but also options to sort active craft by name (alphabetically) and by MNV (so you don't have to watch for flashing numbers). Also, it would be very useful to be able to group them by vessel type (probe, ship, station etc) in their own sub-lists and be able to pin frequently visited vessels to the top of the list to save scrolling down every time, but these are perhaps surplus to requirements. EDIT: I may have forgotten to check the common UI suggestions list first.
  5. Huh? Whatever that is, the discussion mainly centred around the fact that you can't lock them.
  6. If I PR it, it would be the nuclear option i.e. remove the organics requirement from agmodules completely, configuring it to not nick orgs from the modules would require C# skills which I don't have. I'm not sure if the sledgehammer-nut approach is the right one.
  7. That was talking about machinery, I don't know if that extends to organics.
  8. I could PR it, it would only need a few small cfg edits. That is, assuming @RoverDude actually wanted to change it.
  9. He did, several versions ago. According to the release notes for 0.50.15, ag modules supposedly no longer require organics as an input so this shouldn't be a problem. Looks like something got lost in GH somewhere.
  10. Is there a way to unassign the hotkey to bring up the BOSS UI without it spewing ArgumentExceptions at you?
  11. Hm, on looking at the .cs, what I initially thought was a typo is actually not. On kontainers, the option to "Toggle Planetary Warehous" has been bugging me for ages, but on inspecting the .cs it turns out that it is actually spelled correctly, instead being cut off in the UI. How strange.
  12. Oh, so RD has to actually compile the .cs files to produce the next DLL edition before the changes are made? If that's the case a code compiler program would be very useful to check any changes I made didn't break anything.
  13. GH won't open the DLL (would editing the .cs files do that?) and Notepad displays it as strings of Unicode gibberish like 0 é C B (« B (¸ rk p~0 B %" HB(¬ ¢ (® ({ oƒ {¹ ~0 B %" (with more non-ASCII symbols that the forums won't display). The program I use to decompile and inspect DLL code doesn't allow you to edit them-probably for legal reasons. I also can't find a free program that will recompile it for you.
  14. What I mean is why have you set it to require nyannyan on top of NoFun?
  15. What is that for? It serves no purpose whatsoever aside from plastering nyan cat on the loading screen.
  16. I want to PR in a fix for one or two spelling mistakes in the DLL, what program/s would allow me to do that?
  17. First the Pi Day incident, now from looking at the DLL the kerbinisations of every body are an SB joke as well. Is there a version of SB around that doesn't have these in?
  18. What fuel switch mod/s are you using? I'm using CC and B9, and neither offer an option to muck around with the inflatable tank.
  19. TodayYesterday, I landed a plane (as seen on page 1272) on a Grunolith (also as seen in this week's KSP Challenge thread). I didn't keep track, but I reckon it took me about 30-40 attempts to nail it. P.S. You want this mod:
  20. Is the ingame options tab supposed to have settings for the collision alarm? It only seems to have the option to add/delete resource alerts. Also, maybe the sound could be a bit more alert-y? A twanging guitar string isn't the most alarming noise.
  21. Derp. I only looked at the first screenshot. And where the the buildings around the KSC from? KSC++ hasn't been updated for ages.
  22. Nice, but what's the monoprop for? The flywheel in the cockpit and ample contol surfaces should be sufficient for control in space and the atmo, and I don't see a docking port.
  23. @Kobymaru in the meantime, try this small MM patch I wrote-it lets kontainers (octo and cylindrical) pull from other nearby kontainers with the maintenance function. The kontainers also pull from others on the same vessel (but not modules that need machinery) so it's suboptimal but it's the best you're going to get short of actually wiring them up with KIS/KAS.
  24. The struts aren't attached to the winglet, they are actually attached to a cubic strut I offset into the winglet to act as a CoL marker (so I knew where the CoM should be when shifting fuel around), and instead found it made a good anchor point for the attached wings and fuel tanks.
  25. I have an R8 winglet on the top and bottom where the middle stack splits for yaw control, but my main method of turning was rolling and pitching. I didn't design it with much yaw control in mind, as you don't need it for ascent and Duna has too little atmosphere to fly in with that craft. I also parachuted down on Kerbin (I didn't have enough fuel left after the Duna trip for precision deorbiting and landing), so it didn't need to actually fly beyond ascent. The R8s were added when the craft was shorter and the CoM was further forward so they are now sitting right on top of the CoM (I left the cubic strut on top of the upper R8 as a marker for the CoL when shifting fuel around) and that probably makes them largely ineffective, but what puzzles me is why it yaws so sharply after takeoff for no apparent reason. The thrust, lift and mass are balanced enough not to do that, and it functioned perfectly well in the K-flight. EDIT: I checked, and they turned out to be in front of both the CoL and CoM. That probably confuses SAS/MJ quite a lot. EDIT 2: I moved them back behind the CoM, and it now flies great .
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