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Everything posted by Spricigo

  1. Actually the cause of the discrepancy its because this is an example of variation of momentum. DeltaV is given by the Tsiolkovsky Rocket Equation, it is based on the principle of momentum conservation: the propellant moves down, the rocket moves up. So far, so good. But we don't have only this, we also have Gravity and Drag, external forces that change the momentum. Newton's 2nd Law.
  2. Lets do the math and find out. VAP = Stronger AP * ( Sum of AP / Strongest AP ) ^ ( Average Weighted Combinability Exponent for Vessel ) Range = SQRT ( VAP1 * VAP2) where VAP =Vessel antenna Power, AP=antenna power, Combinability expoent its 3/4 for all antennas except Communutron 16 and 16S (we'll use 3/4 for this case) RA-2, rated at 2G; RA-15, rated at 15G; RA-100, rated at 100G For 1x RA-2 to 1xRA-2 range = 2Gm For 1xRA-100 to 1xRA-2 range=SQRT(100*2)=14,14Gm For 2xRA-2 to 2xRA-2 VAP=2*(4/2)^(3/4)=3,36 range=3,36Gm For 1xRA100 to 2xRA-2 range =SQRT(100*3,36)=18,33Gm For 1xRA15 to 1xRA-15 range=15Gm For 1x100G to 1xRA15 range=SQRT(100*15)=38.73Gm Jool SOI radius 2,5Gm Pol Semi-major axis 180Mm
  3. Maybe there was some minor mistake in how I read your previous post and a small divergence about what we think may be relevant in OP's situation but definitively not a competition.
  4. If your only concern its to transfer resources between vessels I suggest you to use DMagic's EVA Resource Transfer instead. You can found it there:
  5. And I felt that not mentioning that you method was for MOVING ONLY made your advice somewhat less clear. Considering what you didn’t said previously even the just retracting the winch fits the description of plugging the parts together. This make no sense, he explicit asked:
  6. Calculus, check Trigonometry, check Will to endure it, not check.
  7. @GoSlash27 sorry about my imprecise answer early. Intended to point that the small tanks are linked to the core and not just to each other . Actually, considering all technical details, the best way to understand your design its to download the craf and launch it. The same way the best way to understand a painting it's to look at it.
  8. Profit until everything starts to wobble and explode.
  9. If I'm not mistaken you can configure parts to contribute to weight limit. My suggestion its to ask about in the add-on discussions subforum
  10. No Sandbox is complete without the bully tossing sand in everyone's face.
  11. some option: various mods in the last thread, EVA Resource Transfer its the one you are looking for. For refuelling I use EVA Resource Transfer, the advantage its that the vessels remain separated (no wobble problems)
  12. the liquid engine uses it (there is external fuel ducts linking it to central tank)
  13. I approve this product (not that it means much..or anything at all)
  14. After docking, right click and there will be an option to weld the parts. It as simple as the gif in the mod thread shows.
  15. Not a answer, just some question you probably would consider: How much time it will require to apply that 1000m/s with the jetpack? How much you will be losing to gravity at this point? How will you manage to do apply deltaV in the correct direction? I suspect that, if is possible at all, is not even near practical.
  16. Without further information my assumption it's that your satellite lacks a usable attachment node, if that is the case use the reroot tool to change the root part of the satellite accordingly. Otherwise, please try to provide some images. It may help us to visualize your problem.
  17. This may not be possible in your case or even in the general case, but maybe detaching the problematic part with KAS would save you from loading a old save. KAS don't allow to detach parts with other parts attached so it depends on what the game think it's attached to what.
  18. As Said in my early post, I'm lazy. I did a speedreading and jumped to the conclusion the formula was used to determine speed at given altitude since that was what OP asked. Well, looks like proper reading is not as overrated as I thought. That said thrust(/Isp) varies with pressure according with the atmosphereCurve. It look in the configs like that: atmosphereCurve { key = 0 300 key = 1 280 key = 9 0.001 } And to really see the curve you want something like that: If someone manage to extract a formula from all that, nice. I'm sure I won't, mostly because it still is some steps away from an util result (and these steps involves calculus)
  19. This. A good design is one that you can just launch with a few degrees of inclination and it will do a gravity turn by itself or with help of SAS set to prograde. It takes time to be able to do it consistently but is also very rewarding.
  20. I pretend I do like it while in reality I usually say "oh, looks like I didn’t overengineered this one!"
  21. I didn’t check your math and have no idea how do you come up with the equation(mostly because I'm lazy). However I suggest to check it in a airless body. The reasoning its that lower thrust results in lower speeds and thus lower drag, since you get closer results with lower thrust there is reason to suspect drag is causing the difference. I suspect that the actual formula(even ignoring drag) will have at least a ln and will need some calculus for deduction. Its really something I'm not willing to delve into, the "how useful is"/"how difficult to do" ratio its not high enough for me.
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