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Everything posted by voicey99

  1. I have fallen victim to this before, but I think this is a stock bug given I have also had my craft thrash about on me and break up for no apparent reason. Tundra modules do seem especially susceptible though, my guess would be how they might half-clip into one another when attached end-to-end (in that they produce a cone when attached to a different diameter part, like an engine shroud). This issue was kinda swept under the carpet when the grount tether was added to restrain the kraken via brute force, but I've never seen this on a station before. Try using KJR to give you enough time to install a Ranger Anchor Hub and use its weight transfer (rendering all attached parts physicsless) function? P.S. there are free screen capture programs out there that will do a much better job that a phone camera held up to the screen. If you use a Nvidia gfx card you might have one inbuilt.
  2. How did you land that kontainer in the top left? It has an engine but no fuel tank (unless the nose cone is a tank?). And tbh in Minmus' low gravity I simply harpoon parts with KIS and drag them around, no fancy cranes involved.
  3. The micro fans not working was discussed a bit last page, but did anyone actually solve it beyond just "it's KRnD"? I don't have KRnD and it still doesn't work. EDIT: I went through all the mods, looks like this is a bug within the mod or FS itself. EDIT 2: Having successfully 'repaired' it by substituting its model with a downscaled model of the Medium Ductfan from FTT in the cfg, I guess it might be an issue with the model not actually having an air intake built into it.
  4. Evidently Lack thought differently. The ANR basically doesn't work below about 150m/s and is very weak until you start picking up speed until you hit mach 2.75, where it outputs 300KN (at 1atm). It works all the way up to mach 6.5, and is great for small craft like this one below. Oh, and it looks pretty cool (physwarp will mess around with the thrust, so watch out for that)-I got this one into the air by attaching an RT-5 to the back end for a takeoff boost. The rounded wingtips are from SXT too, which also recently got compatibility with USI-LS. This isn't really MKS though. Still waiting on that new Karbonite thread as well.
  5. Hm, that did just remind me of the Agamemnon Nuclear Ramjet engine from SXT. It needs another engine to accelerate but once up to speed it needs no fuel so perfect for long-distance travel.
  6. Eve's atmosphere being thicker than most, adding additional scoops could be counterproductive as it would just increase drag massively and require more engines which require more fuel... I'll test it out later. If it turns out the Ka status is dry, I'll just bite the bullet with the slow (only 100m/s) and expensive ductfanmobile. That is, when I'm done upstaging Elon Musk after 'omitting' some parachutes.
  7. Hm, I took a look at the cfg and apparently Eve gets no special treatment with regards to atmospheric Ka placement (on every planet it's randomised between 10-1000ppm apart from Kerbin, locked at 10ppm), though the OPM gas giants and Tekto appaer to have very juicy amounts of atmospheric and exospheric Ka. Not sure whether to stick with my ductfanmobile on Laythe or lug a jet engine around or have to put up with stopping to refuel (primarily cost, my plane costs 1/4M)
  8. Is it reliable (in that you can use it in any atmosphere and don't get caught out by biome variations)? On the topic of Karbonite, how do you use the exospheric particle collector? I've tried it at a whole plethora of altitudes and bodies and so far the only place I've been able to find any space karbonite/karborundum is a tiny bit deep in Jool's gravity well where you have to use all the fuel you picked up getting back out.
  9. You can get LH2 and Oxidiser from running water through an ISRU, if you are using the bigger NTRs FTT adds or RealFuels with the NTRs(?). I still prefer using the ductfans for getting around atmospheres, since (if you're using reactors, which you pretty much have to with them), you don't have to keep stopping to refuel-I'm not sure if you can stay airborne indefinitely with Ka scoops. They're slower (I believe limited to mach 0.75), but you can reliably fly on gas giants with them. @DStaal your 2000th post!
  10. You know the stock ore->ISRU->fuel system still works with MKS, right (unless RSS disables it in some way? As for the fuel, most IRL rockets use LH2/LO2 or C12H26/LO2 mixes, so fuel could possibly (my chemistry is a little flaky), be obtained from some clever electrolysis and reactions of water and methane ices found on outer bodies-but I don't think Karbonite is really supposed to represent anything real.
  11. Having crew on the surface (and orbit?) of a planet will start to build up those three ratings depending on which professions they are (see this article, FundsBoost means they generate geology points, RepBoost generates kolonisation and ScienceBoost generates botany). As these ratings increase, they will provide buffs to certain parts. All MKS converter parts (Ranger, Tundra and MPU modules) and drills will get these buffs. For converters and drills, it's the vanilla efficiency formula*the geology rating as a decimal2 (e.g. if it is 120%, the decimal would be 1.2, which means you get a production mult of 1.44) with the exception of the agriculture module which uses geology rating*botany rating instead. You might find this mod useful: Kolonisation does not provide any direct bonuses, but once it hits 500% all kerbals with habtimes of over a year(?) gain permanent habitation when on the surface (and orbit?) when using USI-LS. As these ratings increae, it will also generate rewards in the relevant area (Geology gives funds, Botany gives science and Kolonisation gives rep) that can be collected from a Pioneer Module. We'll have to agree to disagree on that. To each his own, after all.
