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Everything posted by voicey99

  1. Standard three-piece. I very luckily found a very rich water spot to mine (for hydrogen fuel) and possibly doing KIS once there (so I need an engineer), I have science to do (scientist needed) and am going to be frequently in the comm shadow (pilot needed).
  2. What would work best for a roughly 20-year round trip to a planet (i.e. the most habtime for the least weight)? So far I'm using a cupola, Orca, H-Q 3.75m KT and a H-C 3.75m KT. Is there a better way to do this?
  3. You know any kerbal with a hab/home timer of >50 years has permanent habitation, right? There's no need for any of that.
  4. ON loading the shiplist in the VAB, one of my craft turned out to be corrupted (it has since been removed), with these three errors popping up in the console (not necessarily in this order): Could somebody elaborate on what this means so I can stop it happening again? .craft of the broken ship (needs NFC, lots of USI stuff, TS and SXT)
  5. If it had no RGU, how did it have control in the first place?
  6. If a kerbal goes into permagrump mode and seems to be permanently bugged, go into your persistence and search for 'LIFE_SUPPORT_SETTINGS'. Find the relevant kerbals' 'STATUS_DATA' listing and change their OldTrait from Tourist to whatever they were before.
  7. The hovertext for the setting does say base cost, so it probably means the minimum cost rather than an override.
  8. If I recall, that thing runs off Karbonite and Karborundum, which actually could be pretty convenient as Leto has decent amounts of both surface and exospheric Ka and Ka+ (20-25% Ka all over the surface and 2-8% at whatever altitude in the exosphere, and 0.5-1.5% Ka+ over most of the surface and 0.2-0.4% in the exosphere). Bear in mind you will have to shuttle resources to and from the surface in a separate craft.
  9. I don't know how the automated system is going to work (it's still not yet finished by a long way), you'll have to ask @RoverDude for that, but I think it might be just a constant stream of resources for a constant periodic fee according to the volume and distance (I'm not sure if the rate will vary with distance, but cost certainly will). It's designed to be less cost-efficient than just shipping them yourself but it cuts out the dull and repetitive supply runs.
  10. Even the small warpdrive costs 2M (the large costs 12.5M), so you have to have a lot of money to burn to use them regularly (in career). By burning a bit of extra fuel, transfer times to Leto could probably be reduced to about five years (going off the basis that Plock from OPM takes 70 years normally but can be brought down to 8 years by giving it some welly).
  11. The very first lines of the GPP wiki article about Leto say this about settling it: I took a look at the cfgs and Leto is indeed designed not to have any of a lot of resources (check /GPP/GPP_Resources), including uraninite and raremetals. There is no way around that. There is a feature coming to MKS in the nearTM future where you will be able to automate shipping resources from bases on other planets, but given Leto's isolation this will probably be costly and slow. Uraninite can be shipped in as EnrichedUranium easily as you need so little of it, but as far as RareMetals go, you're stuffed unless you're willing to bite the bullet and ship them in from elsewhere. The closest place to get them from would be Hox (given Argo is also devoid of any).
  12. Specifically, the unmanned Mobile Processing Units can push to (but can't pull from) PL, not the vanilla ISRUs. Logistics modules can also push (but not pull) without a pilot/quartermaster in them.
  13. Anything is possible when you give a robot the same stuff you use to inflate space balloons.
  14. No offworld construction to be found here, I always ship everything from the KSC (A: Because I haven't ever been arsed to learn how to use GC/OSE and B: I like the realism challenge. I don't trust field mechanics to build a very delicate spacecraft with suspiciously generic resources). When I do stick larger things together (e.g. stations) it's with the comparatively more reliable construction ports.
  15. I don't use KIS for anything more than bolting on forgotten solar panels and antennas, so I couldn't tell you. Give it a go with gravity hacked to some absurdly low value.
  16. Try testing out attaching a fully laden S3-14400 to something to see if it's just big and heavy parts in general that KIS doesn't like.
  17. ...I forgot that. Sorry. Still,I think it might be something to do with the automatic caps on the end to connect different diameter parts causing clipping, but that's just a wild guess. Maybe use construction ports instead? Or maybe it's the parts just being too large for KIS to handle correctly?
  18. What I want to know is why you decided to stuff a 3.75m kerbitat into a KIS container instead of moving it around as-is. That's probably why you haven't got anyone else saying they are getting it.
  19. It's in the USI Constellation release, under /bobpalmer instead of /umbraspaceindustries.
  20. ...And this is why I always over-engineer everything or give my ships a backup RGU (unless you are playing on hardcore death mode).
  21. Unless you are using an old version, it includes some aspects of the mod TRP-Hire that allows you to customise the kerbals you hire.
  22. Chance is everything, I've got a string of males as well. Statistically your chance of getting 5 females in a row is 1/32 so it's not unheard of. But yes, it works.
  23. Are you saying the balance sheet is out of date? Given it still had the notes from your tutorial video on it and was created in June last year, I think it might not have been touched for some time.
  24. Hm. If me running the numbers is correct the PPD-12 is unbalanced for what it provides (it should apparently use 5.25ec/s and weigh 3.025t to get what it does). I based most of my configs on how the modules compare up to the PPD-12 so if this is the case then that's a problem-or am I doing this wrong? You're behind on the versions, that 'bug' was fixed three months ago in v0.50.15.
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