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Everything posted by Spricigo

  1. So, you could as well be flying a rocket in the way up if you didn't wanted the wings for reentry. Which seems to be his point. BTW don't confuse 'sensible TWR' with 'low TWR'. A more powerful design will have their own advantage, such as a shorter time to achieve orbit and less trouble with drag. Rather than being paranoid with efficiency, go for effective designs that got the job done. Personally, I'm more of a rocket guy and even my eventual spaceplane tend to have a healthy TWR and not much wing. So I indeed switch from "flying a plane" to "flying a rocket" at quite a low altitude.
  2. Não tinha visto o post, mas o fato de ser "extremamente devagar" já era esperado. O motor de ion é extremamente fraco, somente 2kN no espaço e míseros 50N ao nivel do mar. O parametro que define o impulso maximo do motor é maxThrust=2 (o numero é o valor em kN). Como referência o primeiro motor (Flea) tem 192kN de impulso (163kN no nivel do mar) e o Mammoth (mais forte no jogo normal) tem 4000kN(3746kN NdM) Não tenho ideia de como o jogo esta tratando o consumo de energia. Pelo que entendo o jogo consome combustivel baseado no impulso especifico (Isp) do motor. O que não tem sentido neste caso porque é defindo como quantidade de impulso por massa de propelente utilizado, como eletricidade não tem massa isso é uma divisão por zero. (o jogo pode até estar utilizando um valor-lixo qualquer) De qualquer forma os unicos valores que tem algo a ver com a quantidade de combustivel utilizado é o Isp e o ratio=1.8 . posta ai qual foi a modificação que você ja fez que talvez alguem tenha alguma ideia. PS:Muita coisa no config esta em inglês. Se tiver um conhecimento minimo ou mesmo usar o tradutor do google já consegue se virar um pouco.
  3. In Stock, relay antennas have the ability to further extend your communication network and ask as a Node between the Control Point (KSC or Remote) and your active craft. In Remote tech all antennas have that ability. Now if you want a antenna, in Remote Tech, that don't need to have a target to work what are you looking for is a Omnidirectional antennas. You find a list of the antennas in remote tech and their stats in this link. Notice that it don't even mention which ones are relay since that is not a thing in RT.
  4. Basta o arquivo .cfg os demais o jogo 'puxa' os originais mesmo. O que você vai mudar é o que esta escrito detro do arquivo. Pra editar o arquivo .cfg bata abrir num editor de texto e ter o cuidado de na hora de salvar manter o mesmo tipo de arquivo.
  5. Sim. Mas vai precisar mudar a primeira linha name=ionEngine (isso é o id da parte) e também é bom mudar a parte title= IX-6315 "Dawn" ... (O nome que vai aparecer no jogo) Se algum dia produzir impulso suficiente pra fazer uma manaobra em menos de uma década, pode ser. Por enquanto é ainda somente uma ideia.
  6. Well, I'm too lazy to check out if MM can do it. So I'll instead just assume you are correct (at least until I have a good enough reason to test it). As a result: thank you for the correction.
  7. So, there is the method you use and there is the method you more often see people using. And you want to know which one is "better". So you just nees to try that method you see so often and see how it goes. Certainly there is some reasons to go supersonic while still low in the atmosphere. But if those are good enough reasons for you, that is another story.
  8. If you don't mind an extra mod: In any case copy-paste in the file explore should work. Are you sure you are moving it to the correct location?