  12. Sure, but there is no place for them in the late game after inventing reactors, which is the sort of time people generally start thinking about colonies over getting out and doing science.
  13. You shouldn't need it in the first place, the standard reactors are vastly superior to the SPP in all ways-the 1.25m reactor weighs the same (after radiator addition), generates 4.6x as much power, costs less than half and can be refuelled with fuel that costs a fifth as much and does not decrease output as it depletes. The SPPs need a serious buff if they are to be competitive with the standard reactors, because atm the only advantages they have is a more Ranger-y look and a lower profile.
  14. MKS comes with TAC-LS support out of the box, but it is still only a half-unofficial compat patch and RD does not actively develop it, but the community occasionally does, so the compatibility status is unknown (I think it works atm). As for which LS mod, TAC is more 'realistic' with separate food, water and oxygen, while USI rolls all these together under generic 'supplies', which means it's simpler to transport and produce. However, USI also includes the 'habitation' caveat, which means you actually have to give your kerbals some space instead of just sticking them in a tin can and blasting them off to Eeloo for a century. It also has the (by default) option to turn kerbals into tourists when their supply (plus a 15-day grace period after they run out) or habitation timer (can be extended with additional seats and parts that have ModuleHabitation i.e. the PPD-4, bits from MKS and various crew modules from SXT) ticks down to zero , so it's a bit more 'kerbal' instead of the only outcomes being 'die, die or die'. MKS is engineered around the demands of USI-LS and without it parts such as kerbitats and the habring are just heavy and expensive eyecandy and I would recommend using USI-LS for MKS and a normal game, and TAC-LS for use with a more KSP-ROish mod suite.
  15. You can adjust the RGB values on light to change their colour (adv. tweakable?). In this instance, they just reduced the green component to zero to make pink.
  16. Let's just hope they don't press spacebar.
  17. I aced a rendezvous landing on my Minmus base. That doesn't sound very special, until you see that I had jacked the vacuum ambient light level with PlanetShine down to 0.01 (basically Vantablack-default is 0.03, which is orders of magnitude brighter) to make landing and docking at night a real challenge-however, on forgetting any lights like an idiot, I had to land in total darkness: When you add in the fact that I was in the comm shadow at the time and only had limited probe control (as the ship was only carrying tourists), I'm amazed I managed to land it at all (thanks to MJ's radar alt display and BBT's time-to-impact readout). I had no idea how close I had landed..... .....until Kerbol rose on the most accurate landing in my entire KSP history, while flying near-blind and with no throttle ability or MJ autoland. Sometimes I still amaze even myself.
  18. I do a lot of shuttle runs to Minmus, so I deliberately over-engineer my shuttle to be partially reusable. The ejection, landing and return section is all in one stage and always has enough DV to re-circularise in LKO for a precise, gentle re-entry. The only bit that gets destroyed is the first stage, which is entirely cheapo boosters (it's one of the reasons why I always give my craft >2KMS of SRB DV on launch). On a typical run with a decent landing, I typically end up recouping about half the launch cost of the ship.
  19. After seeing Nerdcubed's KSP video 'The Big Bang', I thought 'this is interesting, I'll remember KSP for later when I move off this craptop'. After I did move to a PC and playing some Civ V and Cities:Skylines, Steam decided to recommend it to me since it was a sim. At that point, I remembered my thought, did a Markiplier-esque 'SPAAAAAAACE' and never looked back. Turns out I can actually build some good rockets. I've now clocked up 1,850 hours in 8 months. Please send help.
  20. Heh, I do similar. I do wait for the windows to come around but instead of pootling around from a to b, I do the spacecraft equivalent of flooring it with zero regard for efficiency. This means an express trip to Duna from LKO can cost >6KMS DV, an especially challenging challenge as I only ever use LFO engines unless where absolutely necessary (ion engines on my OPM probes and SXT NRMs on my OPM crewed craft). At least I have reason to do this thanks to LS concerns-you would struggle to make more expensively over-engineered vessels than me as well. I can't wait for the automation, making repeated cargo runs gets very grindy after a while.
  21. Forget the tube, I'm not sure that's the intended use of a Duna module either . Who knew they could be used in rovers?
  22. Aren't applicants listed in the vanilla persistence as well? The kerbals you're looking at might still 'spawn' for the AC even though they can't be hired directly any more. I can think of plenty more cheaty cheats with the persistence than the odd free crewmember.
  23. @linuxgurugamer Are you open to new mod integration patches? If so, I have one to pull in for USI-LS, if @RoverDude is ok with that.
  24. In order: You need a Duna/Tundra Pioneer module to do that, no and no again (at least certainly not within MKS).
  25. On the topic, I am thinking of writing a patch to add some LS functionality to parts from SXT-where should I submit the patch to? EDIT: Looks like there is a "Patches" folder in SXT, I'll submit it there. And @RoverDude where are these balance guides? EDIT 2: I made a PR with it in to the SXT git, hopefully linux will merge it in. Get it here in the meantime (it goes under SXT/Patches/ModCompatibility). EDIT 3: Compatibility is in .
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