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Captain Mathus

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Everything posted by Captain Mathus

  1. i did a test install and the systems mostly seemed to work but i had some weird texture issue with the QP system being solid black with no textures but im not sure if that was a conflict or if i installed something wrong
  2. anyone know if this is compatible with OPM and the Kcalbeloh system? I'm always looking to add more places for my kerbals to visit.
  3. if anyone figures out a fix for the grass color, i know a lot of people who would be very happy about it. i don't remember it being a problem before when Parallax first came out, but it was the first thing i noticed when i recently came back to KSP, I took a long break while i was hoping KSP 2 would someday be playable.......alas it looks like that day will never come now so im back to KSP 1
  4. no I solved it, it had nothing to do with OPM, apparently Jakes Konstruct Statics causes Kerbinside Remastered to not work, i also had Ordinary Konstruction so i guess i had 2 broken kk static mods.
  5. hmm maybe ive made a mistake in my installs or it's something else causing it. I'll take another look at it later
  6. does anyone know if Kerbinside and kerbal konstructs works with this planet pack? I only recently came back to KSP and this is the first planet pack i have ever installed and although i did get part of kerbal konstucts workingm i could not get kerbinside or ksc extended to work. the planets are working perfectly im just wondering if anyone knows how to get them to work together
  7. Im having an issue where i see rocks floating above the ground. Ive noticed it most on Mun and Duna, can anyone suggest a fix? Maybe something in settings?
  8. Ive noticed the Fairings are not shiny even though the fairing base is, or do I have a separate mod interfering with it, im using restock, restock +, and a bunch of other mods
  9. Linuxgurugamer, you must be the hardest working Modder on Kerbin, keep up the good work
  10. i've been playing on PC for about a year, and now on PS4 for about 4 hours. just had my first PS4 VAB Crash. ive had this exact same crash hundreds of times in the PC version but i thought it was due to too many mods. anyways, i was building a ship in the VAB and as soon as i clicked on a new part in the menu my entire PS4 froze up, i couldnt move anything in the game, and even my PS button would not work. I had to use the physical power button on the PS4 Console. also is there any other way to go into normal time warp on PS4 than to click on the bar in the top? the button combo only does the x4 physics warp
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