  9. No, as suggested use Almost sure you already have it, since is a dependency to, and blunded with, a lot of mods.
  10. Em geral modificar uma parte é relativamente simples, basta mudar os parâmetros do config (que basicamente é um arquivo de texto com uma extensão diferente). O recomendável é que não se edite o arquivo diretamente, mas se utilize o Module manager que ira apenas fazer as modificações durante o loading inicial do jogo. Isso por três motivos: 1)se você fizer caquinha, o arquivo original estará intacto. Vai ser mais fácil de corrigir 2) A alteração, por estar em um arquivo diferente, não será apagada numa eventual atualização ou checagem de arquivos. 3)E contra a EULA e ToS alterar o arquivo de config, por se tratar de propriedade intelectual da SQUAD TAKE2. (Claro que não se espera que a polícia va bater na sua porta por causa disso, mas mesmo assim é um motivo) Agora, o que nem sempre é muito claro é o que exatamente você precisa mudar no config. Neste caso o config lá pe!as tanta diz: EngineType = Electric PROPELLANT { name = ElectricCharge ratio = 1.8 } PROPELLANT { name = XenonGas ratio = 0.1 } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 4200 key = 1 100 key = 1.2 0.001 } Falando do pouco que sei: ratio=1.8 e ratio=0.1 significa que o motor usa 1.8 carga eletrica pra cada 0.1 de Xenon. No bloco atmosphereCurve a primeira coluna de números representa a pressão em atmosferas, a segunda coluna representa o Isp que o motor vai ter pra aquela pressão A minha dúvida é o que acontece se remover Xenon do config, já que não tem sentido falar de Isp quando não existe fluxo de massa. Não faço ideia se o jogo vai bugar por causa disso, simplismente consumir 1.8EC/s ou sei lá o que. Quem resolver mexer com isso (por conta risco!), por favor diga os resultaros. Diga-se de passagem: essa mudança joga pela janela as dificuldades de utilizar o motor de ions. Retirar o requerimento de xenônio é o mesmo que ativar a trapaça de combustível infinito e encima disso você ainda esta reduzindo o gasto de eletrecidade.
  11. Oberth Effect... I'm not moving, my velocity is 0 and my Kinetic energy is 0. If now my velocity change by dV my Kinetic energy will be 1/2*m*dV2, That is a change in energy of 1/2*m*dV2. A friend of mine is now moving, his velocity is V and his Kinetic energy is of 1/2*m*V2 (we have equal mass). If his velocity change by dV his Kinetic energy will be 1/2*m*(V+dV)2 or 1/2*m*(V2+2.V.dV+dV2) , that is a change of 1/2*m*(2.V.dV+dV2) or m*.V*dV + 1/2*m*dV2 We both changed or Knetic Energy by 1/2*m*dV2 . But he got extra m*.V*dV from the Oberth Effect. It become easier to see with a diagram: Notice that is nothing new, just a mathematical/graphical way to tell what @Snark, @OhioBob, @Starman4308, @Kosmo-not, @foamyesque and @OHara already said in plain words. Also seems to be what the OP was talking about, given what he marked as best/correct answer. Well, I think those are smart guys, however a claim is as good ass the evidence behind it. Fortunately there is that enough evidence for their claim, and I make mine those words: yes, lets see it: and again
  12. All those drawback is are also a reality for RCS used for docking. But not everything is about efficiency, something we do think in a 'less than optional' way just because is easier to do it that way. Laziness in its finest.
  13. One could suggest exactly the opposite, to take advantage of the high ISP, despite its lack of power. The Dawn engine will suffer less from a bad mass fraction so it can have better deltaV bugged even with extra generators, batteries or even more engines, OTOH the 2kN of thrust may be enough as long the craft don't become too heavy. Anyway, given how much that is a matter of opinion/taste, that is to each one to decide. (For the record: my gripe with the dawn engine is the energy requirement and consequent thinkering about what generator/batteries to use and also the dry/wet mass fraction of xenon tanks. I still use it in some situation but more often I just go with the much simpler and cheaper ant or spider.) @BenniYT please, provide a (few) screenshot(s) of your vessel and a brief description of how the mission is going, so we can give better advice.. Among the detail that may be useful for us is how much deltaV and time your maneuvers are taking and how they are setup. Your problem can either be a design problem (your craft lack performance to execute the mission) or a piloting problem (you are not doing the mission in a efficient way) or even a mix of the two, so we need to figure out which one before we propose a more effective solution. So far there is something that I consider a clear design flaw: the Stayputinik is a very basic(cheap and low-tech) probecore that don't have SAS or built-in reaction wheels, there is no reason to use it in a sandbox game except looks or self-imposed challenge. I'd go either with the RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit, the Probodobodyne HECS2 or the Probodobodyne OKTO2, depending on how I'm concerned about mass, functionalities and/or part count.
