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Everything posted by Homedawgian

  1. Red Iron, you're a funny guy! I love how you entertain the idea that "they who must not be named" to be real politics lol. Either way, fair enough.
  2. Can anyone confirm this? If this is the case, then there is clearly no QA process at all, just guess work. There's no way that they took 2 months to patch this just to have people lose their save files again, less than 2 days after release. QA consists of sitting down and playing the game extensively. If the patch hasn't worked then clearly there was no testing period. Sounds like a few people might be losing their jobs... Please please please be the case. If not, I'm completely done. I restarted just to be on the safe side. If all of this was for nothing then I will seriously consider filing for a class action.
  3. I played pretty extensively yesterday and no roll backs for me. I've even noticed a bunch of small improvements that really polish up KSP nicely. My crack is back!
  4. Yeah, really. I would like to see these myself. Xbox doesn't normally display that kind of info, so we would need them from either Squad or FT.
  5. I was just referring to the rule book on that one. Making claims like that requires citations. Not arguing here, just sayin'. Tone of voice is completely lost when you are talking via text rather than voice (the collective "you", not you personally). I wasn't meaning to sound snide or anything, I really do love you guys deep, deep down inside.
  6. False. Fact check yourself, bud. Dates, forums, fanbase and websites say otherwise. As for RW1984, my apologies for earlier. It's 95 degrees out here and I'm dying at work. I was under the impression I was speaking to another Xbox player earlier before you commented, and as for the multiplayer comment, I was referring to the games I had just listed, not KSP. My bad on the miscommunication, my temper can get short when it gets hot. Not sure why some of my text went bold there. Not intentional.
  7. And what part of that says PS4? And where did I say the PS4 content was soon? I'm done on these forums for the day, apparently if anyone wants my opinion, go ask RW1984. He puts the words in my mouth.
  8. None of the games that you listed fall into that category. They were all fully released, complete titles. KSP is widely known as a work in progress and has been for over 2 years I believe. It doesn't take much research at all to find that out. Do I think that the current state of KSP is acceptable? Absolutely not. There is not a single excuse for the fact that this made it passed QA. That being said, here we are, right before the update and already complaining about the future state of this game. Why bother? Either you like it or you don't. I absolutely love it, even though it is flawed at the moment, but I still have the free will to walk away if I wanted to.
  9. Perhaps we come from vastly different gaming backgrounds. Minecraft, Elite: Dangerous, Ark, Rocket League, 7 Days to Die, just to name a few. Those are all games that came from PC. Not one of them are caught up to or running parallel to their PC counterparts. I could be wrong, but can you name a single multiplayer game that is constantly updated, that was ported to consoles (like the games listed), that is actually running the same as the PC version? I can't think of a single one.
  10. First off, why bother playing KSP if you don't like the actual game? 1.1 is Kerbal Space Program. It isn't "some old version", it is the actual game itself AND it is the version that is currently available to PC players. 1.2 is in prerelease, not the current version, but I would guess around 6 months for console (which is reasonable). Nobody is preventing you from talking about 1.2 like the PC players or watching streams of the update. Secondly, the console version is never going to be caught up to PC. That's just the way it works, not just for KSP, but for all games that come from Steam (or PC in general). Thirdly, nobody MADE you pay for this "mess", you chose to do so. KSP is one of those games that will be constantly updated rather than being completed. It will always be a work in progress, rather than made to have a sequel. Lastly, nobody is answering your simple questions for exactly that, they are simple. Simple to the point that it only took a fellow gamer to answer them for you.
  11. I can't even begin to say how relieving it is to know I can get my KSP fix soon. Poor PS4 players, sending you my condolences. It really sucks that you guys always have to wait a little longer. Between waiting for the Fallout mods and the KSP updates I'd be pulling my hair out by now.
  12. Why not just go read them? They announced that the patch passed certification and will be released for Xbox this week.
  13. Yeah that would suck but, I'd say there's little to no chance that that would happen. Plus, that wouldn't fix anything, it would just delay the save files from crashing by 66%.
  14. I couldn't agree more. This is my exact feeling and point of view in this matter. I'd like it twice if I could.
  15. Haha I love you guys. In any other game/community forum I would have just posted my angry rant, replied once or twice, then move on with my life. Yet, here we are, continuing our 2 month long rant, still not giving up, but saying that we are. At least we can know that no matter how many days/months/years/decades we have to wait, it will most likely be worth the wait. "I wish I knew how to quit you, Kerbal Space Program!" (I'm using the phrase "worth the wait" VERY loosely.)
  16. I happen to be that guy lol. Nice to know that they replied within a day. Wish I could say the same for Squad. Well just to clarify, I was the guy who posted an inquiry about 30 minutes before the guy that they directly replied to. I guess he seemed to be more important than me . Either way, at least somebody acknowledged us.
  17. Yep yep. I've followed KSP since its inception. Haven't been able to play in until it was released for console because my computer couldn't handle it. I really do love Squad and I've had nothing bad to say at all up until now. That is what makes this so so sad. I'd expect this from EA or Activision, not Squad. I'm sure they have their reasons and that they aren't being intentionally negligent, but they are definitely lacking transparency. These bugs will be squashed sooner or later, I just wish we weren't left in the dark. This wait is killing me... It's like they invented virtual crack, got me hooked and now they are holding out on me. I might be starting to develop a twitch
  18. As heartless as it sounds, I think it would be nice if a larger, more staffed gaming agency would just buy out Squad. No offense to Squad or anything, they just need more people working on this and it seems that they've created something bigger than themselves. I mean if the developers for 'Ark: Survival Evolved' can produce release windows for patches in a timely manner WHILE maintaining communications with their fanbase, then why can't Squad or FT?
  19. Here we are at yet another Tuesday. I'm really hoping to hear about the patch today. I'd consider myself to be one of the more patient players out there but I have my limits. I really really don't want to give up on KSP for consoles but this is going to make or break this game for me. We haven't had an official anouncement in about a month and I'd expect SQUAD to say something by now. Please, deficate or get off the commode. Pretty please with sugar on top.
  20. But you are studying! There's no better way to study orbital mechanics and engineering than to keep doing the same thing over and over again lol. I've already put at least 200 hours into this game and about 120 of those hours spent redoing something because of that silly save file bug. I've gotten pretty good at avoiding it at this point. Just keep your ship saved files and active missions to an absolute minimum and I'd wait for the patch before building any stations. As for the in game time, the clock only seems to change for me in Career Mode.
  21. Sorry, I'm not completely understanding. You're not enmployed by Parks and Recreation? If not and you are a private company then I guess you're right, but if you are employed by P&R then you wouldn't be considered a 3rd party. If what you're saying is true, I'd assume that neither of our liabilty situations relate to how it works with video games. We'd need to find the fine print somewhere that explains how it all works. Either way, in my opinion, Flying Tiger seems to have made the mistake, not Squad, so I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree for now.
  22. Well, do any of you guys know for sure if that's the way it designates legal responsibility? I don't know for sure myself, but I'm a land surveyor and when we get subcontracted to do a survey for a client (i.e. I'm the 3rd party) we are held liable for any mistakes in regard to the final design meaning we get sued, not them. I'm not sure if that's the rule of thumb with video games but, I'm assuming that's the way it works. I could be wrong. Any lawyers around?
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