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Everything posted by voicey99

  1. The ISRU did convert ore to MKTs at some point in a very recent version, but it was a bug and removed in the next patch.
  2. @RoverDude With regards to excessive efficiency, are there any plans in the works for a module production governor or changes to the geology bonuses?
  3. Nope. It only has a 20% chance of being present in each biome and even then in small amounts, but the Dunaean poles are deliberately set to have tonnes of the stuff.
  4. You can mine it directly with the MKS drills, provided it's present. You can also get it with the Ventral Ocean Extractor from Karbonite and maybe some of the atmo extractors.
  5. Run them through an Agriculture Support Module set to [H2o (Hyd)]
  6. Yes it would, but it shouldn't be needed in the first place. This discussion is going in circles now with the same points being repeated again and again-maybe we should put this one to bed until @RoverDude gives his verdict?
  7. Nope. That's the point I'm making. The only way to limit the speed of processors would be to manually transfer machinery out and let the efficiency drop, but this would require regular checkins to maintain the level. Then what's the point of the bonuses? And what if it also massively overloads the power supply and heat diffusion (coming soon) in the process?
  8. What';s the point in them being unmanned and autonomous if you have to go over and replace the machinery every few weeks?
  9. Biomes on Sarnus look to be a bit borked-the Polar Zones are part of the Hexagon, the Great White Spot doesn't exist, the Temperate Belts are replaced by Polar Zones, the Temperate Zones are replaced by Tropical Belts and the Tropical Zones, Tropical Belts and Equatorial Zone are all replaced by Polar Zones. And @The White Guardian I didn't know there was a 1.2 version of OPM-VO. If there is, where is it?
  10. 500 spec parts or materialkits? If so, screenshot (showing the locations of the kontainer and part to be reconfigured) pls.
  11. This has been touched on before here, but processing parts really need some kind of production governor to keep the runaway efficiencies down, otherwise some parts become very OP and impractically power/resource-hungry very quickly. Either that or the bonuses need a huge nerf. The point is that the MPUs are supposed to be left for long periods without maintenance, when they are running at 3x normal pace they lose their automation perk completely and make the stock ISRUs look a very attractive alternative.
  12. Hm, I thought converters were Kolonisation-related (your maths checks out, it is geology2). Still, squared seems a bit much (a 184% geology rating should not more than triple the production).
  13. The Karibou hatch is on the bottom of the cab bubble window and the Malemute hatch is also on the bottom of the cab window. If you mouse over it you should see "crew hatch" text appear under the mouse.
  14. Check your supplies level. It may be that catchup simulates the supplies tank filling up (and the mulch tank filling up as a consequence) before the supplies tank has a chance to empty to PL-assuming you are producing supplies for PL, that is. A screenshot with the mulch and supplies levels would be useful.
  15. If you are producing supplies in the fertiliser method, each 1 fertiliser and 10 mulch will produce 11 supplies, which means you are always making 10% more mulch than you are using-unless you are putting supplies into PL, your mulch tanks will always fill up eventually.
  16. Looking at the efficiency mults, the end efficiency seems to be a pretty bizarre number that I can't find a decent formula of with relation to the Kolonisation bonus-A 2.5m MPU on Minmus making chems has an apparent efficiency of 682% from a base of 200%, despite the Kolonisation rating being only 177%. How odd.
  17. Are you using one of the MPUs as an efficiency modifier or are the bonuses from elsewhere (because they shouldn't be getting specialist, kolonisation etc. bonuses)? EDIT: I checked, and apparently they do get Kolonisation bonuses, but these bonuses are massively larger than they should be getting.
  18. Each 2.5m MPU uses 0.000013 machinery/sec/bay, which means your 5 MPUs together use 0.00013 machinery/sec, which means that the 1,200 MCH should have lasted you 427 days rather than 90. Their production should not go above 100% load per bay (they aren't supposed to get any bonuses), something is off here.
  19. How effective actually is the thing? The VAB infobox isn't very useful at all nor can I find an explanation of the "more effective during nights and on cooled planets" bit on the wiki.
  20. I made DustBody configs for most of the OPM bodies and their biomes (except Wal and Nissee, since their biomes are broken atm), could someone who is going out that way test it out for me to make sure it works? File is here, and goes in the OPM master folder.
  21. The LiquidFuel, Oxidiser and Monoprop (and the upcoming LF-OX) modes (i.e. those that don't have uses in the rest of the MKS chain) will see their production buffed by x10, otherwise the stock ISRU was vastly superior in every way, with zero reason to use the MPU for fuel processing, even on unmanned bases. Processing rates for MKS materials (metals, chems etc.) will remain the same. The SpaceDock version is 0.50.14, MPUs were introduced very recently in the latest version (0.50.17). @RoverDude needs to update it.
  22. Same here-I normally prefer to attach direct radiator panels, since the problem for me is not total cooling, but core heat transfer (max cooling that each radiator can apply to one part). As such, panels are better for high-heat-generating parts, since spamming radiators is easier than TCSs (the small panel draws as much heat from each part as the small TCS and 1/3 as much in total, but weighs 1/5 as much and costs 1/3 as much). TCSs are better for when you have multiple, low-level heat-generating parts spread around the vessel (e.g. small drills).
  23. MPUs are hopefully getting a big buff (and heat) next update, so both of you will probably need more drills and possibly radiators. if the TCSs aren't enough. And @Baladain said Konstruction thread is here.
  24. I noticed that too, I've logged it as an issue on github already. You also gain money from launching empty 2.5/3.75m mobile processing units.
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