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  1. Great to hear! I mean, I was going to try it anyway but still, good to know Thanks!
  2. Hey @JadeOfMaar I wanted to thank you for keeping this mod alive! I'm just getting back into KSP and this was always one of my favorite parts packs. Just to check, currently SpaceDock shows 1.11.1 as the latest KSP version for the mod. Just want to confirm is that the last version that is "officially" supported?
  3. Also picking this back up after a few years and getting the same issue. So you're not alone.
  4. Hi taniwha, 1st I wanted to say I've used the mod for years but have never been on here to say thanks. So thanks! I have a question, and sorry if this has been addressed and I missed it, but the zip files on your site vs github for 6.5.1 are different sizes and github seems to have more folder and files. What is the difference between the 2 files? Do you recommend github or your personal site for the latest, *most stable* version? Thanks!
  5. I apologize if this is explained somewhere. I couldn't find it in the MKS guide or when searching google and this topic. In the PDU Control Panel there is a gear next to "On". Clicking that brings up another small panel with 9 icons. I can't find any documentation of what they do. Experimenting with them doesn't seem to change anything with the power generation that I can see. Granted, I am in initial testing and do not have a base or other craft/parts nearby. Anyone know what they do?
  6. Hey Mordrehl the Endurance mod has a very flat 1.25 docking port that works with standard ports. Maybe not a perfect solution depending on how you like the style but it's something! https://www.curseforge.com/kerbal/ksp-mods/endurance-interstellar-continued
  7. Ah OK and I went from 1.2.2 to 1.3.1. Now I don't feel as bad. Thanks Beetlecat. (By the way is that like a beetle mixed with battlecat? ) Man that's sweet. I'm assuming (based on those hydraulics) that the docking ring rotates flat down to the hatch?
  8. OK well thanks, hopefully I'll have better luck when I (eventually) update to 1.4+
  9. Hi Roverdude, I posted this about 3 weeks back and I'm guessing it got missed. I see you've been active on here so I thought I'd ask again. (see quote above). Thanks!
  10. Sir, you just blew my mind. I've been playing since v0.23 and have way too many hours under my belt to have never noticed that before. Thanks for your help!
  11. Hi there Taniwha, I've installed EL (5.9) a few times on 1.3.1 and I am not seeing the toolbar icon or right click menu option. I see some others have had this problem in the past but I didn't see where they found a solution. I was a little unclear on the installation. Instructions say to simply unzip the file into game data. However the file I'm downloading has a GameData folder as a subfolder. It is laid out like this... So I tried this 3 ways: Only copied the ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads folder from EL's GameData folder into KSP's GameData folder. Results: Launchpads, Rocketparts Containers, Workshop, other containers, etc. were all available. No menu/button in VAB/Flight. Copied contents of Extraplanetary-Launchpads-5.9.0 folder (except for GameData )into that folder's GameData folder; then copied that into KSP's GameData folder. Results: Same as #1 Did as instructed (because why try that 1st?) and copied entire contents of Extraplanetary-Launchpads-5.9.0 folder into KSP's GameData folder. Results: Only parts that are loaded are the single RocketParts hex containers. Any idea what may be wrong? Is there any additional information I can provide that could help find a solution? Any help is appreciated. EDIT: Never mind I figured it out. Because I was using an older version I used your Github link and downloaded the 5.9.0 zip from there. I see now that was the wrong file. (Is there a better place to get previous versions?) Luckily I found THIS ERROR REPORT on your Github where a previous version was linked as http://taniwha.org/~bill/Extraplanetary_Launchpads_v5.4.0.zip I changed the 4 to a 9 and I'm good to go now. Running fine.
  12. Oh man, my bad Guru. I had both threads up at the same time and posted on the wrong one! Sorry about that! Edit: (Hell of a fast reply btw. )
  13. Hey Nertea, sorry I missed your reply. Thanks for getting back to me. This is the pic I'm referring to... Mercury IVA How did you have that IVA show? All I get are the normal lit windows. Thanks again!
  14. Hi there, I've installed EL (5.9) a few times on 1.3.1 and I am not seeing the toolbar icon or right click menu option. I see some others have had this problem in the past but I didn't see where they found a solution. I was a little unclear on the installation. Instructions say to simply unzip the file into game data. However the file I'm downloading has a GameData folder as a subfolder. It is laid out like this... So I tried this 3 ways: Only copied the ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads folder from EL's GameData folder into KSP's GameData folder. Results: Launchpads, Rocketparts Containers, Workshop, other containers, etc. were all available. No menu/button in VAB/Flight. Copied contents of Extraplanetary-Launchpads-5.9.0 folder (except for GameData )into that folder's GameData folder; then copied that into KSP's GameData folder. Results: Same as #1 Did as instructed (because why try that 1st?) and copied entire contents of Extraplanetary-Launchpads-5.9.0 folder into KSP's GameData folder. Results: Only parts that are loaded are the single RocketParts hex containers. Any idea what may be wrong? Is there any additional information I can provide that could help find a solution? Any help is appreciated.
  15. Hi Nertea, thanks for updating this great mod. I wanted to ask you about using this with JSI Advanced Transparent Pods. I see 1 picture in your imgur album that shows the external IVA view on the Mercury, and I'm assuming ATP was how it was done. I don't seem to be able to use ATP with your parts, although it works with others. Tried reinstalling both and no luck. Thanks in advance for any ideas/help you can give. Edit: Couple points of clarifications - I'm on 1.3.1 and using SSPR v1.0.2. Also, when I say not working I also mean the ATP option in the right click menu is not available.
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