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Everything posted by voicey99

  1. Also got a bit of a bug here: The PAL Counterweight can be filled and unfilled with rock anywhere (even in orbit-is this intended?) and acts as a fuel tank for rock, meaning you can get infinite rock anywhere i.e. infinite fuel for the Mass Driver and Extraction Modules when using this mod with USI ART. Maybe make it so it can only be filled when on the ground? (pls don't remove its fuel tank functionality! It makes sense to be able to fill it on the ground and I have a 2M, 1.5kt asteroid mining base relying on them since I haven't invented the proper rock tank yet)
  2. For future reference, it might be that either USITools or MKS got ahead of the other and broke something i.e. I recently updated USITools from v0.8.9 to 0.8.11 without updating MKS, and subsequently broke the button until I updated MKS to the parity version, which fixed it.
  3. @Merkov That's exactly what happened-one of the ports on the previous base module was the root part of the entire launch vehicle, so when I docked another module onto the root end of the first module (after docking the first module onto the base via the non-root port end), it docked but refused to compress until I moved the root to another part. In any case, @dboi88 here is a save with two vessels docked with both ports being root parts and another save with only one of the ports (the one facing west) being a root part. Both vessels were launched separately and then docked on the Runway.
  4. If that's the case, then how did I dock two ports, one of which is a root (and then had to use the KIS rerooting trick to compress)?
  5. Not sure, all I know is that there is a weird problem where having snap on can screw with the port connecting, and refuse to connect until turned off on one of them. I think it's something to do with the angle specified in the tweakables, and the ports intentionally not connecting until the craft is at that exact angle to the port (and this behaviour toggles with snap). I've never used these ports beyond simple base module welding, try checking the Konstruction thread?
  6. If one of the ports is a root, they will connect and function like any old docking port, but they just won't compress and weld the vessels together since it would involve destroying the root part. I've had this not snapping problem so many times before, all you need to do is disable snap on one of the ports and they will work.
  7. USI-Core comes bundled with all the mods needed to run it-try uninstalling those mods and replacing them with the versions included in the latest Core release (but not Module Manager, download and use this version).
  8. This function is added by the mod Firespitter, check you have FS installed and up to date.
  9. I believe (correct me if wrong) that the Tundra modules were originally from OKS, and as such were designed for stations... which don't use windows, remember? Structural weakness. Now they've been modified as multipurpose modules, as @dboi88 said, it would be really nice if they weren't windowless aluminium (?) cylinders. A personal preference would be a system similar to what NFC does with its trusses that lets you cycle between different exterior layouts to suit different deployment environments, but that is almost certainly way more coding and modelling effort than it's worth.
  10. They have the RepairSkill trait, as is required to use KIS/KAS, so i presume so. EDIT: Ninja'd, dammit
  11. (bit behind on the thread) @Bluejay To stop the Karibou storage bays from squirrelling away your power into the giant planetary sink you don't have to disable warehousing on the WSBs, just click the little green triangle next to the power bar to disable the power I/O while retaining the other cargo's warehousing functionality
  12. On the topic of consolidation, maybe Rover could recreate the general USI/dev thread? The original omnithread has been gathering dust for a looong time and was seldom used beforehand, effectively making it useless for lack of activity and the threat of getting flak for necroposting-thus meaning USI hasn't had a functioning central thread for over a year. For users of the Constellation, this means potentially having to go around well over a dozen threads with varying degrees of outdatedness to trawl for answers/tips and raise similar issues in multiple places for multi-mod problems when it could all be in one place in addition to each mod's corner of the forums with a bit of promotion to stop cobwebs forming on it like last time.
  13. Another contract suggestion, this time involving rescue and recovery contracts. As you can see from this screenshot, the contract generator is placing parts in orbits dangerously close to other bodies and intersecting their SOIs. This will eventually result in the craft being either slung out of the system or, in the case of the example, crashing into the body before the rescue craft can reach it. Owing to where the generator places orbits, situations like said example are thankfully rare around Kerbin, but can be a major nuisance elsewhere, especially around Duna, where parts for retrieval are frequently intercepted by Ike and destroyed or ejected into solar orbits before they can be reached. As such, the contract generator should run a basic check on the orbit it is generating a craft for retrieval or rescue in and, if the orbit crosses another SOI, abort the generation and try another orbit.
