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Everything posted by voicey99

  1. It should, but I tried that with FAR and it ruined everything, so I would advise on waiting for a full release which should hopefully be soon. RD might not have got around to exterminating all the bees in the experimental and things may be incomplete, but by all means give it a go (download from the dev branch).
  2. Oh, you mean the stock types? I thought "base types" meant the MKS kerbals. In that case, that wold be great.
  3. I believe that's the equivalent weight to what you saved by launching the thing undeployed. IMO it's cheaper (just add moar boosters) and easier to simply launch it inflated.
  4. Kerbin has all the resources just like every other planet, but they are intended to be used for testing purposes only. It's up to you whether you feel like exploiting this for 0.000001% legit cash.
  5. If you're going to use fixed panels to work around the heat issues, here is a table of the minimum number of each type of radiator you need to cool each reactor at full blast: //////////////////// Small Radiators Large Radiators Edge Radiators 0.625m 4 1 2 1.25m Short 4 1 2 1.25m 8 2 3 2.5m 16 4 6 3.75m 32 8 11 Either PDU 4 1 2
  6. MKS processing parts don't require cooling. Only drills and reactors do (it will tell you in the VAB if these parts have heat mechanics). Note the Mobile Processing Units will be getting heat mechanics next update, so be sure to launch them with radiators.
  7. I've had issues with this melting my reactors before, attaching some radiator panels with KIS solved the problem. I'll edit this post after I've done some maths on req'd cooling for each part.
  8. Note the stats. Deployables have a higher total cooling and can cool the whole vessel, but the latter is a major drawback when working with MKS. The "Core Heat Transfer" stat denotes the max cooling that can be applied to a single part, and MKS drills will hog huge amounts of radiator capacity (since their max cooling is set very high to cover their cooling needs to to 1000% load), leaving nothing for everything else, which then overheats. I would recommend using deployables for drills and fixed panels for everything else on the vessel (especially reactors). The heat pump is the best and is above all of these issues, but can only be used when landed.
  9. I'm guessing you mean the cradles from Konstruction (which comes bundled with MKS). You can find them under the Construction tab.
  10. It tells you all the values per second in the part cfg files if you want to doublecheck.
  11. And that's why I don't use it. I'm playing Career, I don't have that kind of cash (or know how to use it properly) available for anything that can't be accomplished with good old firespitters.
  12. I don't have a plan for that yet, but I am in the final testing stage for my Sarnus exploration ship, the KEV Valley Forgeok, that's obscure. Packing 14km/s of DV at launch, this 7.3kilotonne, \F1.8M beast comes with (3 kerbals) 4.3yrs of supplies, 5.3yrs of hab and a 2-kerb lander with 57 days of supplies and 320 days of hab time plus an ISRU kit. During the test flights, getting it off the ground was a lagfest and a half and I've seen oil tankers that turn faster, but it comes with enough of everything to visit all of the Sarnusian moons and return with some to spare. My plan is to land this thing on Ovok or Hale where the gravity is nice and low, set it refuelling and send the lander off to do the rest of the exploration. I do like having to plan my missions around the demands of USI-LS now-I live for the challenge! *rubs hands at thought of a vehicle to visit Plock* PICS I do kinda want to get it back to Kerbin in one piece, those fancy nuclear engines from SXT (enlarged with TS) are 320K apiece! I might also start a Mission Reports thread to document the journey, but I'll probably wait until the crew of the Duna Express get back in about a year's time.
  13. I got so fed up with the plane pinwheeling and deathspinning on the descent, so I made a plane that keeps its CoM perfectly in line with the CoL at all times. The result is my first* SSTO, the Pushmi-Pullyu. The Boconok-9 tanks from SXT look awful, but they have a great mass-fuel ratio and help keep the thing short and stable. I'm also amazed it flies so well with so little wing area-the control flap does make a decent heatproof airbrake, though, *Ok, it wasn't my "first" per se. I somehow flew a biplane consisting of a Jumbo-64, two lines of B Wing Connectors, some Rapiers and a Mk1-2 Cmd. Pod to space and back. But it was awful, so I scrapped it.
  14. Once again, this has already been reported and will hopefully be fixed SoonTM
  15. Now that is better. 1920x1080 instead of just pixels. (P.S. sorry for taking this so offtopic!)
  16. F12, since that's the Steam SS key. I did notice it had a box checked to "save an uncompressed copy", but I'm not sure where to find that.
  17. Hm, I also have everything on max and a 750ti gfx card, but each of my SSs are only about 100-300KB. The quality isn't awful but you can definitely see the pixels when you put it fullscreen. Maybe it's because I'm taking the screenshots via Steam rather than KSP. And regolith drill? Which mod?
  18. How come you can take such high-quality screenshots? Mine are always in glorious 480p. And what is that green drill?
  19. I don't plan to use DF, I plan to floor it with no flying farts given whatsoever to fuel efficiency . With 1.5km/s of extra DV I can cut the travel time to Sarnus to just 2 years (-75%) and 900m/s will bring the Neidon travel time to "only" 9 years (-60%). Even Plock can be shaved down to 8 years (-88%) with a semi-reasonable 3km/s extra.
  20. I would actually be more for a higher geology rating increasing the yield of sifters rather than the raw speed, but speed would be ok I guess. Unrelated: I don't use GPP, but I am planning to kolonise Slate, Tekto and Thatmo from OPM at some point.
  21. Oops, dunno how that crept in. That was my PR, I'll fix that. EDIT: Added on to my existing PR about Rock (I really need to learn how to put multiple changes into one commit).
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