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Everything posted by voicey99

  1. Oho, is this something like realism? It almost makes the stock ones seem cheaty now.
  2. So does 50kW for the 1.25m, 100kW for the 2.5m and 200kW for the 3.75 sound about good to you? They might also need a serious buff to compete with the stock ISRU since, when the stock 2.5m is up to temperature, it is faster than even the 3.75m automated one by at least a factor of 10-even when unmanned.
  3. CKAN just hasn't updated yet, give it a day or two, as has been said multiple times. And @RoverDude should the heat production values be low to reflect the MPUs' low processing rates or higher for balance?
  4. Before I submit the PR, I've also noticed they also don't generate any heat. Given a little more time, I could have a go at incorporating that as well, or I could add just the LFO mode.
  5. @RoverDude I also manually added in an LFO configuration (keeping the OX mode) for the MPUs, if you're going to give them one next release would you like me to PR that in too since I've already made it?
  6. Sssssssh. I can imagine RD rubbing his fingers together at the idea.
  7. Your drills will be running at 359% efficiency. Have fun watching your reactor melt.
  8. The radiator is the stock large TCS, and the base is manned. Here it is, Minmus MO "Bergenite": It's from a few versions ago and now consists of 8 ME-100s running at 283% capacity and a refinery at 38% (since I forgot to put much machinery in it) powered by a 1.25m with a 1-star engineer on board. Even with the massive buff, a large TCS should be able to handle that-the reactor is slightly overloaded, bit the TCS should still cool it-the TCS is well below capacity (12%) and when the engineer is removed from the base (which still has a pilot on board) it stops cooling the drills at all. I've had this problem before where stock TCSs don't cool USI parts properly, but radiators do. Looks like I'm going to be screwing some radiators on-I might be decommissioning the Berg soon anyway, given how manned drilling bases have somewhat lost importance. And yes, the three kolonisation ratings are a thing, and increase over time depending on how many kerbals of the various specialisations you have on board. Kolonisation buffs converters, Botany buffs supplies production (I think) and geology buffs drills (but not the automated versions). For drills, it seems to be base efficiency+geology rating, as my geology rating is 183% and the drills are running at 283%.
  9. Miners do that as well. And RD wan't kidding when he said geology rating boosts drills, mine went from operating at the fixed 85% in earlier versions to almost 300% with the new update, and everything from cooling to power is now massively overloaded. For some reason, the large deployable TCS I have on my base just sits there at 12% load as the drills and reactor are melting.
  10. MKS is integrated with TAC and can function without USI-LS, but the habitation parts won't work or have a purpose.
  11. Are you using USI-LS? If you're not, then the hab function (which is the other type of bay) on the expandable habs (or kerbitats, for that matter) won't work.
  12. Absolutely. Kerbalism overrides some pretty important stock mechanics MKS relies on. One of these is the resource catchup (since Kerbalism tries to simulate all unloaded vessels instead, which doesn't work with MKS), not sure about any others.
  13. USI is actually a wide collection of mods, and MKS, being part of the greater USI set, comes bundled with a few of them that work best with it or are essential for it to function (Konstruction for assembling bases, the Karibou for scouting and logistics, Kontainers for logistics etc.). The only absolute necessity mods are CRP/CCK, FX, Firespitter (?), Kontainers and USITools, but the others will make your life a lot easier when using MKS. If you want the whole lot, get it here, but be aware some mods might update in between Constellation bundle releases. As for the missing textures, it might be referring to the known bug that the ME-100 Pulse Drill produced grey squares instead of dust particles when drilling. You've desynced your MKS and USITools versions. USITools 0.20.16 is for MKS 0.50.17. Not sure if that's the problem, but it certainly won't help.
  14. If they're pinned, it shows you what they point to when you hover over them. If you have them unpinned (altclick on parts to bring up multiple windows) it shows the arrows for all of them.
  15. If you load a game containing parts from missing mods, KSP deletes all vessels containing parts from that mod. Unless you made a save before everything got deleted, you've had it.
  16. I can't tell at all what's pointing to what in that picture. Also, what's the status of the small panels attached to the reactor in the bay?
  17. I don't see a second reactor, nor any radiator panels. I'm not sure how heatdist priority works, but I think panels come before extendables. (And at least I parody the IRL space mission names (Sailor 9, COURIER, Kopernicus etc.))
  18. Presumably the Mobile Processing Unit. According to the cfg it can push stuff to PL but never pull i.e. what logistics modules do w/o a pilot/quartermaster on board. The MPUs are not a replacement for the full LM on manned bases, since it cannot pull at all.
  19. They still need a logistics module and can push to PL without a pilot or quartermaster, but one is still required to pull.
  20. Created #1176 for the extended descriptions. Also threw in a couple of commits to remove the vesseltype = Base tag from the Kerbitats, since they are used just as widely on stations and ships as they are in bases.
  21. Did he say something relevant or something? Not all of us are in the same timezone (or watch the vods).
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