  14. To me, it depends how much power you need and where you are going. If you're using power-hungry parts like MKS hab modules then I find that solars should last you about up until Duna, Dres at a stretch or if you use the huge arrays from Near Future Solar-anything further and nukes are the way forward (bear in mind they can be pretty weighty, expensive and will need to be refuelled on EVA about every 3 years when run at full output). If you don't have any major power users on your ship then you should be fine with solars pretty much anywhere. As for RTGs, reactors trump them every time unless you have an extremely lightweight probe going to places where the sunlight is too weak even to power a probe core on hibernate and a reactor would be too heavy or require manual refuelling. It all comes down to your personal preference, though.
  15. Would it be possible to remove the small protrudences on the sides of 3.75m kontainers? As it is, they just poke out the corners of FTT cargo bays (which are supposed to act as kontainer shells) by a couple of cm, rendering them useless since the game counts them exposed and as a consequence the bay doesn't protect them on atmo entry at all (so they always explode).
  16. By "mine shows no configs for CLS", I thought Temeriki meant the CLS module was missing in the configs for the parts, is that not the case? EDIT: So that was the case then?
  17. Add the following to the config files of any parts that are impassable but should be:
  18. So it was all a coincidence then? I did notice the lack of hab-common effect so I remade the base in the VAB-replacing the quarters with non-hab modules and the common with a module that only added crew cap and kerbal-months-both yielded similar results. Given the discrepancy between it being turned on and off, it it possible that it is only adding the hab time and not the multiplier? PS imgur is down (at least for me) so that link above doesn't work right now
  19. Right, narrowed down the hab issue a bit. It doesn't look like the hab-quarters is functioning, unless it is a coincidence that the hab time of the colony when displayed in the VAB with 5 kerbals after the quarters has been replaced by non-hab modules (in this case landercans) is exactly the same as the remaining hab time of the existing colony plus its MET.
  20. I just hope he doesn't extend it yet, I have yet to add machinery kontainers to all my bases and stations so if he makes all habs require machinery to soon all my kerbs will grump out instantly thanks to the habs shutting down.
  21. @dboi88 I suppose that does make sense but what doesn't is the fact that only the inflatable habs need machinery. Maybe this could be extended to all habs (and possible use ColonySupplies or something to distinguish it from industrial machinery, since you don't need sofas, tvs and lampshades to run a smelter).
  22. Throw me a save, I'll have a look and twiddle around a bit. I assume that base is just MKS parts?
  23. @sh1pman I assume you have a supply of Machinery nearby? I don't see a kontainer of it anywhere in the picture (dunno if you have some in the modules themselves), but for some bizarre reason inflatable hab modules need it to run (if the module isn't full it will run at proportionally decreased effectiveness) Also, use the arrows at the top of the local logistics window to switch cargo lists. When three or more vessels are nearby, they simply switch target vessels but when it is only two vessels I think they list (from L to R) cargoes that can be transferred between your vessel and the other vessel, all cargoes your vessel has, cargoes that can be transferred between the other vessel and yours and all cargoes the other vessel has. Not sure why it doesn't list MKT, try twiddling with the top arrows to bring up different lists. It only lists these for warehouse-enabled parts, but LF/OX are included by default.
  24. ~~~Assorted quotes I decided I liked~~~ "Derp, derp. Excuse me while I derp" - Sinaea, streamer "Hahaha...ha...*wheeze* *wheeze* *cough* *thunk*" - EntropicJ, streamer (...in response to "This vid FTL-jumped me into puberty" - -Tali'Zorah*, Mass Effect 3) "Sorry, sir. Sorry for eating your office, sir" - somewhere "Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible", "Radio has no future", "X-rays will prove to be a hoax" - Lord Kelvin (William Thompson), 1889 "Deep truths are winnowed from deep nonsense" - Carl Sagan "When you think outside the box, you just realise you're in a bigger box" - Unknown
  25. If they were, then why would they have the "vesselType = Base" tag?
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