  14. well, for that vague question I have some vague idea.: 1.I'd build the part of my rocket that I want to bring back and strap enough parachutes so it can slowdown enough to not crash. 2. Protect the craft with heatshield or/and fairing so it can resist reentry heat. 3.Attach to it engines and fuel tanks to perform the necessary maneuvers to bring the vessel from Jool to Kerbin. 4.Attach to it engines and fuel tanks to perform the necessary maneuvers to send the vessel from Kerbin to Jool 5.Attach to it engines and fuel tanks to put the vessel in orbit from the surface of Kerbin. Along that process I'd make adjustments (adding more stuff) accordingly to the objectives and necessities of the mission. So I will wait your clarification about the details of the mission before trying to offer more specific advice. Also, we have no idea of ho much experience or skill you have. It will be considerable hard to offer useful advice if you don't have at least a bit of experience/familiarity with the game, in particular some concept of rocket design and orbital mechanics Likewise you will have a lot of trouble executing a complex interplanetary mission without some more basic concepts sorted out.
  15. In any case most mods for 1.3 seems to work fine with 1.3.1. it's actually quite common that mods stay functional through a few game version. In any case his thread may be usefull:
  16. The point is that there is no such thing as an Antenna Range. The Link Range need to be calculated from the Antenna Power of both vessels/ground station involved. The AP of the RA-2 is 2Gm AP, while a Ground station have 2Gm(lvl1), 50Gm(lvl2) or 250Gm(lvl3). The range between a the relay and a lvl3 ground station is a lot bigger than between 2 relays. further detail
  17. There is also a number of mods that help with the process if you are planning to do it often.
  18. He means using the Cheat Menu, accessible by MOD+F12, to mark the contract as completed.
  19. That is what the game think is a station and what the contract system consider a station (except for the crew capacity, game asks for only five for me, and maybe would even consider stations with lower capacity). How you categorize the vessel is not relevant for stock contracts.
  20. Well, maybe my fault to assume aerocapture&landing. in any case bad choice of words, major problem make it sound like a big deal when what I intended to say is that may not go exactly as planned. Lets say you still capture around Duna, but the orbital heigh is far off where you wanted it; or what was supposed to be a landing turn out to be an aerocapture in low orbit. Not a catastrophic failure but still a flaw in the mission.
  21. The major problem I see its that Duna's terrain heigh varies a lot more than Kerbin's. So the same Periapsis may result either in a nice landing or a crash depending on if there is a valley or a hill when you get there. Also, because of the thin atmosphere, you need to be a lot closer to the ground to it actually work efficiently in the first place, which further limite the 'security margin' you may have. In any case is still quite doable, just save it so you can load and adjust if thinks don't go as expected in the first try.
  22. Why you don't bring a vessel with enough passenger capacity to get all tourist, Klaw the wreck, transfer everyone and then release the wreck?
  23. An unmanned vessel just don't have a Kerbal on board but still need someone to control it. They are not autonomous. While you can solve it putting one or two competent pilots in specialized vessel near your unmanned vehicles, the most common solution its to ensure a communication link back to a ground crew at KSC. For that communication link you need to setup a CommNet. Your craft , each with a communotron 88-88, should have no problem reaching back to KSC unless something(like Duna itself) get in the way between then and Kerbin. But, as mentioned, those direct antennas don't allow communication between then (they are like cellphones, but without the towers that provide the connection to the phone network).
  24. The game don't really give any, but some people still find their own reason to go there anyway. Science (and contracts) can be used to provide some incentive . But I think most people will just take paths of less resistence (like ->minmus surface->top the tech tree -> ????).
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